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 Hello fellow translators,

Here is some update of Translator++ :

Version 1.3.22

  • Adding context menu on file selector
  • Adding Row properties window
  • Adding File properties window
  • Adding license. Translator++ is licensed under GNU GPLv3
  • Fixing context menu placement on grid.
  • Adding Translator++ icon on the taskbar (finally)


Highlights of the updates: 

I finally had a time to create icon for the taskbar :

Context menu on the file selector makes thing more natural :

And context menu at the column header is also different with the one at the grid’s body

At column header:

At grid’s body:

Previously we can’t fully see the translation context, but we can see now in Row Properties window:

And now, the big thing is … License!

I never meant to being secretive about using 3rd party software in Translator++. Translator++  made possible because of great tools like RPGMTrans, MeCab, WolfTrans … etc that bundled within distribution package inside 3rdParty directory just for user convenience purpose. Some tools even anonymous and I had trouble finding out who the author is and which license they actually using (If it’s you, please kindly contact me at dreamsavior at google dot com).  Translator++ is less than 5 month old project… which I worked in my free time as a hobby…. So I’m truly sorry If I hadn’t paid enough attention to licenses, credits etc… I had so many things to do IRL lately…. I even just put my name as author of Translator++ in the application at February 19th release. I promise I will pay more attention to this aspect from here on.

By utilizing GNU GPL licensed 3rd party software, technically speaking this software must also licensed under GNU GPL version 3 or lesser. I’m no expert at software licensing… but I guess I’ll just stick with GNU GPL version 3. This match the criteria of license that I’ve planned.

That means : 

  • Translator++’s source codes are available publicly.
    Translator++ is created from integrating heap of texts written in js, css, html, php, ruby, python … (with minor exception which handle dlls that written with C#, but that source code is also included too) Well… obviously, I can’t hide the source code easily even if I wanted to… that’s interpreter language for you! 
  • You may add your own code and modify Translator++
  • You may redistribute Translator++ and your modified version of Translator++
  • There is no warranty for the program..

On top of that, Translator++ is a freeware. All version of Translator++ will eventually be made public in 1 or two month since it’s initial release (red. Early releases for Patrons). So, if you are a patron and tempted to share the “patron only” releases to public (I totally understand that)… well don’t bother to do that, that’s just wasting your precious time... because eventually every version of Translator++ will be made public officially at the right time ;) 

This version is available for everyone.

Please download new version of Translator++ from the download area.

Happy translating.



Hello. I have some question about your translation tool. Dose it have a max ammount if language that can be in a game? And dose it have support for russian/jap. And sorry for my bad spelling this is write on my phone.


In theory, it can be used to translate from & to any language. So, if you wish to translate a game manually, there is no language limitation for you. But if you need an aid from translation services they does have a limit for language that they support.


I love your tool so far been using it for a month now :D quick question of something thats been driving me crazy Is there a way to search for blank cells I do the batch translation and sometimes it misses a few lines and leaves it at 99% and looking through 3000 lines looking for the 3 or 4 that are keeping it stuck at 99% literally murders me


Huh? Why was my comment deleted? : (


unfortunately currently there is no easy tool for that. But I'll keep this in mind for future update ;)


Hello. Google Cloud and Bing does not translate from Eng to Ru. Only translation from Japanese to English works. Does not select files from folders. Encrypted archives only.


Hello, I'm having a problem trying to translate a Wolf RPG game using your Translator++ program. I'm using your video on translating Wolf RPG games on your youtube as a guide, and as far as I can tell I'm doing exactly what you're doing in the video, but whenever I try to test play it after following all of the steps the game won't even open and crashes on startup. I'm using the most recent version of Translator++, and I used batch translation to translate everything in the game, the game also ran just fine after the "renaming Data.wolf to Data.wolf.bak" step, hopefully you can help me with this since I'm completely stumped :(.


You overtranslate your game. Please take a note that proper translation does require human intervention to check some things that needs to be left untranslated... in example variables, scripts or file names.


I'm probably a dummy, but I cant figure out what I'm supposed to input in the API KEY field for google cloud. I already made a project and I got the json key, but I cant make it work. Is there a tutorial for it?


I think I found a problem in the Bing translation; the querys it is sending to the translation server appears bigger than Bing allows on some occasions, I think the code in charge of splitting the translations up into 5000 character chunks doesn't take into account the Line delimiter so often when sending multiple batches it sends lengths over 5000 and Bing translator just responds with a 400 status code. Edit: I did some testing and found that the Bing translate, I think translates in Ascii or byte by byte, while your system (mostly just JavaScript) uses Unicode characters. This causes issues as their system count a Japanese character as often 3 or 2 characters while your system counts them as 1 which means that the character size is much bigger then allowed (NOTE; their website translator also uses JavaScript and has the same issue of miss representing Unicode characters), I currently am bypassing the issue by changing line 2986 form loading setting to 2000 to compensate for the incorrect counting, and this lags the system more but it at least works now.


<a href="http://prntscr.com/n5hjgx" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://prntscr.com/n5hjgx</a> <a href="https://prnt.sc/n5hisi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://prnt.sc/n5hisi</a>


Google Cloud does not translate from English to other languages... Only translation from Japanese to English works.


I tried translating 4 different game that using RPGVXAce engine. I usually decrypted the rgss3a file before translating it. But for some reason one of them can't be open (it's said DONE, but stuck at loading), It said can't find the specific file.


I can't seem to find where to download this, i have the old version but wanted to switch to the newer version after my current project.


Hey, I've been using this for a few days and it's a fantastic tool, thank you so much for making it. I hit a problem today though. In the translation pane all the Google translate boxes say click to connect, even though I have done it multiple times. Bing still works and Atlas has never showed anything. How do I get Google to start translating again? I can't see any options to get it back again so I'm not sure if Google has just stopped letting me connect or something. Again, thanks for making this. EDIT: So I tried it today and Google now works. I must have been using it too much :P


Hello. Im trying to translate monster girl quest paradox part 2 but the game dosen't have a data folder. What should I do?