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Hello everyone,

Thank you for all your support, feedback and posts. And I’m sorry I can’t reply all your post and question. But don’t worry, I assure you that I have read all your feedback and posts. 

Here is the highlight for Translator++ ver 1.1.18 :

Regular Expression

Now we can use regular expression on Find & Replace tool. If you are familiar with regular expression, this tool can help you with bulk-correction, searching for tags / command or inline script. Any javascript’s regular expression can be used (you might want to take a peek at javascript’s regular expression documentation here). 

More clear error reporting when running batch translation

I received a lot … seriously... a lot of feedback mentioning about unclear error message when running batch translation. In this version I added more detailed information about the error (along with friendly suggestion on what to do).


You have the access to extracted resources now

Some people asked me if we can access the extracted game resources when creating Translator++ project. Well … The sole goal of Translator++ is to provide an aid for game translator, so … I thought it’s not a good idea to let users meddling with proprietary resources of the game (ex. Images, audio) other than the texts itself. Originally, after fetching the texts, Translator++ will remove all temporary extracted resources from your system. I still do believe that this is the best practice. But …some nice people argued that sometime we also need to translate the images… hence, access to extracted resources is needed… and it’s too meddlesome to handle this task separately. Why not use the extracted resources that has already extracted by Translator++?. For that reason, I decided to let you have access to the resources and entrust it all to your moral conscience. :D

What changed in version 1.1.17:

  • Updated : Enigma VB Unpacker to version 0.55 (https://lifeinhex.com)
  • Feature Added : Accessing extracted resources after extracting archive files. So the user can work with other extracted resources (ie: images)
  • Behavior change : In order to give the capability to access extracted resources, cache will not be automatically deleted after project creation. So cache removal will be handled by OS or on demand by user. (Warning : watch your system's disk space)
  • Error on batch translation now will give clear explanation.
  • Replace function improved, now showing original text along with the change.
  • Feature Added : We can now use regular expression on Find & Replace function.
  • And several bug fix.

This version is available in patron’s repository.

How about public release? 

Well… I have a plan to create a public release in early February. Stay tuned! :D

Thank you.



Hi there, I really like your Translation Tool, but could you add the ability to open or load already unpacked games? Like Habisains RPG Maker Trans. I sometimes need to edit internal parameters inside the script file via the RPG Maker Editor after a translation. Re-applying the translation with Translation++ overwrites this edits. Also a feature that would allow the user to backup all manual translation to a specific folder would be great. Saving a translation to a translation.trans file kinda does nothing if you are missing the corresponding cache folder which gets very confusing very fast if you have multiple cache folders with cryptic names like 245721969d48ad3522f041f3b0c72b57.


Would it be possible to make the Context Tool selector input grow with the window size? Also, could you make an alternative to the Blacklist Context Tool, but it's a Whitelist Context Tool instead (i.e. whatever doesn't have at least one whitelisted context gets dropped), for some games it's easier to whitelist what is safe to translate than blacklist what isn't. Your tool is like a hundred times better than what I used before, good job!


Thank you for your feedback Vellithe. About whitelist instead of blacklist.... sure, that is a nice feature to have. Let's see what can I do about that in the future update. ;)


Hi T4ke. Thank you for your suggestion and your support. About *.trans file ... Yeah... This file can't do anything without It's corresponding game data. I'm agree with you these trans file need an upgrade. I'm still working on improving the saving, export and import function. Please look forward to Translator++ future update.


Please help :( I'm trying to run this on a game that has a main.rvdata2 file. After translating the files inside it in translator++ under data-tes\extract_main and exporting to project it doesn't make a new main.rvdata2 file with the translation. Instead i get errors like "Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\.......\trans.php on line 830". and in the command window that was patching main.rvdata at the end it says "The batch file cannot be found". As near as i can determine line 830 in trans.php is foreach ($fileData['parameters'][$rowId] as $thisParamKey => $thisParams) { and since my programming skills are nonexistent I don't know if that's the actual problem or something i changed while translating the game


I hit a bit of a snag at the "export project" step of using this program. The common events file for the project I'm trying to translate is apparently so long that it "exceeds the upper limit" and as a result the translation could not be parsed, making the file still be in Japanese. Considering the common events are the entire reason I'm playing this game, this is not an acceptable outcome, as I'm sure you can imagine. Is there any kind of workaround I can use to get the translated common events file exported? Thanks in advance.


Hi Robert Henry, Thank you for reporting this error. I had a problem recreating this error you mention, since the other game with TES encrypted file that I tested are working fine. If it is not too much a hassle, please email me the log of your export process. Thank you in advance.


Hi Overlord Author, What engine does your game use? Was it MV or VX variant? Honestly this is first time I heard that there is an error because of common events being too long. How many rows does your common event have? (you can see it on the status bar at the bottom of Translator++). Have you tried exporting only common event file? Is there any error on the log when you export the file?


This doesn't work with wolf editor. After i click export nothing happend.


till now there is no good tool that work great with wolf's games