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Updated version of the previous work i posted some time ago shade and now with background  included.

For now same description as before + update:

i would like you to read first what we know right now about this girl:

"A girl from Rena who brings the curse of thorns to whoever touches her. With an ulterior motive of her own, she allies herself with Alphen and fights against her own people"

So my silly idea after read this was to play with that "curse" around whoever touches her. She is resting her feet and his ally Alphen got the silly idea to prove how exactly that works like by taking advantage to such situation with tickles, Shion notice it and just warn him...

I was looking to do an actual tickle pic of her later, but she has so much details to work with that made me feel lazy to work with her armor again, but who knows, maybe if you guys want it i can come with something more involving her, around the time the game get released i think? but you will need to let me know here uwu.

as i anounced  weeks ago after the E3, there was a game that got my interest at the xbox conference, people that know me might get an idea but for people that was wondering until today, that game was Tales of Arise, im a huge fan of the franchise and get to know there is gonna be a new game that day was just super amazing, im so excited to play it and i had to show my excitment by doing something with the new female protagonist.

Hope you enjoy this

 I will post this one on DA in some weeks




Hm what am I thinking? I'm thinking about it's cool that you started foot art with one of the girls in the new Tales game happening soon. She looks great, like the detail in the outfit you had for her. Looks really elaborate and must've taken a lot of time. The background looks nice too, like that slanting wall in the background, that looks cool.