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Final version of previous work updated recently for the  victim box 5.  Background now added.

once again the actual result is quiet different to the previous sketch so considering that, if you want , you can see it an alternative sketch . 

same description as before:

As you see months ago there it was a picture with Aqua, so we can say that this is a kind of sequel but also happening at same moment as whats going on with Aqua, but how this happened?

Kazuma managed to convince the dumb goddess aqua to help him with a project, it wasnt so hard to convince her so with that setle he thought it could be great idea get darkness's help as well, for kazuma's surprise that was even easier than Aqua because as long Kazuma did a "small" favor to darkness and explain what help he was looking for she got extremly excited (or looks like so) since she was trying to hide out it by saying how she cant be doing something like so, of course this pride of her didnt last to long and she acepted quickly, now in the picture you can see the results of that "little" chat.




Well it's nice to finally see Darkness get some love there, and in a really nice pose too. Like how the toes are posed too. Though, I'd imagine that this would take place over at their home rather than the road, but still this is a fun idea for Darkness XD


oh of course it cold take place at home as well but you know is a good idea get some money from this right? XD