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I am incredibly excited to welcome you, (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE), to my big Patreon club. Please enjoy the exclusive comics, Q&As, random side content, and complimentary drinks*.

If you have any questions or just wanna chat, shoot me a message. Just be aware, I do not use notifications of any kind on my phone, so I usually don't reply to stuff for a few days. But this does not mean I love you or your message any less.

And thank you (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) for your support. I'll be thinking of you the next time I draw a comic. I'll say to myself, "This comic is for (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) and no one else. I really hope (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) likes it. God bless (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE). (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE) is a (KING/QUEEN) among (MEN/WOMEN/NONBINARY PEOPLE)."

Anyway, I should probably get going. But thanks again, (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE)!

xoxo Neil 

*there are no complimentary drinks. I'm sorry for misleading you.
Added: 2024-07