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Cute. Hope Sunset is feeling better now. I know how tooth pain can cause disruptions to your plans believe me. Just got the new game and plan on paying it as soon as possible. Can't wait to see how it looks. You guys are the best, even feeling in pain and out of it you still try to do a little something for all of us. Makes me a little weepy ;P I look forward to seeing what you guys got planned for next month.


patiently waiting for the email ;)


Best Paul Newman movie - EVER! And on a side note, I use to see some of the Hanson brothers at the Saskatoon airport when I was working that way several years ago.


Okay so I just played the updated version and I gotta say, I love the Diana and Shayera artwork for their dances and strips. I also noticed that when I started playing from my saved point it went back a few steps. Also specials at Glamor Slam are now called lap dances. One quick bug I have noticed during the Harly blowjob, if you choose cum on her face it kinda locks up on you. Also what portraits are you talking about that are new? And when you say Diner background I'm assuming you mean during that robbery Mercy and Lex pull. Either way everything looks great and I can't wait to see what you add next :)


I'm in the mode of looking up some truly Canadian memes, I wanted to do a Bob and Doug McKenzie but most probably wouldn't have gotten the reference. But some Slapshot was just as good lol - SmokeShank


Awesome as usual. Only problem I have is unlocking Lois. I got the warning about her snooping around but I cant find her at the Daily Planet. Am I doing it wrong?


The new update is amazing! Great work!


Paid for August but no email.


It's best to start a new save on builds because ome variables or the way they are read get changed. Though I get you don't want to do that all the time. The portraits finally in there are Stargirl, Zatanna and Vixen. I accidently used the wrong GUI for the glamour slam that had the old text on it too.


I'm assuming it's not automatic. It is 4 in the morning after all.


Maybe for future projects. The problem with smartphones, and tablets is they have a very low resource limit which makes it very difficult to add stuff to. But you never know maybe one day. -SmokeShank


No email as well, hopefully it comes soon :)


patiently waiting for the email ;) 2


Same here understand its alot. :)


Would I be able to get to get the link as well. I just signed up yesterday.


still no email


Just joined I would love to get the link. Thank you


Me too


just joined as well can I get the link please


oops ok thanks




I just became a basic pledger and I read about how you have to pledge for a month to receive the SU.2 email. If I pledged on September 4th will I recive the copy on October 4th? PS. You are doing an awesome job.


*or SU.9.5, I get confused.


Hello to all. Would you kindly send me the link to the latest build aswell, please? Much obliged and keep up the fantastic work. Looking forward to whatever you guys are up to. Peace! :-)


Much Obliged.


I would also like to ask for the link, since i have not yet received it.


New pledge here. I would love a link or email for SU 1.9.5. Keep up the good work


In the same boat here. Will the builds always get released as emails or will they eventually be posted as links on the donor goal website?


Yes builds will continue being delivered via email until we get our donor website finished. I will be sending emails shortly - SmokeShank


May the Swartz be with you, I sent it. (I know its supposed to be Schwartz but really your the closest I would ever get to actually using it). -SmokeShank


Another new pledger here. Can I get the 1.9.5 update? Please and thanks for the content!


Me too


Been pledged for a while, I havent received an email for the 1.9.5 build can you send one please?


Sure will, you can also setup a discord also and get the downloads there if when you link your patreon account: <a href="https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-</a> SmokeShank