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We just want to keep you all posted on how things are going.  SR7 has nearly fully recovered from what is believed either to be an infection, plus an abscessed tooth, or just a really bad abscessed tooth.  Either way, he is at the dentist as of writing this and should come home with it fixed.  He wants to work on SU for another night just to get any last minute changes in place.  So we will be releasing it sometime tomorrow, we will also release 1.9 publicly at the same time.  We want to do a community event in the coming days to coincide with the release of 1.9.5.  We are thinking maybe a live stream on Twitch or a discord chat event we just want to do something. All builds will be email out to patrons $5.00 and above.


Tyrranus Lord

ow damn.... I know tooth pain.... the fact he got ANY work done this month is a miracle... hope the trip to the dentist fixes things.


Glad to see everything is all good!


I am new here but Glad things are getting better