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As most of you patiently wait for the release of 1.9, I would like to fill you in on what is happening with it, and us. We are on track to release the build out to our internal testers on the 23-24th, then with a few quick fixes (hopefully), and then out to all of our $5.00+  patrons around the 30th of this month.  SR7 has been absolutely obsessed with  animation as of late, especially animations that mimic those of Rondo Duo, Freako, and others.  Over the last couple months, he has drastically improved his speed (as this is a very important factor in how he decides if things are worth it, as most of you already know) I have seen one of these animations so far and it is rather impressive.  We are excited to show you guys this month build.  We will also be on Discord for a few hours after the release in order to answer any questions during that time. 

After some careful thought, and a significant investment in computers we will be streaming frequently next month.  Both SR7 and I will stream at minimum once per week each..  SR7 will be a nomad with his time and schedule, as for myself you probably will see a more dedicated time schedule.  We plan on covering two streaming platforms, Twitch and Picarto.  Our streams will be a variety channel.  SR7 will have a dedicated streaming PC allowing him to use more power hungry programs, such as After Effects, Photoshop.  He will also probably stream some game development stuff with Unity, and of course some games.  I will be streaming some game design with programs such as Articy Draft, and Unity.  I will also, of course, be streaming some games.  We are both looking forward to starting this. 

Thank you all for your continued support


Gunsmoke Games



Sorry if the formatting is all fucked, the html has the proper paragraph tags for some reason they aren't being recognized. But they work in the damn comment section, smh.


I love the idea of more steams, I think that it's the single best way of keeping the fans involved in the production, and to show how much work goes in to everything. On another note, I don't know if you guys have seen it yet, but it looks like Akabur's next game is a straight up re-skinning of the Meta Bordello; he even says so in his vlog. Did he contact you guys at all about it?


Articy Draft? Sure would love to see how it works, last I saw it was really pricey


They switched to Flex licensing, making it much cheaper for single user licenses. -SmokeShank


Thanks for the news guys! As for the updates, I don't want to complain or advice something, but in my humble opinion well done static scene is always much and much better than not so good animated one. Not only because the animation usually take more time than static illustration... Sorry if bother you with my comment (-__-) p.s. animation is a devilish evil thing! :D

Theodore Hopkins

TwinkleBell is an ambitious inspiration, to be sure.


I saw that, I think it is really cool. He inspired us, we are honored that we inspired him. -SmokeShank


We are using current projects to widen the breadth of our knowledge. This way when SU has run it's course the next project can incorporate many of these feature at a much smaller cost of time. If that makes sense. -SmokeShank


Yes, those are unreal examples from a true master. I think you will be surprised with the abilities SR7 has gained in such a short period of time. It made me excited to see where he can go with these. -SmokeShank


Cant wait! By the way - what counts as internal testers?


Yeah..."patiently waiting". That's what I'm doing. Yup... *checks the date again* ...dammit...8 more days...


We have a small group of 3 patrons that we send the early builds out to. This means you get a less buggy version when it comes out. -SmokeShank


Other than the complete Mercy & Harley lines (I think that was said previously?), which other girls are getting content additions this month?


There are a few new Lois scenes. I'll have to see with the Mercy and Harley parts that have been added. Things don't always go smoothly everything together for the releases


Soon my precious Mercy, soon!


Will you be giving out a log for all the newest additions along with the download? That way you don't get bombarded with a lot of questions about what's different?


I just want her to have a chance to work on her dancing!


Yes, this time I will make sure to let everyone know it's in the d/l unlike the last few times -SmokeShank


Just replaying 1.8 in anticipation for the next update, when I noticed Lex's "Well done ,my pet" line after Tala strips in her red costume has the space between done and the comma, rather than after it. Also, in her blowjob scene, Tala is described as being "well train" instead of trained.


That's a hint for the train scene we're running on Tala later, right? ;P


So, completely unrelated but what do we think about Batman and Batgirl having a sexual relationship in "The Killing Joke?" Apparently there is some controversy about it as some say that their relationship has always been more of a father/daughter sort of thing. The reply was something about how Bruce Wayne isn't emotionally equipped to handle that sort of relationship which lead him to cross that boundary.


I can't speak for the comics, I know Dick and Babs have a serious thing, but I'm unaware of any Bruce/Babs pairups. That said, in the DCAU animated series it's strongly implied Batman and Batgirl get together, and it's 100% for sure in Batman Beyond. So long story short (too late), people bitching are being bitches. ...fuck I just realized what a dork I am for knowing all that...


I was just playing 1.8 and I was wondering - will there be more mercy and roulette content at all?


Just reminding you that this Thursday is suppose to be webshow! ;)


Any Chance the Lois scenes will get further this release?

Tyrranus Lord

Finally had enough spare cash to jump in at the $5 level for at least a little bit. Can't afford it for long but you guys do great stuff and have totally earned some $$$ from me :)