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So, this news just dropped.  From reading the article it looks as if Nutaku will be supporting and integrating the kimochi platform.  They go on to say that kimochi will be renamed "The Nutaku Store", and will continue to allow indie Patreon games, and demos.   I feel like a prophet of sorts right now, if some of you remember I mentioned that Kimochi was ahead of it's time, and that a company with deep pockets and infrastructre available could support this platform for as long as it needs to grow.  For a company such as Nutaku to step in and support this platform, not only for thier library of eastern games, but the indie scene in the west really bodes well for outlook on this genre of games.  This has been a truely massive month for h-games in general, with PayPal integration on Patreon for NSFW, to the massive dumpster-fire being extinguished in Breeding Season, to Nutaku's announcement, gives us promise for the future, and makes us re-look at our business to correct any short comings we may have.  I want to thank all of you who support us, and support h-games in general.


Gunsmoke Games






Lee Thompson

Interesting although Nutaku has not impressed me. Kimochi had some good ideas and then just suddenly gave up.


I was going to say that Nutaku scares me. They have a track record of monotizing other peoples' games and then bleeding a community dry with events that are unwinnable without paying out the nose in money. I went through a phase where I was heavy into their games and tried to not spend too much. They had events that would require the spending of hundreds of dollars if you wanted to be in the tier that actually got new character rewards over just random items that you could have just grinded.

sad flower

Some of the games are alright on it at least. Flower Knight Girl and Hitsuji Chronicle are probably the least pay to win on there but others like Pero Pero are reeaally pay to win which is stupid esepcially sinc ethat one is only censored art


Ran out of funding really. They started with no income generation, and no library of games. Most of the games on the service were demos, which cost the platform money to host. Now with Nutaku selling games on it should buffer the cost of hosting demos. I'm fairly certain that there will also be size limitations on demos now, probably in the area of 150mb or so- SmokeShank


Don't know much about all this Nutaku stuff, but if you think that this thing may give all h-games sphere some additional opportunities and help to progress I'm sincerely glad for this, really :) p.s. can't wait for the next update for SU (^_____^)


I think this just legitimizes h-games more, no there is an official (kinda) place to get these games. -SmokeShank


Also what was your opinion on the whole Breeding Season incident?


All Games MUST Pass Nutakus Gudelines And Standerds Or Nutaku WIll REfuse To Put/Publish YOur GAmes


Yes most likely will relate to content and a scan to make sure the game doesn't do anything that could harm the platforms reputation (no viruses). Steam is the same way. -SmokeShank


Unfortunate, the problem lies in this. Patreon can-do two things: either entice the creator to do more to achieve more funding, or entice the creator to do less because they still grow. Meaning if I worked my ass off for a month and got 1k increase, then next month did fuck all and got 1.5k increase. Why would I work hard, now that being said as a patron myself I would demand creators to show progress either in video for our a regular update to the game. I do this by only supporting creators who do those things. -SmokeShank