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We had originally planned to get this update out then do a small "tune up" update to fix issues and add in content that was cut through out the year. But things don't always go to plan and we've had a lot more trouble than was expected. So we are going to combine the builds. Rather than do two turn-arounds this late in the year. Pulling back on Wonder Woman or other content isn't something we would like to do unless we absolutely had to.

Thanks for the patience guys, we will be sure to have it out before the end of this month.



Sorry, I didn't quite understand. This will be your last update of the year?

John Richards

Here come the whiners who have no idea how game development works and thinks everything can be fixed in a day or two


Appreciate the info on update. Sucks that it got delayed, but game development tends to give unexpected turns. Still looking forward to the release.


It will be out when it is finished. I not only have no problem with that, I want you to know that as a fan and a patreon I support you. I think you are making the right choice. I have been here for a while now and I will be here after this update and when the next one drops and the one after that. Thank you for making a great game and all the entertainment you have given me.


I had an idea that this was the issue, at least we got an update on the situation.


All good! Make sure you’re balancing resting, working, and other stuff too. When it’s out it’ll be the best it can be 🤙


Take your time man, look forward to the stuff


It's understandable. The game is getting to bigger scale, little by little. Thus the problems that would've been small some time ago. Keep getting bigger. All I wish is that we get lots of Wonder Woman and Audrey goodness. Before the end of this month.


Appreciate the update and the hard work!


No worries, appreciate the update and keep on keeping on dudes. The wait is worth it.


Oh sweet. So there is hope that we maybe see a little bit of Zatanna action as well, from the streams recently

Kobei Son

No worries finish it after Thanksgiving


looks like its prob time for a new IP for the GG boys and finally give SU the "endgame" it deserves (after the few remaining heroines have their cell content done ofc lol)


And what about Nopy situation? When do you plan to reupload the asset packs to the working server?


Not necessarily. Sun has stated in multiple streams that it's likely he'd go back and fill more content with Bordello scenes and more events. SU still has alot to expand on potentially


It’s cool. Also Artemis is kinda buggy. Great to just get it right!! Love the game!!

Jonathan Heard

nopy is closed they can't pay for the servers


No worries things happen in developing a game everything that comes out is great from y’all can’t wait for the next update

My big dick

Dw man, take as much time as you need, we all know that these things takes time to make.


I just hope that "before the end of the month" does not mean late at night on the very last day of November. Other developers have done that, and that is really irritating.


im just gonna throw this in here like i do on the discord server: for the people being impatient about the release I understand a lot of ya'll are hungry for more content but please know that these things take time to do, considering that Sr7 is the only guy working on the builds "Its out when its out" thats all im sayin


LOL, I called it lmao. This is honestly just sad at this point. I'll see you guys on the last day of November when we get another "the update is delayed because we can't follow a simple schedule" post


That's not an excuse, with all the money he's making he can afford to hire a programmer. The problem is that he fails to meet the deadlines that he puts himself.


I meant we had low expectations because of all the delays that's been going on but goddamn this is a whole new level of sloppy


calm your ass. would you rather a crappy ass build or a nice complete build. I prefer a complete build but that is just me


calm your ass. would you rather a crappy ass build or a nice complete build. I prefer a complete build but that is just me


Do your thing, my life isn’t dictated entirely by porn so I’m sure everything will be fine

Grant Giblin

Yeah, id rather wait and it be right. Like OldBlood said I like the game but it’s not the main focus of my life so il just wait and enjoy it more once it is ready


I’m assuming this is because an issue popped up that broke the update? I’d rather wait than get an update that doesn’t work, so this is fine. Plus, it sounds like it’s going to have a bit extra on top as a result, so that works for me.


Same, I've a job, and D&D that I DM, this is just a bonus for when I've time, and when new content drops.


"end of the month" is gonna turn into "next month" then "march"


I hope not man but that thought has been sitting in the back of my mind occasionally making itself known.


Hey, shadow. Do you know how I can download the game. I have looks everywhere and can’t find a link


So.... while we all are still waitin for the next release, What got ya'll into SU? Was it the art, friend told you about it, randomly found it, been a fan of Sr7's art? I randomly found it and thought it was a really well done game, got hooked after finding it. I would like to try making my own game myself. Nothing like SU tho, at this day and age, it's a bit of a risk making something like SU nowadays compared to how it was back then, best to start with a smaller project and go from there.


Here we are, 1 week later and still nothing?


I predicted we would get a "the update is delayed because we can't follow dates we set" post last time so here's another prediction. Tomorrow we will get another post saying that the update will come out in 2022

John Richards

Here we are, 1 week later with your complaining not getting their work done any faster.

John Richards

Yeah and I'm sure when that DOESN'T happen, you'll admit you were being childish and impatient, right?


does anyone else have a bug with superwoman? Because I just got the option to ask her to dance but whenever I do the game freezes.


It is a known bug. Superwoman dance scene hasn't been implemented in the game currently.


Depending on how badly the update was borked, I'd have honestly rathered you release the update and then the bug fix. At least we could've experienced some of the new scenes while waiting for the bug fix build.


I sincerely doubt that he ever tried to get the update out at the start of this month. Why would he? Sunset has literally no incentives that rewards him enough to justify sticking to a release schedule. Just look at the current situation. He can so easily claim "failure to deliver" and the majority of his supporters will swallow the excuse whole, no questions asked. That gives him another free month to produce a couple extra images, which many will feel is enough to forgive him for being 1 whole update short this year. 💩🤝💰


as long as his patreons continue to eat his shit up nothing will change. This used to be a dev who prided himself on never missing a release date


shut up not everything can go corrected stop being a dick and wait ok or just stop subscribing


Keep one thing in mind. There was never going to be a December update, as he's stated multiple times that he takes a break for December. I don't know how there was going to be 1 update short. From the sounds of it, he pretty much just merged the update from the end of the month(which, spoiler, we were absolutely NOT expecting prior to this) with the one at the beginning of the month, so the overall amount of content should be the same.


An update would be nice, to see how far we are to release


Well he said before the end of the month (that's a deadline, right?) and we only have seven days before December hits so it has to come out sometime this week, yes? Surely it wouldn't be delayed twice, yes?


Im gonna do this one more time since theres no end to some of ya'll complainin on here the GG boys have never made a release date for this upcoming build, they pick a point where they think its good to release and then see where it goes. A lot of ya'll are still stuck in the mind set of where you based off of previous years and make your own "predictions" of when the builds are released, and thats your fault for thinking that way. Has it ever occurred to some of you maybe they decided to just not give any specifics dates anymore and just release when they know its good for release? Why arent they updating us consistently? -coz Ya'll will just complain anyway so they decided to just not bother with it nowadays, then you guys disappear when the release is out Where can we get info on progress or even interact with them? -They have a discord, go ask there Why are there so many delays? - Unity/Fungus is a bitch so i hear, and the way SU was built years ago, makes it harder to deal with when it bugs out, and rebuilding the game would take a few years to get all the current content out to where it is now If ya'll are not happy with how they have progressed over the years then stop being their patron and move on with your lives. Complainin about the delays aint gonna do anything and you are just making it harder for yourselves the more you do it. iight, im out.


While for the most part I agree with your argument, there is also the fact they have put this game on a platform which bills monthly. So there is a general expectation of at least monthly updates. I get that it's not always easy to meet deadlines and commit to due dates, but when you start getting paid for something on a regular basis it becomes a job and jobs have deadlines. I can't complain because I believe at most I've only ever pledged $1 so I don't much weight to throw around. But I also know that I am not a consistent pledger because of how infrequent the updates are.


True but people have had the option to not be a patron and save their money until a build is release then pledge, many times now a lot of us at the discord have mentioned and stressed this enough times to a lot to people but really people on here just do whatever they want to and not listen or even sought out for clarity at the same time, people need to know that Patreon has changed over the years, so its tough for many creators on this platform to decide on a "correct" pattern in how they handle their projects, while keeping in mind, not every creator has a similar way in how they handle their patreon


Why all of you write that "the GG boys have never made a release date for this upcoming build"? Go to https://www.patreon.com/gunsmokegames/membership and read "Updates are released at the end of every second month!"


Did you not read this recent post? They said they were going to but things changed for this upcoming build what does that mean to you? Are they not allowed to try and make sure the build has a bit more tune up before releasing it even if its past what they had said before? What if the release was buggy when they release it a few weeks ago? Are you just gonna be satisfied with that? I think we all know the answer to that last part


you love to see the radio silence as we approach the end of the month.


Of course, this means "missed deadlines." And it's strange that in a game with a ready-made engine, an engine without any complex physics or some strong things - switching pictures only according to conditions, bugs appear that delay the release by 50%. We do not say - we wanted to pay for the subscription, but at the last moment the money on the card ran out. We were promised specific dates, we paid for them. Perhaps I wanted to cancel the subscription after this release, but the developers told me - pay for one more month or you won't get anything. And now the guardian commentator comes and tells me - shut up and pay money or leave, do not argue with the developer, he is a saint and did not promise anything.


I responded to your reply earlier and now its gone i dont know whats going on with Patreon but i guess theres no point redoing what i said earlier now, since people are gonna complain anyway regardless of any delays so ill just say this, Sr7 wants to make sure we all dont get a buggy build on the next release, so if he feels it needs a bit work or fixing, he will do so. and since they stated for a change of pace to do some more work on the next build, then let him do it Would you rather get a broken and bugged up build or just let Sr7 do his thing and make sure we get a good enough experience on the next build. And if ya'll are not satisfied at all regardless of what they do or say? well thats fine then, Have a good one


Will it be out this weekend? Its 28 already


An update on the update would be nice. Even if it was just to say that they ran into even more problems and need to do more testing. Anything is better than radio silence at this point. But then I still say he should've just released the update and done the bug fix build after like he originally planned. A lot of devs do that (like Oni for example).


no, on the 31st we will get a post saying its delayed till February


Oh, you are really true. Because, in fact, in November, in current month, only 30 days) It's the reason to move release to another date)))


maybe there to busy work then replying to every stooped comment they get so stop complaining and wait.


maybe there to busy work then replying to every stooped comment they get so stop complaining and wait.


an update on the update would be nice, instead of radio silence. It's almost as if my prediction on the game being delayed is true


If they're still so busy working on it they can't get 5 minutes to post an update then it wont be out today...


It might be, I hope it is. People need to stop making excuses for these guys though. Pulling in that kind of money monthly and being unable to provide regular progress updates is embarrassing. Makes me think they don't even know themselves and they just wing it month to month.


If superwoman is in this patch u guys are forgiven 😂


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