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Sunset isn't feeling well today and won't have the Rogue Lust page finished.  It will be released tomorrow now. 




Tell him to feel better.


Hope he gets better, we can wait.


Get well soon, Sunset. :)


I understand the feeling, haven't been feeling well myself.


Get well soon! Best wishes on a speedy recovery


I have heard of an ancient prophecy of old, that a perverted lord will soon grow even more as he age with greatness. The prophecy said that the man riding next to the sunset with the 6 infernal guardsmen following him with pride. It also said that they will merge into one in 5 days time. They will become one, they will become a god. A god of naughty humor and perverted art with sexual acts. It is suppose to happend Mars 17. Is it you the legendary prohecy speeks of?


Feel better, buddy!


Any chance of a small preview of what we can expect in this month's releases content-wise?


Sunset has really on had just over a week to get the content rolling in. Most of that time has been split between backgrounds and portraits, and some small bug fixes to SU. We gambled early on by taking the beginning of the month and associating that time to our other project mainly. So when we started POK we were already behind a week. I will have some more updates regarding progress by weeks end. -SmokeShank


Lol Sunset has spoken of this prophecy to me once. He mentioned of a merging into one! I had to assure him that I was attracted to the fairer sex. After we went our separate ways I wondered if I had mistaken the message of the prophecy. -SmokeShank


No worries. I'm more than happy if the time has been spent adding stuff to SU instead.


Today when I type this, the time is 00:21 where I am, so it is Mars 18 here. So I hope you had a happy birthday Mars 17th. :)