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Hey guys here is the commentary from the latest build.  Hope you enjoy



Path of Kings v.0.0.2 Commentary

This was the build released over on our Patreon for the month of February. Not much has changed visually, but significant changes have been made under the hood. If your interested in supporting this project follow the links below. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sunsetriders7?ty=h



Beautiful work guys

Chris Simon

Superb. Can't wait. :)

Raxatech Labs

The city is coming together quickly and looks fantastic already. I absolutely applaude getting the basic mechanisms solidified before moving on to the fun stuff. I suspect it will save you a lot of time and headaches in the long run. I can't speak for everyone, but I would much rather see a polished end product than some hasty eye candy just to keep the fans happy. Any plans for some public stocks or some manner of public humiliation area? Perhaps in the next area? A possible nice-to-have might be a clickable arrow to move from the left to right side of the lower city. Possibly a sprite that isn't there until you mouse over the road on the edge so it doesn't detract from the immersion. The separate button certainly works, but I found myself looking for a way to move that was on the same side of map as the next area. Definitely not anything to worry about at this stage though. In any case, great job. I tried several things to break the build and didn't have any success. ;)


The way you go with art and detail looks amazing... and this is just the beginning of the project. Just the change of the athmosphere from day and night is incredible. I really was sceptical first, but getting more and more excited about it. So keep up the good work and good luck with it.


Thanks a lot for the write up! Trying to iron out a lot of the problems that come up later on right now isn't glamorous but something that takes minutes now could take hours or days when the day is much much more complex. I was thinking of having a gallows or something somewhere in the rough side of the lower city. The map is far from finalized and there will be a lot of story pieces to put in. The whole GUI in the City will probably change over time. I just wanted to get in something that fit the style for now. I agree with you about getting one that doesn't break you out of the city atmosphere too much. Lol good to hear you couldn't break it! I put in a pretty complicated locking and layering system to try to prevent everything I could think of.


Thanks! You'll be seeing the city the most, so the most work will go into it for sure.


Great ...