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Another week and another webshow coming up.  It has been a busy week over here while we prepare for the release of Path of Kings v.0.02.  Now this weeks webshow we will let everyone of our Patrons know exactly what is happening with Something Unlimited.  I think most of you will be quite happy with what we plan on doing and we look forward to sharing the news on Thursday (will be at the very beginning of the show).   Also this week I will be putting together a strawpoll with the name suggestions for the show and you guys will vote on the name.  So in closing please leave a question down below and we will answer it on Thursday. Thanks for your support.




Very happy to hear that you guys are doing something with "Something" Unlimited. Would have been very disappointed to see that project hit a dead end.


Greetings! What do you guys think about adding some background sounds into the game? For example when we visit blackmarket, we can hear people talk about prices and products. Or when we visit the mansion, we can hear sound of fireplace crackling.


Hey there! Will any of the H scenes be repeatable in PoK? A gallery, while nice, isn't as satisfying as repeatable interactions within the story itself. Of course, all scenes won't make sense for this.


8 pm CST is like 3 am here, so not going to make the show. Hope there will be a recorded version available like the other ones. Good to hear to other project isn't dead. But to be honest Path of Kings definitely has my attention. A question would be, you have 3 chars in mind, are you going to development 1 char and locations first or are you going to keep adding content to the 3 simultaneous? Keep up the good work and looking forward to 0.02 just to see what you are invisioning Xip


They answer that question in the comment section from the previous post.Maybe you want to ask another one? Just a suggestion.


thanks. Didn't see that. But no question for me then :D


Alright what was your main inspiration concerning Path of Kings, was it a love for high fantasy or something else entirely?

Raxatech Labs

Are the companion characters expected to act mostly as helper roles or will they have their own story which requires attention? I feel that it may be entertaining to have them be a source of conflict in some situations as you progress.

Wonder Red

Sunset you ever gonna go back to upload videos of you drawing again? Ever gonna make those tutorial you made into videos?


With the game in a (low?) fantasy setting, understandable if the game's cast most are likely Eurocentric/white save for those gypsy characters we've seen. Wondering if there's any chance we could see a handful of ethnic (black/asian/arabic) characters to interact with?


Honestly, the insider+ content was lacking this month. Kinda disappointed.