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Sunset is doing some of the rougher design work just randomly on scraps here and there. These are some more final-ish clean sketches. Most of these characters might change when Sunset starts making actual portraits.

We don't want all the characters to look like hookers, there will be a lot of more mundane/realistic female characters. We will be starting with mainly the thief characters, as the thief will be the prototype for the other characters since we have a very good idea on the progression ( The Thief is the most balanced character in regards to management/dialogue tasks). 

Next month content will become a priority.  Our idea is that we may have most of the programming in place and then we can begin working on character sheets, CG's. backgrounds.  At this step we can begin to apply the story to the world.  March will bring a steady stream of content to the Insiders (+) tier levels. 




I'm glad to hear that the women will be sensibly proportioned and act like real people. I wasn't really worried that they wouldn't but it's still nice to have the confirmation! I don't think I can be more excited about this project but if news like that keeps coming in I may just be proven wrong!


Nice! I would actually say the brunette? on the bottom right is my favorite for the exact reason you mentioned; she's attractive without looking like a hooker/supermodel. It will be good to see where Sunset takes his artistic freedom for these characters now that he doesn't have a predetermined guideline for their looks to follow.


There is a dirty joke with the nipple armor somewhere, but I keep looking at the little dagger throwing me off.


Love the soldier/knight lady. Really beautiful face and I like the miniskirt. Any chance of getting some lace stocking tops showing above the boots?


These look nice. I like how much these outfits and attitudes tell about the way these people live. The boobplate with nipples just made me laugh though. I mean, boobplates tend to look out of place no matter how you turn them (probably because making a piece of armour that form-fitting contradicts the armour's primary purpose in addition to looking very uncomfortable), but when you add these small metallic nipples on top... I don't know, I guess it triggers something in me. Probably just my personal tastes and the limits of my suspension of disbelief acting up.


personally I'm not looking for realism in an adult game. I'm looking for gorgeous women in (and out of) revealing outfits.


Oh balance is the key here. I think we can reword the normal looking girls as say the girl next door look. You know those girls that if they put on more makeup and a pushup bra, could easily go from a 7 to a 10. I think that is the look we are going for. There will be lots of intractability and variety in the female department. -SmokeShank


I laughed to, imagine the blacksmith delivering boobplate armour and the girl saying "umm could you please put on some metallic nipples" lol