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Hey guys so here is the link for the webshow.  Just open the link in a new window. 



Sunsetriders7 and SmokeShank show

Our first bi-weekly web show where we answer questions and have discussions. Don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoy this content. Lastly head over to patreon.com/sunsetriders7 if you want info on our upcoming game Path of Kings.



I like it! Love the interaction with the fans


Hey there, I wasn't able to make it in time for the Connoisseur access show. I opened your link and the video works, but it has no sound.


Whoa, rare to meet an artist who looks like he could whoop my ass in a dark alley.


Well can't say that I like that Injustice has been put on pause but I can certainly understand. Although I have to say it is a bad look to have supported for many months to have nothing to show for it, and I'm sure you're understanding how bad it looks too since this game would have been your cornerstone to stand on for future support. Since it sounds like it should eventually see the light of day I'm glad to keep my support as it is for your future projects so long as there's some kind of progression on Injustice. The art is really good and the communication has been pretty good even if it has been bad news this month.


Yeah in February we will sit down and figure out what form it is going to take on. The timing of the DMCA has thrown everything into chaos for now but things will get sorted out again. Thanks for sticking with the support, I really appreciate it.


Haha yeah we sat there for 20mins or so and no one came in so we just had the sound off talking to each other. A few people showed up at the last second so we weren't really paying attention for a while there. It only ended up being 10 mins or so long but next time maybe we'll open it up a bit earlier.