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We made a little diagram of what we would like to have done for the 31st exclusively for Insiders. We already have the first part with the disclaimer and logo splash screens done with the finished art (as we showed yesterday's gif).

Most of the main menu and code is completed. Three saves slots for multiple saves are already in there. So you will be able to have a play through for each class right off the start, without them overwriting each other. We have built it so it can be expanded to more slots for possible future needs. The art is just placeholders as of right now.

We are working on the class selection right now. Most of the coding is completed but the art and info needs to be put in. This will be overviews of the classes and their differences. Also you can enter your own name for yourself since it's OC anyways we thought this is a cool feature to have.

The bulk of the work will be the intro stories for each class. For now our idea is to have them be short little cutscenes explaining the back stories and how you end up in the city. Eventually maybe we will expand them but this is just an idea.

The main city will be another big piece. Hopefully SR7 can get the final art painted for this, SR7 is going to lay it all out and make sure it's working first. We would also like to the start on the status menu where you will control everything, but a prototype has to be made first. The city will be designed first before we move into menu designs and prototypes.

We feel this is ambitious but completely possible. We are trying to get prepared to add content in for the February/March builds. We have a lot of ideas but we have to sit down and do some character design. Our goal for February's build will be to at least have the starting companions  and beginnings of each storyline.

The builds should progress a lot faster than before due to the game being simpler in design on the back end. The main drawback of Injustice was just too many systems sending things to each other. Making everything central to the status menu should streamline everything and only need to send out certain variables to the scenes that need them.

We are building the game in 1080p native resolution as well but we will see how it performs. If the performance surfers too much we may scale it down. It's just easier to start high and go down, than to start low and go up.

The build is already much further along than Injustice was with it's first build, with text skip, multiple saves, and a lot of things already in place. We have a pretty clear plan which should be easily executed, and we hope no major problems happen at this stage. We have spent a lot of time planning this project and we hope that shows at the outset.

Sincerely Sunsetriders7 and SmokeShank




I like it, clear concise and to the point. :D CHEERS


Thanks Tarakis. The idea is a smooth development. We want all the insider level supporters to feel like they are right there with us making the game. - SmokeShank

Jake theberge

Sounds like a good lay out for the game. Keep it simple.


Big start to begin with. Even just the cutscenes can take a lot of time. Good luck guys.


Nice, though I feel that the next build picture will be some kind of over complicated diagram that has hundreds of arrows pointing in different directions to were anyone that sees it will just say, "What?"


Hopefully it doesn't come to that. This game's design will be very streamlined compared to Injustice. All the experience I gained working on it will go into not making the same design mistakes in the long run.