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As the majority of you now know we were informed via Patreon of a DMCA notice on behalf of WB (Warner Bros).  Sunset and myself had talked shortly after the notice on how we need to handle what happened.  We both agree that it's usually not about what happened but how you handle it, that people remember.  So we began this by being extremely transparent and this will be a theme of the new direction in which we go. 

Our Patreon will now be completely focused on game development.  All art, communications, info, rewards, everything will all be organized around this singular area.  Sunset is putting all fan art on the shelf (not say he won't ever do it ever again), and all art that will be released will be art that will be part of development of all IP's owned exclusively by us.  This allows us to have a much more focused approach to the content we give you .  For example before Sunset would break off from game development to design and draw a picture (upwards of 5 hrs), this happened 4x per week adding up to 20+ hours that went not to game development.  Those 20+ hours will now be going strictly to assets that will be added to the game. Character sheets, content, CG sets.  Also we are very uniquely positioned as Sunset's possess amazing artistic talents. Using those talents he wants to merge his comics and games.  Both mediums intertwined/connected, providing backstory, following popular characters, side stories, the options are endless. This is what will be happening on the creative side.

We are going to revolve around the early access theme that we see so prominently on Patreon (ex. Fenoxo).  Full public builds will be fully working and released at key stages of development.  While on Patreon our supporters will have access to the current build state (being as far as 2-3 full months ahead of what is out for the public).  We are exploring the idea of doing bi-weekly builds during the beginning phases of game development.  Just to give you an idea of what can be completed in 2 weeks time Bend or Break was made in that time frame.  Instead of a write up on what changes you will see, before the release of the build there will be a short video talking about what went into this build.  This will allow non-Patreon supporters to see what is going on first hand (early access of course to our patrons).  We want to start a bi-weekly web show, where we will answer community questions, talk about anything and everything (priority to Patreon members, access to live Q&A before).  Over the next few days I will lay out our rewards and distribution plan and share it will all of you.  The idea in all of this is to provide as much time/resources as possible to the development of our games.

Injustice will be shelved for the time being.  We cannot upload it to Patreon,  and we will be exploring what to do with the game.  Our options being releasing the source files to allow the community to finish the game, re-skinning (could take a couple months) and finishing the project under a different title (think NonJustice, or UnJustice).  Our main priotiry at this time is to have our Patreon up and running smoothly and efficiently.  We had planned for a year long run after Injustice was finished with 3 expansions covering 4 months of development each.  This now has to be reworked with a new plan (takes time).  After the dust settles with Injustice, Sunset and myself will discuss what will happen with it (we both believe it shouldn't go to waste don't worry).  Injustice had upwards of 6 months of development we will make sure it doesn't rot.

The first document we will release will be on Tuesday January 12, 2016, this will be what we call a vision document.  This document will highlight key game play mechanics, story outline, setting, development timeline, and other info.  This will allow for input from our supporters.   I'm unable to provide details to what is under development or the setting your just going to have to wait for the vision document.  Sunset and myself had already been in the planning stages of what would have been Bend or Break 2 or something similar (This was to follow Injustice, as a small project).  Because of this planning we are able to move rather rapidly into development and potentially have something substantial for the end of JANUARYFollowing the vision document we will have the outline for distribution and reward tiers on the day following.  So stay tuned.

In conclusion, I know this won't sit well with some and Sunset and myself apologize.  We have already lost upwards of 40 patrons,  we are hoping not to many more leave but I want to say that no matter what they will be back.  This plan you see today was the ultimate end goal of our Patreon for 2017.  The idea was to seamlessly transition towards what you will see, but that's not what happened.  I do want to urge anyone here who is thinking of leaving to stick around for a couple weeks.  You can always cancel your pledge before Jan 31 and not be charged.  I want to thank you all for the amazing out pouring of support.  Even in places were we thought we were not liked, people came out and showed amazing love and support. Lastly I once again want to thank you all for your continued support during this transition, and I look forward to showing you what we have planned.

Sincerely SmokeShank

Tl:DR : Going OC but with lots of cool stuff to go along with it....Oh and Injustice isn't dead just sleeping for a bit.


Jake theberge

So games only on patreon? Hmm... will you still do normal art for hentai foundry, whatever that may be? I like games, but I'm paying ten dollars to see art I couldn't get on hf. Do you know how the payment system will work in regard to the game stuff yet?


I don't really get it; why go strictly OC when only Warner Bros. are being assholes? There's plenty of non-WB characters out there, so just say "Fuck Warner Bros." and move on to them...


I have ideas. I want to give anyone ample time to decide if they want to continue on at the same level or on our Patreon at all. Patients is all I ask, I will have all details ironed out at the very latest Wednesday. Just right now what I have down needs more work. -SmokeShank


This was Patreons stipulations not ours. Patreon received the DMCA not us unfortunately - SmokeShank

Damn Quixote

Honestly, the fan art and Rogue Lust were my primary reasons for being a patron and I had zero interest in the gaming side of things, so with those things in permanent limbo I don't think I can continue my support if the sole content focus is the part I had no interest in.


So all of Patreon is going strictly OC? I still don't understand why you can't do characters from companies other than Warner Bros.


Patreon warned us that if we upload material that isn't 100% owned by us, we could face permanent removal of our Patreon page - SmokeShank


I completely understand, I just hope if you decide to not be a patron that you continue to follow us else where - Smokeshank

Lode Schonkeren

Possible solution for injustice is to spread it via another medium (like kimochi). Keep the patreon for other works, and give text updates in the comments section. That way people still know what you are doing, and you are no longer "spreading unauthorized art via patreon". They can't restrict what you talk about, only what art you show/sell through them.


We talked extensively about options such as this. Injustice is just on the shelf for now - SmokeShank


Wow, this is so screwed up...It puts me in almost the same position as Damn Quixote; the video game development was only about 2 or 3 percent of the reason for my being a patron, I was mostly interested in your gorgeous fan art. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that after this month, I will not be able to pay a monthly charge just for what seems to me will become mostly video game development updates...This sucks so bad.....


Good to hear nothing will go to waste, that's the best news to hear. Just sucks your time line didn't go as planned. But hope that the art that was taken down will return elsewhere once the heat dies down.


Sounds promising given the restrictions imposed, I'm sure the future OC content will be amazing if given time to grow!


I continue to be impressed with how you are handling this set back. Sad for the hardships, but excited for the future. As for Injustice: What is dead may never die.


Thank you so much. Our excitement is bitter sweet as we know lots of people here will not be happy. -SmokeShank


I'll stick around for a bit and see where things go. Also I just noticed you're at 666 patrons at the time of this post :-p. Couldn't you put together your own website to host your fan art/projects. I believe the main problem was just the fact they thought you were making money off their work, but if it's "Free", and not posted Patreon. Ah well, as a fellow programmer/designer I wish you the best in your new project, and look forward to see what is to come. :-)


Sucks that it has come to this, i am in the same boat as some others, i was here exclusively for the art, i rarely have time to enjoy games so i don't pay much attention to them. I will wait and see what your plan is on Wednesday before making my final decision but as it stands now i'd have to remove my pledge. I did not want to just leave without saying something tho.


I appreciate it. We both understand that there will be a group of people who will fall outside the direction we are going. - SmokeShank


We are not fans of having a patreon blank of activity or content. It would be difficult to manage having new fans come here to pledge then move to another site to get content. We know that there will be a negative growth during this month. We are confident in the content we have planned and hope to not only gain those fans back, but bring in many new fans. -SmokeShank


Don't let the Patreon Admin cowards threaten you. Stay strong and keep making great stuff!

Jay Jester

I must say that I always viewed the constant stream of new art as kind of a distraction to the game development -which is/was 100% the only reason I pledged. So in that regard, this sounds good...but completely scrapping Injustice and starting from scratch...not so good :(


Aren't the drawings under "fair use" ? I think their concern was the game, cause of the name and characters.


Injustice is just sleeping. We just want an active project on Patreon. Once we get all sorted we will look into what to do with Injustice - SmokeShank


Just wait for the vison document. What Sunset had described had me excited - SmokeShank


Congratulations on your new focus. While I'm disparaged that Injustice is to be shelved for the time being I am also excited that you will be focusing almost exclusively on game development. I agree with Jay Jester as I felt that the constant new art pieces were a distraction from the development of Injustice. I joined your Patreon mostly for Injustice and the occasional awesome pic that I really dug. I also incredibly enjoyed the comics you would release. My biggest complaint about Injustice and while it was an incredibly interesting game was that Lex never had sex (look Ma I can rhyme). I always figured that that would be a part of later development after the game got going. So as long as your next game doesn't feature a celibate monk that smiles patronizingly at all of the sex going on around him I will be happy. Also I know that this won't be first out of the gate but I would love a game that features a female protagonist that goes after women. Your girl/girl stuff has always been great and I would love to see a game with a lesbian theme sometime in the future. Anyway, I'm sure that your sick of my rambling by now so I will finish with this. I am not canceling my pledge now or for the foreseeable future. I love you guys and wish to support you especially now when you need it the most. And when Injustice is revisited sometime in the future know that I will still be there to support you guys with my wallet and my words. Thanks for being awesome, continue to stay awesome I'm I promise to do the same. ;P


Yes but Patreon reserves the right to terminate our page without explanation. Patreon has been really good through all of this - SmokeShank


I feel so disappointed with Injustice being shelved, because it was the only reason i created a Patreon accound to begin with. The gameplay and art quality is just spot on, but it was really the heroines from my old favourite comics/tv shows, that was pulling my strings. It really felt like "too good to be true" and sadly it was. It will be hard for me to continue supporting, but I'll stick around untill the end of the month to see what plans you come up with. :-)

sad flower

Why not reskin injustice injustice and keep the mechanics for another game? Even if it isn't DC based stuff the game still would be good with OC.


We discussed this. Sunset doesn't want it to come out looking shoddy or half planned reaction. If we are going to go that route we would like to plan it out and make sure it looks and plays well. We are not just taking all that work and leaving it on a HD to rot. We plan on using it, but right now we want a project to be running on Patreon. That is all. Oh and Sad Flower I will be pm'ing you and the others who pledged for the skype call next week - SmokeShank


I personally would like to see the planning begin in February for what we will do with Injustice. Right now our focus has to be providing you and any future patrons on this platform content, and start the process of moving over to OC on patreon. - SmokeShank


Shame Injustice will have to come waaay later rather than sooner. :( But seeing the potential in that Injustice build and knowing you'll have even more time now, I'm actually encouraged to see what your new project will be come next week. Guess we'll see. :D


What's the general premise for the OC game? If it's more superheroines I'll most likely be on board. If not i'll wait and see.


An original games created by you guys, using original artwork done by Sunset. Sounds promising and something I am anxious to see and give my opinion on when I see it. I told you guys I'd be sticking around and I meant it. Ten bucks a month right now isn't going to kill me and whatever help it can give you, it is yours. I am curious though, if Patreon is making you guys take down the WB characters and what not, why not post any future pics on other sites? Like Hentai Foundry or Rule34. I'm sure those sites are still safe...for now. Plus I know you guys were talking about creating your own site. If you posted them there would you still get in trouble? I love the work you guys do and do not want you getting in to trouble, so if going original and making games is the route you need to take, I support it. You guys are great and I love that you take the time to respond to me. I hope things work out and I look forward to seeing what you come up with :)


I don't want to give away to much as settings and context can be lost. I can say that Sunset wants to add how his comics will interlace/interact with the game. Meaning back stories and what not -SmokeShank


Our focus is on Patreon. We want a fully functioning platform. Meaning we want everything feeding to one source and that source feeding everything else. Right now artwork most likely will be all game centered. For example pictures Sunset will do will be of characters in the game, concept art, sex scenes, a comic that coincides with events in the game, backgrounds, test characters. Now it's my job in how will I distribute that content. For me I need to make sure everyone is getting a slice and that value is still being had on our Patreon at all tier levels. I feel we under use those other tools like HF, Tumblr, Youtube and really want to expand how we can utilize those. I really have a metric shit ton of ideas I just need to organize them and make sure everything can integrate seamlessly. I don't do art (although I can draw a dick fairly well) so Sunset ultimately is in charge of the kind of content he chooses to create and release, I organize it and get it out the door to you guys. This new model I'm looking at will have Sunset left to his devices while he saves work to our back-up, I then pick what gets released or request something to be tuned up for public display. This way Sunset doesn't have to switch gears constantly and can focus on one type singular project. You will see projects move along faster and with higher quality. Many of the pictures he finished were released literally minutes after they were complete. Also with projects like Injustice, Sunset would spend upwards of 2-3 days going back over his work closing loose ends, fixing small bugs, generally wasting precious resources and time. Now we have a chance to organize development so we are much more efficient, that means more games, more art, more everything! God dammit I rambled on like Sunset does, I need sleep. Thank you for your support -SmokeShank


Thank you! I will be selling the idea to Sunset on the re-skinning of Injustice. If anything we could be revisiting that project somewhat soon. - SmokeShank


The reason I supported sunset ages ago was due to the amazing fanart he did. If that's stopping, I'm probably going to have to stop backing because that's too much money to get mainly updates on a game that I don't care about. Sorry.


Thank you for all the support you have given us. We really appreciate it. - SmokeShank

Chris Simon

I'm staying. This just got interesting. Maybe unlike others, here, I find myself quite thrilled by things to come. I mean, for someone as talented as SR7, working on OCs and with own ideas may be quite liberating. Which will inevitably result in something even more awesome, than the Injustice was, as it needed to be confined within the certain lore and universe, effectively curbing author's imagination. I understand famous characters are a biger lure, but hey ho. :)


I am sticking around, before you guys said anything I was going to stay for February at least. I pledged originally because of the game but the art work was just gravy. Keep on Truckin' Baby. CHEERS :)


Just trying to be honest here. So I mean no offense. You guys have talent and skills I do not. But Injustice was a big draw for me to donate. And we where told there would be big content additions at least twice(If I am remembering properly), But those where backed up for game play fix. Now I would have probably enjoyed playing a buggy game with great art more than streamlined game with a bunch of (Will be here soon) place holder images and messages. The original draw/pull to this patreon was the art. Now I know you cannot control what happened and the warning coming when it did, But looking back at the whole experience and wait it kinda of leaves, and I quoting my grandpa here, "a bad taste in my mouth". Now I am willing to hang around maybe a month or two more to see how it plays out. Because I did come here being a fan of the art and the artist.


Completely understand ans I truley wish the DMCA didn't come at all. We literally informed all of you first (within 12hrs). I was going to inform you all before Sunset, but though he should at least be the second to know (we talked at 1:00am). I have answered nearly every question since then (sorry for the ones missed). But I would like for you to wait for the vision document. Then maybe cancel your pledge after if you don't like the direction. I don't want anyone here who is suspect of us or feel we don't provide you the value you seek . But I will promise you will be back. Thank you for you support it has allowed us to get to where we are today. - SmokeShank


I'm sorry to say but I came here for the fan art and OC does not and never will interest me. It does pain me to say that as out of the 3 people I patron Sunsetrider was my favorite. What I don't get though is why you just don't move the fan art and Injustice to HF? You are only in violation of copyright laws if money is exchanged to products that you do not hold corpyright on and if freely given for no fee or subscribtion it falls under the parody clause and is legally fine. I'm sorry to have to leave you as I've been here from not just day one on par tron but day one of HF but as I said OC in no way hold any interest for me. I do wish you well in your endevor. I will be sticking around till the end of the month though to see where this is going. BTW does this also mean the Rogue comic is dead too?


I have to admit, if you got DMCA'd for sharing a title with, insert current most popular boy band, of all things; that would be pretty emasculating. That would almost be as bad as the one time my friend pirated a movie to watch The Avatar (not the blue people one) and got caught.


You are right. People will remember how you react. I'm here for the long haul. You both are awesome people. :-)


Damn I got a notice once for Pacific Rim worst movie of all time. Like really bust me for getting your crap movie, you should be happy I watched it lol - SmokeShank


At this point Rogue lust is on hold. I appreciate your honesty and we had expected that some would not like where we go. I want to thank you for all your support - SmokeShank


So things are going to get... interesting now? Well if you guys are still working on games then I will stick around and give bug reports like always.


We just had this conversation yesterday and it still stands. Blank canvas, Sexy brush and me with an internet plastic chair, snacks and a imaginary sleeping bag. I am here until you leave or i run out of money :)


I think Sunset would be completely lost without your in depth bug reports. Actually we will see how bad the bleeding is this month. Hopefully we will have a website next month where you can post in depth bug reports - SmokeShank


Lol well hopefully we both can sit on a park bench well into our old age telling stories of this day (feeding pigeons or Canada geese of course). Thank you so much Wanderer - SmokeShank


Would it be bad to tell you that I have a bug report for 1.5.5? I was going to post it,but the DMCA post kind of made me feel it would be a bad move.


Lol what ever you fell you need to. We will be addressing everything Injustice next month internally trying to determine timeframe and everything. It will be completed for sure just under a different skin - SmokeShank


I have to admit I stopped, but only because I thought that the game was over. Listening to this statement it seems more like a transformation or something new. Sunset is an amazingly talented artist and he deserves support despite this...challenge. I mean if porn can get away with spoof movies with alterations to the characters then there should be nothing to stop you guys from making similar alterations Ex. Sex Suthor, Ultra Woman, etc. Anyways good luck. I'll be lurking to see what the future holds.


I've skimmed through most posts in this and the last one. Is there anyway to supply us with a rar or a zip off all the stuff you took down pictures not so much the game, or even finished and unfinished art assets, because I never thought to save any of it at the time since I thought it would be around for a long time.

John doh

Ok, I don't get it. why would you stop making fan art entirely for now instead of just putting those on your tumblr/hentai foundry page and only publish original content on patreon ?


That sucks but what's going to happen to the comics currently in prpgress


Ah sod it. I'm sticking around with you guys, granted I'm saddened by the fact Injustice isn't being allowed to go forward in its current form but you know what I'm still going to keep my pledge, because I want to see what ideas you crazy and magnificent nut jobs do with the hand you've been dealt.


I'm looking forward to see what you guys will deliver - I'm definitley sticking around. I just hope when you rebrand Injustice it will be more of a name change. I really love the super hero topic and I don't think I'd enjoy the game the same if Jane Doe and Johanna Bla are the persons of interest. (I don't care so much about their names but the images being used)

Danny Chen

Please email me about the latest update to the game. Dydc007@hotmail.com. Thanks


Thank you so much, I just looked at some sketches of what you will see on Tuesday and I'm excited. We have talked and we want to handle Injustice with care. Our biggest fear is making a knee jerk reaction and making a big mistake. 1000hrs+ are in Injustice so it deserves the care and planning we intend to give it. -SmokeShank


Thank you so much. Injustice will just not have a place on Patreon. We need to plan and execute what we do. Sunset doesn't even have an estimate of the amount of sprites or coding changes that would have to be made. We need so much more info before we can move forward with Injustice (prob a good month of planning) -SmokeShank


I think it would be fair to your patreons if all the money collected before the "Dark side mail" date was (proportionally) used to put efforts in your "before the dark times" projects. Well, let's wait until Monday anyway... Thanks for ansewring every message SmokeShank, the last few days must have be quite tiring for you... ^^;;


It has been very tiring. Ennetsu I want to promise you that great care is being had with all the funding. We are expecting a slight retraction then an influx moving forward. The only thing that will most likely be put out for next month (pending support) is the website. If we remain neutral we will be in a good spot to get it up and running. I will be posting on Monday regarding the most recent milestone that all our supporters helped achieve. - SmokeShank


Time and resources, we don't plan to not continue fan art. But reduce the amount that is being produced, and move that time towards game development. I will explain in more detail on Monday- SmokeShank


Yes I will be doing this. I will give everyone a time line on Monday. I want to make sure to have all the files to active Patreons by the end of next week, to give you ample time to cancel your pledge if you decide to . - SmokeShank


We will begin planning what to do with Injustice next month. I intend to reach out to other notable artists and see what they did when the DMCA hammer fell on them. After we decided on a route we need to find out how much more needs to be completed and form a development schedule that won't affect Patreon - SmokeShank