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I'm still mostly focused on just getting the stuff back in that I took out with the rollback I did on the last build. It still takes some time since I can't just copy and paste it all in, I still have to plug it into the game. But I don't have to redraw it so that saves a lot of time. I'm trying to get a few new things in there too.

I just wanted to clarify the nature of the builds for everyone who's come in lately. What you're seeing is the state of the game as it is. Usually I work on it till about an hour or so before it's released. So you're getting it exactly up to date where it is. I do go through it a bit for a couple days before and turn some things off that are just too unfinished so it's more playable. The reason I release them is so everyone can get a look at the game and how it's going. I just think it's a lot more fun than just reading change logs or whatever till it actual comes out. I'm building the game with this in mind so it's just not like regular game development. Normally the whole thing would be built, tested, and then have the art put in but like I said I think this way is a lot more fun for you guys to see it in progress instead. Plus you guys going through giving me bug reports is actually a great way to find things.

1.5 has a lot of performance issues I know. This is caused by the update to the newest Unity and most of the game is running on outdated libraries now. So it's chugging along because of that. I'll probably fix it in January then it will be fine again but it's not an issue with the game itself. The main thing I wanted to fix was the save system and a couple others . There will always be a bunch of bugs at this because as I fix one bug, I add more content which creates another. So I usually fix some of the major issues and minor ones you point out with each release.

Once the game moves out of Alpha stage and most of the content is in place then I'll spend some major time optimizing and fixing bugs. Right now with things still being added or replaced I'm more focused on trying to get all the content in. I think it's coming along very good, it just still a ways to go yet. I really appreciate you guys trying it out and reporting what goes wrong though. It saves me a ton of time that I can spend on making content.




Thanks for the update. I'm very much looking forward to a decent chunk of new game content this month. Out of interest roughly how many different costume choices will you eventually be aiming at for each villainess/heroine?


So is this a second release of 1.5 coming soon? Or we talking about the 1.6 release later in December?


I think its like 1.5.1 & 1.5.2 ..... In my eyes its easyer or you end up with 7.8 or 9.4 when you release so many stages. But i really like how we can take a part for the game and help with testing etc.


I'd like each one to at least have a few to choose from. Mercy and Harley will probably have the most. They have about 5-6 each. That'll be further down the line though. Adding costumes multiplies the amount of drawing/programming for each character.


Good to hear, Mercy is probably my favourite character so far - I loved the changing clothes/lingerie scene. Speaking of which, is there any chance of getting an intermediate costume choice for Tala? She goes straight from gown to naked at the moment so I definitely think that some sexy sorceress lingerie is in order- stockings, heels, thong, maybe a basque...


will the next update have more of lois trying to fight the rules?


There will be a bit more progression on everything hopefully. I'm trying to balance putting the stuff that got rolled out back in, some new content and fixing some bugs.


Yeah I'll definitely make sure she has a couple outfits. She's just kind of the free girl in that she just does whatever right out of the gate.

Schlomo Biggins

So will the next update content have actual vaginal penetration? That's all I want to know.


I have found another missing text/ no more progression bug, after any hero is done with a stripping routine, the text disappears, and no more progression, I have to close window and re-launch in order to continue.


To be honest I still don't understand how to play this game.Everything costs more than 150,000, and having one heroine and put her to dance gives about 30k. And if I try to collect the money, after few days my heroine stops giving more money... I also have problem with saving, because every time I turn off the game, there is no saving games...


Thanks for reply. I don't know what is wrong, but in my computer every time I hit load after launching the game, the is no save...


where can we download the game alpha?


Where can I found alpha 1.6 or its still Not released ?

Afro Maphios

i cant find the 1.5 update release page can you please share the link?


I currently have 1.09 but is that the most recent or if I pledge can I get an even more updated version.


I noticed that mercy's second scene is locked did I miss it or have you not put that in yet?


Scene 2 isn't in there yet. I just put the new one in three to save the spot for later.


Well done