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- Overhauls -

I've overhauled the villain posting, captures, and the random seed I was using for random elements. When you go to see someone now there should a lot less randomness to it. Before it could get pretty bad with getting a bad seed and someone not being there like 8-9 times in a row. I'd like to get it down to more of a 50/50 chance eventually. For now it's just so you don't run through the content instantly. Most characters only have half a dozen or so things to say so if you could talk to them everyday that's only six days. Things like this will be tweaked as more content gets added into the game.

- Saves -

I haven't done much except work on fixing the saving problem. I've narrowed down the cause of it but I have to put in the time to fix it. Even though it is a temporary system, I understand it's really annoying for you guys trying it out to hit a dead end and then lose all your progress. I'm working on completely redoing the system and hopefully it'll be done for the next build release. Since the actual release is still probably months away using a week or two to fix this now will just make it a lot more user friendly for people trying it out.

I didn't really get even half of the stuff I wanted to get done this month at all. As the game gets bigger it just becomes like a pile of wet spaghetti sometimes. Fixing things leads to more fixing things, and more. But I've learned a lot so far and I've been making notes for any future projects. Injustice is still going along a lot better than I expected considering I had no experience really when I started. I just didn't really account for how much more time it takes to do things as game gets this large and the problems becoming much more time consuming to fix. 

Injustice Alpha 1.5 will be released on Nov 29



when you save the game in the 1.3 you can get the data in 1.4 and save from here whitout losing the data


we will see any new girl in 1.5 or just new mechanics?

Jedd Axell

Any new events? or have the current events been extended?


Will the saves from 1.3 and 1.4 still work on 1.5? I assume they will but with every new bit of code change a lot can break.


They will still work but it's best to start a new game with a new build since a lot changes under the hood.


There will be some new stuff but a lot will still be locked out. I'm working on it the next few days before release to see what's working and what's not.


Sweet, I'll test through both to see if any late-game issues arise, and if I can find anything when starting again :)


It seems to just be something in 1.4 preventing the creation of the keys that the data saves into. If they are already created it works fine.


Supergirl, Hawkgirl, and Wonder Woman are technically in there but the storylines to unlock them haven't been put in yet.


just a simple question this time, but will any of the heroines after mind controlled have a story line or event planned. I am just wondering because it seems that there is potential for that.


Thanks for keeping us updated so regularly. I'm especially hoping that you've had time to put some progression into the villainess plotlines. I love how you've portrayed them so far.


All onbord the hype train. Destination: 29 November!


Eventually for sure but not in the first stage of completion. I want to have a lot of customization eventually where you could say turn Supergirl into a henchwoman or put her in Lexcorp, change her costumes, etc. There has to be cap for now because it's just too many characters to have original storylines/costumes/scenes. I'm excited to see what it looks like in the future. Right now I'm just spending too much time programming and fixing problems as opposed to drawing content.


Seems delay on 1.5 release...


No need to spread panic lol ...I would like to point out that since launch we have not missed a picture, comic, patreon, or alpha build release. We say its coming out on a day it is. Rest easy my friend - smokeshank


where can I get the alpha? :D


It there anyway you can release an android tablet version?


Maybe, there are strict limitations but Injustice can probably be within them once it's optimized. I'll have to see.


Amazing ...