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Due to outrage over notifications, and lack of context. We will no longer be running any preview for this update. Sorry to the few that didn't have fun, our intentions were only to spur some conversation and not outrage people. We were having fun, sorry for the inconvenience 


Kevin R Conk

Now you're just being dramatic.


I was having fun. I'm sorry to hear that other people weren't. I hope this doesn't stop you guys from doing teaser weeks. I always have a blast trying to guess what it is.


People you're paying for a sex game have some sense of fun fucking shit

Joshua Abutin

Why are people so dramatic. I loved the previews. It was fun


We will continue for sure, but they will be much shorter and come in the standard format.


Unfortunately it makes no sense to continue on when we have this much dissatisfaction.


C'mon peeps, it's Christmas! Give it a rest and just have some fun!

alex baker

I didn't get the joke but i wasn't mad about, the hell people have a sense of humor.

Kevin R Conk

I think someone needs to have the term "freaking out" properly defined.


Previews were fine in my book.


Wasn't a joke, many of you guys on Patreon and outside like to guess. We just took it in the wrong direction.


Ah....the holidays! It always brings out the 'best' in people. Sad really.


one of the main reasons i stopped talking over discord lots of jerks really... keep doing what you do team few have a sense of humor these days happy holidays

John Richards

I liked them. Sorry about the outrage you've been getting


I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: lmao wtf


Clearly the lack of context was intentional. The complaints and dissatisfaction wasn't. With one more post to come it was clear we had to cut it .


I was more confused than outraged.


I was indifferent on the teasers so I see a notification, go "hm" then move on with my life. People get upset too easily

A Supreme Taco

The gif where the guy opens the fridge and closes it was my reaction to the teasers notifications.


It was certainly geared toward a certain set of fans. We didn't anticipate the few that would get genuinely upset and potentially choose to pull support.


I usually avoid Discord like the plague so i have no idea what happened


I enjoyed the head scratcher previews it definitely got a lot of buzz some good and some bad but overall O thought it was good


It was for fun, but as I stated before a few felt it wasn't. So the two options were to either cancel or continue. Clearly continuing would lead to more complaints.


Wasn't discord. I urge you to come check us out. Our community has been very good as of late. A huge prop to our moderator team.


Sorry it didn't work the way you guys had in mind for everyone.




I don't mind the riddles. Makes you stand out from other creators. People need to chill and take a few breaths, before they start spamming in rage.


They can be improved upon. We had fun and will bring them back eventually, but with more context.


No worries man, guess I was in the “ain’t mad” group. Thought they were pretty funny and trolly. Anyways, looking forward to the update and hope you’re having a great holiday season.


Seriously? Why the hell were people angry? You were joking and having fun. Honestly, if they want to whine and moan about something like this, maybe you shouldn't want them as supporters anyway. Seems like they are entitled brats.

Luis Alberto

Are we talking about the video teasers that were posted? LOL someone actually got upset over those? Seriously? What are they, like 5? I couldn't even figure out what they were or what they were about and i seriously just shrugged my shoulders and went "oh well they will tell us when they are ready". like.. wow. some people are just seriously mentally weak


People got outraged at teasers???? seriously??? idk somepeople need to grow up.


It apears hoes are mad


I'm sorry people freaked out - personally I liked the new teasers - a fun distraction from work slowing down for the holidays. But in defense of the (indefensible) outrage, maybe this would have gone differently if there were a roadmap out right now? Maybe people were thinking it could be a surprise update, or new content of some kind, so the disappointment kind of deflated their fun (I'm trying to be generous to people who freaked out about a notification here). I guess what I'm saying is - if/when there is a roadmap again, I hope you keep having more fun/mixing it up a little.

Tyrranus Lord

congrats to the whiney shitburger minority that managed to ruin the fun for everyone else again.. Im sure you're happy with your sorry troll selves.

William Ambervein

Absolutely no contact and mystery visuals is no fun. Especially when it just comes from news about how a team member is no longer working there. There's too many stories about how somebody who still had access to a login screwed with everybody as revenge.


The more traditional silhouettes I think are better because of the peek of actual content coupled with actual solving like with Maxima where the hair was a big giveaway. Vague and weird 4 second clips aren't worth looking at. I just hope we aren't getting Ice from the update because Killer Frost has already been AWOL for a year and despite the prison being implemented and finished, her nor Poison Ivy are getting anything and characters from the yacht event are getting finished now. Just more "Why are new characters getting added in droves when older characters are shelved REEEE" vibes.

Chi The Legend

it was interesting to watch peoples speculation and i didnt care one way or the other but i do agree its nicer to just KNOW whats happening and when than just sitting there confused with no dates to guess on. oh well it was fun while they lasted.


We took liberties that people understood after 6+ releases that an update usually falls at the end of a week for teasers. We started on Monday 12/16, release is 12/21. We won't take such liberties, as well the riddles were designed for those that really liked guess every update.


Sorry other people spoiled the fun, i thought it was neat giving new types of teasers. Keep up the good work.

jose hernandez



Man why peeps gotta suck The previews were neat, they were fun, they hyped us up smh

Jimm Reaper

Just continue what you doing sir. I like and appreciate the creativity that put on your teaser. It adds more excitement to the updates you giving us. I know most of the people don't like it but you still got half of your census that appreciates it..


I thought it was pretty obvious that the release was gonna be with us pretty soon. The hints started to make sense when more were revealed and Christmas is around the corner. It was not a difficult concept.

Nikolaj K.

Hey man, i thought it was pretty fun. Dont beat yourself up over it, some people just cant handle waiting.


Lighten up people


Although it was all nonsense that made no sense to me I still had fun with all the jerk replies and how serious they took the waste of 10 seconds each time :P


For me who is not on Discord and very rarely comments it Made no sense to me, there where no signs of teasing material nor description. So i had no clue. just notifications of low quality content. I would not pull my support but i understand why people were annoyed since this website is about updates and information about projects.


"Absolutely no contact and mystery visuals is no fun for me personally." There, fixed it for you.


Blegh, it's always the minority of people who ruin it for the larger group. Thank you very much to all you whiners about getting notifications and saying the teasers "made no sense" or "were rubbish" or whatever. You ruined it for everyone. Is it so hard to let other people have their fun? The egos on some people. "derp, I don't like getting notifications, so the whole world should stop getting them, derp". Just turn off notifications and stop whining in the comments. Special snowflakes....


I feel like I missed something here...


some folks were annoyed/complaining about the teaser videos GG was posting and so they were taken down. Sigh.... Some folks really need to chill


Like we said previously we took liberties that people understood that we did things a certain way. For the last 6 or so releases we ran a week of teasers. The post had a teaser tag. We have never in 4.5 years just posted random stuff. As we said previously it was intentionally set up with a limited amount of context, due to many of our fans enjoying the guessing game. Unfortunately for a few it wasn't fun, so much so they would think of pulling support. Therefore we removed the riddles, and issued an apology.


Clearly we were having fun, trolling the complaints was part of all the fun. It was light hearted and not serious. The moment someone was clearly upset, we removed the content and issued an apology.


The silhouettes work when it's appropriate, in this case everyone would have guessed in 5 seconds what the update was about. The clips were designed for a group of users who like cryptic messages and guess all cycle long what's coming up. In fact the first video posted, the first comment on our discord guessed the update content! But in the future a little more context will be added. We had fun with the format and will do it again in the future.


I mean I dont know what was teased. But I asumed it was Fire and Ice. and I liked it quite a bit.


The previews were cringe, but eh, wouldn't say they warranted an outrage


Come on, you guys work your kiesters off banging out code all day. So long as you aren't sticking Granny Goodness in the game, I'm cool with you blowing off a little video steam. Keep up the good work and please bring in some Lois content... TL;dr - I am not enraged. I am anticipating the release.

Kevin R Conk

There was no outrage, just minor criticism that was blown out of proportion.


I disagree. If Granny Goodness were added as a villain, that would be amazing. That means The Furies could be a thing one day. I think that would be quite a cool story to play through. Also the Furies are hot.


Я ничего не писал, но предлагаю вспомнить все проблемы с которыми проект столкнулся за последние пол года. И когда ожидается новогодний релиз, троллинг возымел куда более серьезный эффект. Но с другой стороны и что с того? Ну мне он тоже не понравился И ЧТО?! У тебя есть свое мнение или чувство юмора? Пожаловались пара человек и конец?


You misunderstood. Some folk are all about the female version of the Lemon Party, and I really didn't want to see any Granny Goodness action. But the Furies would be nice, too.


Ah. Now I understand what you mean. And yeah, in that context, hell no. But! I still want Barda at least. even if the other Furies get skipped.


Was the Something Unlimited update released?


I asked at least a week ago, but is Something Unlimited's update overdue, or did I miss the posting about the download?


I'm a little late, here, but what could possibly have happened to outrage people over anything Gunsmoke does? I'd be willing to bet at least 5 people told them to kill themselves. It's a porn game. It's not that serious.