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This will only apply to a very small percentage of users. We are aware of the recent Mac Catalina update where Mac now uses 64 bit applications rather than 32 bit. Unfortunately our version of Unity is 4.5 years old. Meaning any further update using that old version of Unity will be in 32 bit. We cannot update Unity for the current version of SU, meaning any 64 bit Mac update will not be available until the rebuild. That is unless we find a work around. Sorry for the inconvenience



John Richards

Irrelevant question but is the upcoming release going to be an update of SU or is SR7 working to release another project?


That’s why I’m not updating, most of my games won’t work


Mac Catalina is just a piece of sh it all round honestly


I did find a Work around at least for myself. If you cut and paste the new file once you unzip it to an old one that is working or grandfathered in by Catalina it should work. That’s how I got the last bug update to load and work and play for me. So far no other problems or bugs that come up.


There is a really simple guide to download windows on your mac, if you want me to send you a message so you can make a puplic post about it I wouldnt mind one bit, your game is the only reason I downloaded windows, but missed the mechanics so I am using windows all the time now, NO extra equipment needed and 100% free, you simply use a mac problem allready on your macbook


Couldn't you just tell us we are holding it wrong? 🤨 https://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/mobile/06/25/iphone.problems.response/index.html

The Silver Socialist

How far into the story is the Rebuild of the game? How long do you think it will take to catch up to the last update of the regular game?


Yeah, if your Mac is good enough to run Catalina, it should run Windows with no problem - and yes it's 100% free. You have to start a new SU save, but hey once in a while you do that.


Ok proven workaround. 1) Take mac sell on Craigslist 2) Buy top of the line PC 3) Take remaining cash get hookers and blow 4) Last $5.00 support us!!


Will the blow be from Tegridy Farms? And you need to add a towel to the list.

Jamal brown

So apple dropped a new update does anyone know if it fixes the issue with opening SU?