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Clearly with the recent changes there would be some concern regarding the current projects that we have going on at GG. Firstly, SU in its current state isn’t affected by this change. Plus there will be questions regarding a replacement, and how we are going to handle that. Lastly there will be questions on what happened, which will be answered further down. 

SU Rebuild

Locke is willfully turning over all the project files, and once we get those we will assess the progress and a plan of action. The rebuild is still a go, and a top priority for us moving forward. This will cause a delay, the length we do not know. But we are working to make it as short as possible. 

A Replacement

A replacement is being sourced locally. This will help us out in many ways, we are excited to move in this direction. 

What Happened

Well creative differences (just like in Hollywood!). Which resulted in a fundamental breakdown in the relationship between Locke and Gunsmoke Games ownership. This happens in business everyday, it’s never an easy decision to let someone go. 

Gunsmoke Games



Joshua Abutin

Thanks for letting us all know that a plan is being implemented and the path forward is known :)


Project managers change a lot more often than other positions, at least in my experience.

The Silver Socialist

What were these creative difference that were so irreconcilable that you had to do something this drastic?


Just like Head Coaches in sports. But you never see the owners change unless the sell their company.

The Silver Socialist

You misunderstand my question. What exactly were the creative differences in question? Was their disagreement on game mechanics, story, what characters to include?


Wasn’t the reason Sunsetriders never hired programmers for the main game because he’s the only one that understands the coding for it? It won’t be the same case for the rebuild?


Your meme came at the right time to help me with my project. Thanks. Ok, back to the grind!


For us to give exact reasons would potentially escalate a situation that is already tense for both sides. We just want to move forward from this and wish him the best of luck in his endeavours. I hope you can understand.


The rebuild is very simple. It shouldn't be a major issue having another programmer work with it.

Kobold Lad

Cool beans, lessons learned and GG keeps chugging along, keep up the good work.


wew. looks like somebody got a little moody and argued with the boss.


I want to say something here in regards to my interaction with Locke before he left. Tho i know this might be an unpopular post/opinion... I am aware that Locke wasnt the most comfortable person to be around with. I am also aware that his characteristics does come off as a person who is rude and probably egotistical to a lot of you and to that, you have every intention of hating on him. That said, it infuriates me that a lot of you guys were shitting on him, when you guys really dont know what really went down between Gunsmoke Games and Locke. But I guess that doesnt matter anymore. That said, I would like you guys to atleast acknowledge the fact that he had every intention of trying to make Gunsmoke Games better ... in his own way, with approval of the GG boys of course... and if you don't, atleast know that the SU Rebuild and whatever projects they had in the works is something he was deeply passionate about. But everything must come to an end eventually. Anyways, Looking forward to seeing whats next for GG Have a good one, folks! Hapi Fappin!


Will the Mac version be fixed soon?


Question, is there a way to get any of the girls completed in the cells to go back to the glamor slam? Is there a way or it hasn't been programed yet?