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2.2.2 has officially been released to patrons! You can find the download post below this one and both changelogs at the bottom of this post too. 

Dev Cycle Turbulence

It was really important to us to get this update out on time and break the delay cycle, and decisions were made from the very beginning to that effect. Development was solidly on course too… until about a week-and-a-half ago. Everything that could go wrong started to go wrong, and SR7 put in a ton of work to still get it across the finish line in time. 

That being said, we have been making progress when it comes to bettering the dev and testing process and this update has gotten more testing than usual – so hopefully bugs are at a minimum! If you find any, please don’t be shy and report them in the Discord’s bugs channel.

We know this can be frustrating to hear and go through, but we’re working towards permanent foundational solutions that are going to take some time to fully implement. We appreciate everyone’s understanding on this matter. 

Enjoy Breaking Babs! 

There are a couple minor surprises in the update that mark a new content avenue SR7 hopes to add a bit more of in future updates that we believe helps round out the experience and gives people that last bit of spice they’re looking for from SU.   

We look forward to hearing what all of our patrons think about the Batgirl update, and we hope you all enjoy it. 

Thanks for playing,

Gunsmoke Games




Love your game! I'm looking forward to it.


And bugged so can't enter the cells :(

Matt Ahn

WOO MOAR UPDATES~~ Thank you kindly for the hard work!


Where do you get to download the update?


Beautiful simply fantastico kiss kiss kiss I love it I mean the photo with the cats Leader and junior ; D think the update is synonymous glasse synonymous if I'm not up for bugs but hey is one of them ^^

DJ Quinn

I mentioned it previously, but I do think it would be good if you scheduled a dev cycle that's just for side content, clean up, expansion of previous content, etc every now and then (maybe once every set of 3 girls?). Would be a good way to "reset" any delays that have slowed you down since you'd be under no obligations for just how much you needed to get done.



jose hernandez

Thanks guys!!! WE LOVE YOU WITH COCAINE!!!!!!!!!



J Scott

Wow! That was fantastic! Loved it!

Marc A Carroll

I see there's more Lady Shiva, does this mean we can interact with her now, or ar you just adding in more for content for when we finally can?


When the rebuild is caught up, there will be a totally different process and workflow going on. We are managing the workflow we have currently. So I cannot say if we would do a "clean up" cycle.


found two bugs after first dance of lady shiva the game freezes whenever you try a dance with any outfit again and the other is when i go to the vault lady shiva is labeled as black canary and if you click on it the game goes to a black screen. they may be related to the same issue.


I have an issue. I can't unlock Talia content. She showed up in the Office and dance but then She never come back.


another great update! you guys really know how to tickle my fancy. by the way, the only bug i'm seeing from my end is lady shiva's dance scene and vault scene access. can't wait for the next update. just a small request. can you do more cowgirl or reverse cowgirl sex or anal scenes. seeing their flat tummy and their legs spread are what really turns me on. thanks.


I am trying to get the Talia content to work she showed up once in the office but everything I go back she does pop up us a bug or I'm I doing something wrong please reply thank you

Jonathan Heard

for Talia usually you have to reset the yacht event and then the talia scences occur the offices scences occur like every 3 or 4 days


I did but she still doesn't show when skipping 3 or 4 days did I do something wrong in the yacht event or is there another way please reply and thanks for replying my comment


Talia showed up in the office once before this update but she never came back every time I'll check the office she does not pop is this a bug , someone told me to restart the yacht event but ti did not work can someone help please.

Jonathan Heard

it might be a bug because I used an older save from the previous version and the yacht event restart worked with Cheshire as henchwoman

Jonathan Heard

is Cheshire still your henchwoman as you continue to go to the office waiting for Talia


How to unlock Lady Shiva ??


Yes Cheshire is my current henchwoman and I did use her for the yacht event


heres a stupid question....im new to this so how do i download the update. i downloaded the changelogs already


found a glitch when having yacht sex scene with cheshire jinx lines are coming up