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Bug I cant enter the cells. Black screen when you try to enter.

Marty McLean

Shiva won't dance after the first time

Conor Reynolds

It won't let me do anything I can't get into cells or the private room


love this update. only issue I ran into was after unlocking the nicknames for babs I was never given the option in the menus


I can't unlock the Talia content at all. She shows up to the office twice and dances only to never return.

jose hernandez

GREAT COCAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've got to say, GSG, that Harvey was a nice touch! I actually stopped to laugh. Bullock's always been a favorite character of mine.


Who actually tests the builds before they're released? Because there's a bunch of them that should have been caught if it was actually tested properly. Oh well hopefully it will get fixed quickly instead of five days from now.


You're never going to have a bug free build. Especially when you have a deadline to meet. The build went through two rounds of testing. But you must realize that it is just one man doing the fixes, and it's not as easy as flipping a variable everytime. As well with the rebuild catching up, we will have a whole new process in place, and whole new engine to handle the game. Right now it's the feeling that the plug in we are using is causing compiling errors and other problems. These should be solved once the rebuild is caught up, and transition over is complete.

Marty McLean

Did you get nasty with her on the yacht? Mine wouldn't progress until I did. Don't know if it is cause and effect but what could it hurt.


GG you guys rock.; would you prefer reporting bugs here or on discord?

Nicholas Odonnell

I wanted to ask if the strip option for some characters will come back for some characters

Nicholas Odonnell

some animations for the strip part disapear for some of the heroines but I get if it happens I was just curious if that was meant to happen I know you guys spend a long time on the development and I get that it takes a long time I appriciate what you guys do the game is fantastic and hope it keeps going I will support this game till the development ends


Yup, done that multiple times now and still nothing. Got Chesire as henchwomen like I'm suppose to and get nothing. Just a glitch where it's not processing any further.


Just have them dance again. The strip option will come back. Though now it's starting to feel like the devs are saying the Rebuild will fix everything instead of trying to fix things now. I get that it's an older build of Unity but at this point, it's the fourth update with what feels like major bugs.


Maybe I can imagine that, but somehow I think that all caracter look better The continuation of barabar is really good. but I'm missing some movement. and I'm not a fan of Discord I've noticed something the Tala thinks part of the barbarian seduction / breaking is. in the continuation of an old save point, there was Sze with Tala when I started a whole new game I have the whole Barbara undertaking without Tala scene that is so planned must have only with Tala a progress so they occur in Barbara.


The file isn't available.


Anyone have any tips for downloading through mega? Everytime I try it just closes out my browser without finishing


Hi the mac link isn't working could we get this reuploaded please, cheers! Charlie