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Well this one turned out to be the biggest addition to the pack yet. I didn't get the Artemis x Cheshire stuff in because I'll have to do them as animations. Otherwise it would take almost a hundred images to do all the combos for each scene. Pretty soon the pack will get cut into 2 parts I think. Already its growing larger than the game itself lol!



Love all the pics and effort you put in to getting them to us from the game. If I can make a suggestion. Instead of putting the new stuff in with the old and send out the pack, why not just send out the new stuff as the asset pack? for each new update, put the pics aside and that could be the asset pack you put out. Just a thought, might cut down on the size of the updated pack. Anyway, thanks again for all you guys do for us, love the game and everything you give us :)


Quick little thing, thank you so much for adding in the backgrounds. I swear I will only use them for my own enjoyment :D