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We fucked up. We could tell that it was because SR7 tried to outdo himself but didn’t have sufficient time to do so. We could explain the cascading dominos from the trouble with the last build coupled with unfortunate business timings due to schedules and legalese. But none of it would change the pure fact that we have to delay the build until April 5th at the latest – and therefore, we fucked up. 

We hope that years of being on time has given us the benefit of the doubt that this will not continue or be the new norm, but we also understand our patrons and fans being aggravated that delays have now happened on back-to-back cycles. And none of the reasons behind why this happened excuse that. 

Frankly speaking, if we felt like we could or had a time machine, we’d do away with timed releases entirely – especially for a project that relies so heavily on one person. There’s just too much that can happen outside of our control. 

There’s a reason a lot of our contemporaries have steered away from, or entirely clear of, timed releases. Game development is a fickle mistress that is nearly impossible to anticipate. Something that you expect to take 5 hours could take 5 mins and vice-versa – and that only becomes truer the deeper you get into a project’s life cycle. 

But we understand the timed-release schedule is vitally important to many of you. And we understand we have a duty to uphold the practices and expectations upon which this project was built. 

We can’t promise to never have to delay a build again. Frankly speaking, if the decision is between putting out a mess or cutting content vs delaying the build a few days, we’re going to delay the build every time. And that doesn’t mean the delayed build won’t still have issues – as was the case with the Raven build. 

What we can promise is to own our mistakes, to learn from them, and to incrementally get better with each mistake we make. At the end of the day, we’re just a collection of humans. But we are trying to do our best and steadily improve. 

Again, we apologize for the delay. As a token of recompense, we hope the above teaser/reveal is to many people’s liking (yep, the mystery character was Talia) and tomorrow we will be releasing the next roadmap. 

We appreciate everyone’s understanding in this matter,

Gunsmoke Games



Jacob Goodheart

It's ok man, life has a way of throwing us curveballs that we can't be ready for, honestly the fact that you guys have a regular update that adds content more than once or twice a year already puts you guys up there as my favorite content creators on here. It takes time, trust me I've had to learn some programming for my college degree and I can't understand jack or shit about it, and jack left town.


being open and honest is a good way to go. Keep up the good work.


Hey it's okay life is rough and the unexpected happens


Honestly I'd be fine with a timed release 'Window'. It's not a huge deal, at lest for me, that a release ALWAYS happens on the 1st of the month. The best game teams have always said "It's done when it's done." As long as the content is good and communications flow I'm happy.


Just an idea but If you feel like this, you could add a new time frame to the tiers. For example, Updates will come somewhere between the 5th to 10th.


Shit happens. I've been with yall for a few years now and this is only happens once or twice a year anyway. Also, not like your delays are "Yeah, I just didn't do anything for the game for 5 months but yall will still pay me right?"; a few days doesn't make a huge difference for me. Also, Called it!


5 days? No problem! I will be right here! I love you guys too much

Aftermath Team

That's my policy with my own supporters, and they seem to cut me a lot of slack because of it. Let people know what's going on as you go and give them a heads up when something unexpected comes up. Personally, the post above, I thought that was the perfect way to handle the situation.


No problem. Just means we are getting better content. You've been consistent for years and having a few hiccups along the way is understandable.

Uriah Jackson

I'm firmly of the mind that I'd rather have a longer wait than get a faulty build. Quality takes time.


Take the delays that you need & give us a quality build like always. I can't speak for everyone here but alot of us have life's out side of this game. We can wait. PS. Adding Talia was the best decision ever.


So wait a min... This build isn't first at the end of the month??

Reb Bartera

I'd be fine with content chunks just coming out when they come out. Im particularly fond of how Dark Cookie does his updates. Just one content chunks that has no eta and is instead followed via a few progress bars.

Marty McLean

Hmmm, drop on time with a half assed release OR wait a short time for quality product? Is this one of those hidden camera shows?


I'm fine with things being delayed occasionally. I'm not fine with an update being delayed after a previous update was delayed. For what seems to have been bullshit reasons because it still ended up being a buggy mess after they said the delay was to bug test it. That usually means that the next update will be delayed too. I do understand it takes time for things to be perfect when one person is working on it but now I'm incredibly wary about the next update. I'd also be perfectly happy if they split the update and released the Artemis content on time then released the Talia content in a week or something but that's me. Hopefully this time Gunsmoke won't jump down my throat for expressing my concerns because that's not a good way to treat your supporters.


Hey at least you are letting us know instead of leaving us in the dark. Look forward to both the roadmap and the next release. Keep on keeping on guys.


It happens, thanks for the honesty and keep making a fantastic product

Adren Bailey

it's understandable still want that swimsuit event


Been working in software almost my whole adult life, and I can tell you from experience the longer the release cycle, the harder it is to hit a deadline. Bigger releases are harder to manage and *much* harder to debug, that's unavoidable. You might want to internally schedule the release for 6-10 days before the deadline (with commensurate adjustment in the amount of deliverables) ; if you end up not needing the extra time, then take a well-earned break, advance a side-project, or get a jump on planning the next release.

Adren Bailey

I just realize something that April 1st is getting closer


too often do not have time

Red Claw

I see too often even big companies giving out Products, that are filled with Bugs and Errors due to wanting to uphold some kind of release Date. I'm always in Favor of delaying the release, if the result is, that we get a more polished Version for release. So no hard feelings there as long as everyone tries to make the release date happen and not slack off.


To adequate people you don't need to explain this, we understand, we are all humans and fuckups can happen sometimes. And on a contrary, whiners will always call you guys lazy milkers and scammers no matter how pure and honest you are. Keep up your awesome work guys, you're rock!


Take it easy you can't predict the future you're not a God just a human of flesh and bone like the rest of us we get frustrated sad depressed... it happens! Be cool a release can wait a few days no worries ❤


Take your time, we'll be waiting!


I hope to see WW, Lois, SupGirl or Ivy on the roadmap. UwU


Well it Happens, Let me help you to report about My Problem about Somthing Unlimited First Starfire doesn't looks good her face is problem, so does black fire and Second, Giganta Yatch scene during scene her size is shrunken to normal, i mean we love giganta because she is Big and I was disappointed when she shrunken into normal and I am sure Others too.


Just ignore the impatient 12 year olds, this stuff takes time.


Imagine being that one guy thats complaining while everyone else is supporting the creators of the game.


Don't worry. It is better if the update is good even if it does not go out on time.


who are you calling a 12-year-old who's inadequate?


Please, take your time and make a masterpiece rather than just a 'game' and if that requires an extra week or two after literal YEARS of consistency then so be it


i'm gonna have to check in with a doctor after i play this update. ;) thank you so much gunsmoke games. keep it up. :)


So help me if this is an early April Fools I'm gonna be pissed lol


Hey guys relax. We are all incredibly grateful for the work you do, and the amount of effort you put in to actually communicating with the community. There was another creator who was making games like you do, and they started off well. But eventually they stopped communicating with people and missed deadline after deadline, and then started blaming their patrons for being upset. You guys rock and we more than understand a delay of a couple of days.


who would say, ass licking