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We’ll give you one free hint: she’s not Cheshire. 

A lot of you thought you had this update figured out as soon as you read the changelog. WELL YOU THOUGHT WRONG, BOB! You’re playing checkers while the game is 7D chess! 

You think we’re so predictable? That you know who’s silhouette that is in the picture? YOU CAN’T HANDLE WHO’S IN THE PICTURE!

… or maybe you can. Guess we’ll find out soon. 

Speaking of the Release…

As most of you know, this update not only wound up a bit behind due to problems with the last update, but Smoke and SR7 also flew down to Florida for half a week to handle “high-level business affairs”. The build was still deep in the testing phase when they left, and currently SR7 is assessing what all is possible in the next two days. 

The build might be a tad bit delayed, some things may be cut to get it out on time, or maybe all the bugs are minor and easily solved by the 31st. We’ll know more for sure by tomorrow at the latest and will make a post updating you all once we know more. 

Sorry for any mental distress/anguish this news may cause,

Gunsmoke Games



Marty McLean

Good but delayed is way better than early and crap. Do your thing, we can wait.


Bitchin, Talia. One of DC's hottest villainesses who's actually evil


Who’s that Pokemon? 😆


I don't know about others, but I personally wouldn't mind the update being late if that gave you guys extra time to fit everything in and sort out the bugs


Prefer a late arrival for maximum content


Take an extra week or 2 if need be. People can wait to fap


ooooo Talia! Thats a pleasant surprise. She better give me that vag this time though


could be Ivy


calypso or circe too


With the Chinese lamp, I guess talia


If you delay the update again after delaying the last one for 'bug fixes' that didn't keep it from being a buggy mess. I'll probably have to pull my patronage if it keeps up. Two delays back to back doesn't look good.


Because it's supposed to be delivered on a certain date and that's what I'm paying for as a patron. Not five days after. Constant delays also isn't something I'm willing to support.


No where on our Patreon page does it promise a build to be released at the end of the month. It promises early access to the builds, which we follow through on.

Alith Anar

I am guessing either Talia or Selina Kyle to play more of a role


could be nissa al goul

Red Claw

I hope it's Talia. I love Talia.


I thought, it was a fucking chair :D


Looks like Mercy to me


if one assumes the hairstyle I have made 3 options either it is Badgirl Lois Lane or Mercy, of course there is the possibility that it is someone new

Adren Bailey

shit happens and that's talia or it could be zatanna without her hat


Well despite all that I am still looking forward to it. Batwoman is my guess because why not.

Bruce Wayne

That's Talia Al Ghul people


i really do hope that's talia al ghul. i had my eye on her ever since she was included in the game. if this is really her then this will be the best update ever. but i also have the feeling that it's also mercy or poison ivy.


Not going to lie, if it it is Talia then that's a bit disappointing. I personally find her a bit too vanilla for SU. Her appearance on the yacht was nice but I was content if that's all we saw of her. Still love your product guys. Whatever you all make I'm sure it will be great.


Im guessing based on the hair it could be black canary. Like i know shes in the game already but maybe its a mind control device upgrade to have her in the cell like Batgirl and the others