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As many of you know, or should know, our new change in direction is to begin working on “completion updates.” For the foreseeable future, SU’s updates are going to primarily focus on completing heroines that are already in the game. 

Completion means delivering all of the standard scenes and content that’s already somewhat promised by SU’s design, i.e. the cell and bordello scenes. It doesn’t necessarily mean there will never be more scenes for that girl added later for events, story progression, etc. It simply means the bulk of her content, as promised by the game’s core design/gameplay loop, is finished. 

Outside of Heroines

The content for heroines is pretty straight forward. Henchwomen and villainesses aren’t so cut and dry though. They’re all in various stages of completion and many require the progression/completion of other characters before you can get to their next scenes. This makes it difficult to simply pluck their name from a hat and work on completing them, which is why work on henchwomen and villainesses will continue as possible. 

This means there will be more content per update than just the update’s heroine focus. 

But we’re not going to tell you who or what that content is. From this point moving forward, you’re not going to know every little bit of content expected in a coming update. Another girl might be completed, a small event might happen, or maybe even a new character is added! There might even be quality of life updates!

We will still be releasing spoiler changelogs alongside each update, so you’ll know shortly after the update goes out, but not one second before. 

So, with that out of the way, here’s the upcoming roadmap for SU: 

2.1.9 – Terra (November 30th)

2.2.0 – Miss Martian (January 31st)

2.2.1 – Artemis (March 30th) 



No Galatea? Q_Q


wtb more raven and lois stuff, but I know I'm not the majority T_T


Nothing against the others, but it feels like Batgirl have been forgotten in the mix?? 🤔


While I do like to know spoilers beforehand, I do enjoy this Russian Roulette sex event concept. It feels like a bonus. About the heroins update, I assume MM and Artemis are first because they're already in advanced stages ingame? (Private sex, stripping, etc)

Red Claw

Artemis just before my Birthday. Great early Birthday present, if it works out as planed.


"This means there will be more content per update than just the update’s heroine focus. " ; )


There are 13 primary heroines and this is a roadmap for the first 3 completion updates...


There are a lot of factors involved in who's chosen when. A big part of the issue is, as it says in the post, that some characters are tied to others.


"This means there will be more content per update than just the update’s heroine focus. " ; )


So can we expect more Catwoman stuff with the Meta Bordello updates? She seems to get no love even with all the previous scenes added.


its good you guys are doing one thing at a time. doing so meany games at once was holding u guys back. SU is one of the bests games u are doing. its fun to play and the last update was real great. keep up the good work.


Sorry for obscene details, honorable gentlemen, but according to my fap-statistics Miss Martian is the girl I fap at most often among the other heroines. So I am very pleased to know that this girl is pretty high on the 'finish' list. Keep up the good work GG! (^^)


*crossing my fingers for Raven and Starfire...*


I'm eager to see where Miss Martian's Oreo addiction leads, could probably make her a willing minion and hooker for enough of the tasty treats lol


The liberal use of exclamation points tells me that Locke is very excited


Lol, you made me go back and check how many I used. I try to be mindful of them when I write while excited. XD


I'm glad to hear you guys will be focusing more on quality and quantity for SU. I've stuck with you guys for awhile now and really hate seeing broken content released now on this two month plan of yours. For $9,000 dollars a month you guys should have a vote to see what people want you to focus on. Sorry for the rant and I love SU.


Man, I want some love for my Barbara :(

João Pauferro

I really liked the game, but I think that instead of putting new heroines in the game you should finish the ones we already have, Barbara, Stargirl, Supergirl, Wonder Woman and others could all have their scenes like Quinn and to Mercy (I am obviously talking about when they are in our cells) and also there is no way we can put Black Canary among other heroines in prison where I find the interaction very amusing most of the time

João Pauferro

sorry for the english errors but I have another nationality


So, will the heroines you capture become future henchwomen... Also will Audrey and Killer Frost become henchwomen?

João Pauferro

in the game could also have romance with the lex, example after a while barbara (batgirl) ends up having sex with the luthor for more than a blowjob or something of the genre and starts to like it may seem like a beast but I wish there was something like that


Are we getting more characters in future updates


After major progress is done on existing characters, most likely. Cameo characters, like in the Yacht event, will still probably pop up


are we gonna get some content for catwoman?


black canary and zatanna need content


How high is someone like Stargirl on the list? I don't see her being very popular. She's one of my favorites.


I would love to see more Stargirl too. Her valley girl accent and her awesome expressions make me want to see more of her. If not for the conversations, but also her look. :)


Not to be a stickler for detail, but since the last update was 2.2.222, shouldn't the next update be 2.2.3, not 2.2.1? BTW, more WW please! Thanks!