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There’s no real easy way to say this so we’re just going to rip the band-off: The Scooby game has been cancelled. 

After a tumultuous development cycle made up of numerous harsh road bumps, the direction for the game had to take a sharp turn in order for us to wind up with anything usable. However, the response from our initial play testers made it abundantly clear that people’s expectations for the game were too far removed from what we were looking to deliver. Even among our testers, those expectations negatively colored players’ opinions to such a great degree that we have chosen it best to use the game’s development solely as a harsh learning experience – one from which we did in fact learn a great deal. 

We were never expecting to make a large Scooby game with a continuous development process. That was never the goal. We were simply seeking to make something small and very appropriate for Newgrounds, like Bend or Break.

Also, our company goals and direction has seen a distinct shift since we began the Scooby project – one that the Scooby game doesn’t quite fit into. It’s become the case that the game has been holding up progress on other items we believe our fans and patrons would be much more interested in. 

Being such a small team, we have to carefully choose where we divert our limited resources. We were stuck with a choice. Spend even more time and resources to get something somewhat usable out of the Scooby endeavor or take the loss and divert resources towards projects that our fans will be much more excited about. In that context, at least for us, it was a simple decision to make. 

The good news is that we learned a lot from the experience that will help us create better games in a timelier manner moving forward. Our preproduction and employee vetting processes have immensely improved, and Locke – who will be our lead programmer on all projects moving forward – created some coding techniques and snippets that our future titles will certainly benefit from. 

We aren’t going to leave our patrons out in the lurch with nothing after all of this time though. We will be handing out a Scooby game asset pack with all of the art and assets that were created for the game. It will initially be made available to our $10+ patrons, as per usual, but will be given out to the rest of our patrons two weeks later as an apology for dashing your hopes. (Maybe some of you will see a few of the issues that led us to this moment upon reviewing the asset pack too.)

Our deepest apologies to any and all let down by this news. All we can do is learn from this experience and be better in the future, which is exactly what we intend to do. 

Thanks for reading,

    - Gunsmoke Games



Say. Maybe you could revisit Bend or break. Just a suggestion. It would be fun to see it expanded and have some good endings.

Matt Ahn

RIP. Although I will be sad about this, I'm also optimistic in the sense that this can help you guys focus on the main game. Not that the development is slow or anything like that, but it might also lessen the weight on your shoulders. Still looking forward to the future!

jose hernandez

Is not a bad idea, make a HD version of the first game could be good diversion.

jose hernandez

Im sad because I was curious to see a scooby doo game by GG, but im happy it didnt kill you too much and also the failures tend to be harder to accept but also the best in teaching u what should never happend again.


That sucks, I was actually looking forward to this game.

VN Star Wars +18 Game

"other items ... our fans and patrons would be much more interested in" I would love to hear more about it.


We don't want to hype things up before we have something concrete to show.


Was there ever a beta the people could try out on NG or anywhere else?


Is there any chance for us to try this Build even if it won't be Updated Further?


Judging by the asset pack, the game wasn't quite what I was expecting anyway. I guess I thought it would be something closer to SR7s art style, which I admit was a silly thing to think since someone else was drawing it. I've never really been into the "exaggerated boobs and butts" style of H-art, I guess. At any rate, bummer that the project failed but good on you for realizing early and not sending reinforcements to a lost battle. On to the next thing!


You know after looking at the asset pack (thank you for releasing it) I'm really disappointed by this news. Tell the artist that they did a fantastic job at creating a distinct look that is reminiscent of old scooby cartoons. I hope you guys someday do make a scooby game and keep the art style, anyway C’est la vie to this project. Excited for whats next (and more SU lol)


Sorry to hear that this happened. I wasn't particularly bothered by this but I just feel bad cause it looks like y'all are feeling really guilty. This stuff happens and I think most people here are paying for Super ulimited. So don't beat yourselves up for this!


Sorry to hear the Scooby Doo game got shelved. I initially joined because of it so I’m looking forward to seeing the asset pack. But Now I’ve started SU I’m not leaving anytime soon.

Marcin Gaicki

Let me guess. People expected: 1) Episodic releases roughly matching the format of the original, family-friendly, series (with the mysteries'n'stuff, but with added sex), and/or 2) Bestiality. I can imagine why the game would never take off with either of these two.


The next thing will be SR7 art too, so yeah, you'll probably be much happier with it.


We all feel bad about it, but the guilty feeling you're picking up is probably due to the fact that I also wrote the post and I do feel quite personally responsible for the outcome. There were a lot of extenuating factors that made it extremely difficult, but I was really hoping to pull something out of it. Unfortunately I was unable to do so. = /


People's expectations definitely played a part in our decisions not to release what we have, although not in quite the way you've listed here. It was clear people were looking for something that we never intended nor could deliver due to other major problems the project faced. As for bestiality, we were always upfront about it not being featured in the game.


It's important to note that what's in the asset pack is literally all I had to work with and all I was going to get to work with. I won't go into further detail, but look again with that in mind and you might see part of the problem. XD


The guy who does the art said he asked yall if anything was missing to which yall never replied apparently


I know how you feel guys, as a developer, I know that all awesome ideas can't be made because, if it doesn't meet the target's expectations and needs, then it will be just a huge waste of time and energy. Anyways, cheer up guys, what happened is the proof that you are a great team.


Ah, what could have been.... Such a bummer. The concepts and the art all looked so god damn promising. What could have been...