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I sent out 1500+ emails, of those we only had 5 bounce backs.  This means that if you haven't received the email and were paid up in May, chances are your email client has marked the email as spam.  Please search for Gunsmoke Games in your email.  If there isn't a search function please look in your spam folders, promotion tabs.  I will resend the campaign tomorrow. 



I got it. I enjoyed the update hope black fire is getting a room.

Saturday morning!

I use G-mail, it never shows up on my regular inbox or my spam folder, I have to press "All Mail" and then it pops up in there.


BTW, love the HD Asset Packs! Thanks for adding that


Yeah, no sorry mate, haven't received it yet. Thanks anyway


I didn't either


Oh... I'm so sorry that! I'm check my email today. I will enjoy Yours game! Thank you all of you!


Same here