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problems in glamour slam dancers show as locked boxes with character over top and dancers keep resetting. Black canary keeps freezing and getting stuck in glamour slam slots

Reb Bartera

I just got finished upgrading my computer and I am having trouble finding my old save files. Where are they located so I can transfer them?


Can you double check to see if I am on the mail list?


How do you get Star's second glam slam strip? Just see one


No specific way, like all the other girls. It's randomly played. Sometimes I try to change the slot I put the girl on to, but I'm not sure it makes any difference...


I was a late supporter. Will I still get the email for this month or will I have to wait for the new release?


And here is another update! At last we can see the Audrey stuff :D ... and it's so worth it! (Thanks, peazants! :P ) Concerning Starfire, I must confess I'm not fond of your adaptation of her head+hair design (Raven was easier as an adaptation, I think...). However, I really dig the personality and the story for the cell part! Once again, you manage with greatness to give each prisoner a distinct behaviour, which is good to fight againt boredom and repetitivity :) That said, that's the first version with which I realize fully that there can't be hundreds of girls available, because with all the girls in cells or private rooms right now (12 including Raven, if I'm not mistaken), I get the feeling I have "too much" to do and check at each turn. Knowing that more girls will come into the cells as well (Huntress, Black Canary, Stargirl, Zatanna, Vixen, Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl and probably Ivy, so 8 more, so 20 in total. And I'm not even counting they might be at least another summoned than just Raven), this may become hardly manageable for the player. Perhaps it would be a good idea to update the interface (like having a green check or a red cross near a cell button to indicate if the girl is willing to speak to you or not; it would save the time to click on all the buttons to check) Also, if more heroines would comme, perhaps not give them all cells and keep them in Glamour Slam and Bordello and occasional specific events, which would be enough for satisfaction. Or otherwise, divide the game in "chapters"; like for example, only once you have totally finished submitting/enslaving a set of girls (stories all wrapped up in the cells), a new set will be available. Those are just quick suggestions... ^^

Steve Jones

Bug report here: Ever since the last update, Supergirl's hero costume has been broken. There's a slot for it but nothing appears on the costume menu and clicking on it defaults to the overalls outfit. Additionally, there's a minor UI bug when assigning girls to the Glamor Slam or Bordello. When I hit reset, none of the icons actually move. They all stay where they are, but are still moveable.


So when cloning Galatea I get stuck at the Data tapes part. There's no heist to get data tapes, only small and large money grabs. Is there something i'm missing?


Wait, is it supposed to loop immediately into data tapes after you get the cloning lab parts?


The starfire personality is good however her facial art seems off like it doesn't give the starfire look. Great dances though. There are a few bugs in glamour slam too. Wish the old outfit would fall more with starfireinstead of just her tits like completely move off or rip.


I seen only one Audrey scene where she flashes is that the only scene?


A very nice update that cleaned up a lot of the previously reported bugs. The reset bordello/dancers is the only thing I saw any issue with at all. Thanks for the hard work!


No. The story will move forward and she will end up in a cell. And so there is the cell intro scene.


I didn't get the email yet


Starfire does not change out of her slave outfit even when you change it. Once you go back to her cell she is wearing the slave outfit even if you put her in another


didn't get an email either...

Justin Yang

I need the email as well.


email please :)


Can not change harley quin outfits in cell it freezes the game




I have not received an email I'm afraid.


I just recently pledged, is there still a way for me to get such email or do i have to wait for next month?


The best time of the month! I can't wait to get the email!

Reb Bartera

I still can't find my old saves.


when should i be getting my email?


hello sir am new here where can i find the game ?


I still have not received my email. Are you still sending out batches?


I need an email as well please

Michael woods

Got mine from the discord FYI. Look in your junk and everything then if it's not there send a polite message as this is bound to happen as nothing's perfect.