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I Am The Bone of My Sword.

Steel is My Body,

Fire is My Blood.

I have Created Over A Thousand Blades.

Unknown to Death,

Nor Known to Life.

Have Withstood Pain to Create Many Weapons,

Yet These Hands will Never Hold Anything.

So As I Pray,

Unlimited Blade Works.


"So let get this straight. Your 1-year-old son made a truck and a driver, sending it to the mortal realm and hitting me, just because he watched an Isekai anime and wanted to test out whether Truck-kun works. Did I get that right?"

Daniel Ren asked with his hands pinching the bridge of his nose as the person in front of him nodded. 

"That is exactly what happened."

The old man agreed without hesitating at all.

"... Wow."

That was a lot to absorb. Damn. And he thought that today couldn't get any worse...

There was a sudden pop quiz that was 20% of his grade in school, h got bad results in it. Then he got scolded by his teacher because of his shit results.

After that, he lost my wallet somewhere during lunch, and starved until school ended.

He went back home just to be locked out of my house because he left the key at school, so he went to go take it.

Successfully took it, he walked back home just to suddenly get hit by a truck.

And here he was, in a void with a japanese tatami room along with what he presumes to be God.


That is just bullshit luck right there. Iconic bullshit Daniel Ren luck.

"Ahem, so, now you have a few choices."

Interested in his options, Daniel leans forward on his seat.

"Alright, I'm listening..."

"The first choice is Heaven, and honestly, it's boring as fuck."

"... Excuse me?"

Did he just hear right? Heaven was boring?

"Exactly what I said. It's so boring. Sure, it is utopia after all, but that's the problem. It's too perfect to the point that it's boring. No drama, no entertainment, you're just floating in warm light for eternity."

Darn, that is boring.

"I see... well that's a no for me then."

"Well, the second choice is Hell — "


He shot that one down real quick.

"l... That was quick. But it isn't that bad you know. Lucifer is just the nicest kid that's misunderstood — What if I said that you get to serve hot, demon, ladies that crave sex all day 24/7... though you'll die from exhaustion, just to be revived?"

That prompted Daniel to think about that. 

"... Shit, I'm tempted now. What's the next choice? I want to look through my options before choosing, but Hell seems like the place for me."

The old man hums in thought as he runs his fingers over his white beard. 

"The last choice is reincarnation. Though there is only one world that you can reincarnate into."

"It's either having sex 24/7 to the point that I die or go on cool adventures as an OP MC... I choose the former!"

"I see... I see..."

The old man nods before snapping his fingers. 

"Alright, the world you're reincarnating into is the Nasuverse, specifically the Illyaverse."

"Ah, I see..."



Daniel tilts his head. 

"... Wait, I thought I chose Hell? Second, who?

"Hmm. Interesting... you don't know it. Well, you fucked up, not going to lie. Also, good luck and goodbye."

"Hold up, what is this IllyaverseEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Suddenly, a portal appeared under Daniel as he got sucked into it, the colors of the rainbow glittering around his whole being before he vanished into thin air.  

The old man looked at the portal before giving out a chuckle in amusement. 

"That never gets old... Thanks for entertaining this old man, Celestial Being 782E562-4."

Particles of white and yellow start to converge into a single point, growing larger and larger until it was the size of a basketball. It floated in place as a cold and emotionless voice rang out. 

"My master was the one who authorized this transaction, thank him instead, Second Magician of World ILL67136."

"True, maybe I should give him a visit anytime soon with some gifts. Alright, as per agreement, I get to take my world's EMIYA out for a spin for a century, and in turn, your master has to entertain Alaya for said century."

With a smile, he nodded his head before a portal appeared beside him. 





A few years later...

Opening his eyes, Daniel wakes up in the middle of the night. 

Well, he thinks that he's Daniel. Physically, he is called Shirou, an orphan of 6 years whose parents were caught in a small fire in Fuyuki, his hometown, almost 2 years ago.

After the fire, he woke up in a pained state of what he thinks was memory overload, getting memories of Daniel Ren, so he's not sure if he's Daniel Ren who reincarnated into Shirou's body or Shirou who obtained Daniel Ren's body. 

He didn't really care though, he was still himself. 

The reason why he woke up was due to his daily mission. 

After waking up in a hospital, the man who saved him (Called himself Archer, what a weird guy) gave him a book and pendant before leaving him.

The book, to his shock, was about Magecraft, the artificial reenactment of Mystery. From his limited understanding, it was magic but scientific? Like a replica or a boot-leg version of the actual thing. 

From the get-go, the book's first page warned him that, "to be a Magus was to walk with death", since the experiments that you'd have to do would threaten your life, to which he just thought nothing off since he died once already.

Since this world had Magecraft, that prompted him to start learning about it since, you know, who wouldn't want to learn about magic after reincarnating? It's like, the very first thing to do upon isekai-ing.

The book itself was a step-by-step guide to learn Magecraft, with sections on each chapter of the book that he could touch to get an audio lecture from this guy named Zelretch with him giving detailed explanations about the topics.

So, that was what he had been doing for the past 4 years. Studying Magecraft... Kind of.

Sneaking out of the shared bedroom, he arrived at the playground before sitting in a lotus position. Closing his eyes, he breathed before starting his Magecraft training.


The first chapter of the book was about Magic Circuits, a pseudo-spiritual-nervous system that converts Od into magical energy. 

It was a pain to unlock it from dormancy, literally, as it burned his skin to turn it on for the first time. You had to have someone constantly supply you with magical energy to find the Circuits from your soul as Magic Circuits, even though dormant, will transfer magical energy that you absorb around your body before they are used up as stamina.

That meant that someone who had their Circuits dormant could theoretically find theirs through the traces and force them to activate for the first time. Like a new shampoo bottle, if you opened it once by pumping, you can pump it again and again after the initial release. 

The feeling of it was not good though. It was as if millions of ants were biting down hard on the nerves of his arm, he fainted three or four times during the process. Good thing the book continued to supply him magical energy until the process was done, or else he would have to start over again, which would have been hell.

Even now, he holds the scar of it activating, a dark and tan contrast to his pale white skin that covered his whole left arm until the shoulder area.

After the initial activation, you will have to create a trigger in your brain to act as a button of sorts, to turn the Circuits on and off at a thought. This was harder than you think, he took over a month to come up with his trigger. 

Breathing in and out, he prepares himself for the impact before starting his trigger. 

In his brain, a gun appears, its hammer falls and the gun fires with a bang.

Instantly, his body starts to heat up as the Magic Circuits in his soul flared to life, blue neon-circuit like veins started glowing on his tan arm. Mentally commanding them, he closes 26 of them as he didn't want to overheat his body, leaving only one active as he lets his body get used to magical energy flowing through them. 

This was his daily mission, to let his body get used to magical energy as long as possible since it was burning up his body. From his book, it says that a children's body cannot maintain activating their Circuits for an hour straight due to the heat emitted from the Circuits converting life force into magical energy.

Ha, he could maintain it for 3 hours straight now!

Unfortunately, even if he trained his body, his capacity and output of magical energy cannot be trained, meaning he is stuck with 27 Circuits for the rest of his life. On the bright side, his was more than the average Magus, so that's a plus.

After training his body long enough, he turns his Circuits off by pushing the hammer in his brain back up, the neon-blue veins disappearing from his hand.

Even when it's currently winter time, the snow immediately melted upon touching his body, proving the heat was hotter than he expected. Stretching his back, he quickly heads back to sleep.


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