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IDK, I'll feeling this fic right now, so much ideas and fun fights to plan. Anyways, I may be posting more of this, so hopefully you all don't get bored with this. I know I'm not ;)


Gently placing her onto the bed, he just sighs as he sits in his chair near his desk.

Mr. Sin?

She asked politely as she looked around his room. There really wasn’t much to see, aside from his hobby for making normal Guilty Gear related clothing.

(He doesn’t actually make the clothes, he just likes designing them and sending them to an old man called Stan-san. He’s a homie.)

It’s a regular room with a nice king-sized bed, a cabinet opened filled with clothing, and a chair and table with a computer and books.

Placing a palm on his face, he drags it before looking at the girl laying on his bed.

… So, you must be wondering what even happened. Here’s the run-down…

And he talked. About the fallens, their plan to abduct her and their plans to extract her Sacred Gear, which would have killed her.

… And there’s one more thing…

He hesitates for a second, thinking whether to tell her, before deciding to.

So… I know about a future —

Gasp! Did God relay it to you?

She asked with such a cute and hoping look that he went with it to not break her heart.

… Yes, and you may think that I’m about to talk some bullshit —

Language, Mr. Sin!

— But this is all true.

If it is what God has spoken, then it must be the truth!

With a deep breath, he starts to talk about the story of Hyoudou Issei, with censorship of course


“He does bad stuff?”

She tilts her head in confusion. He had specifically avoided the conversation of what Issei does.

“… Something like that, it doesn’t really harm anyone, but it’s still bad.”

He tells her seriously before continuing.


“He became a devil?”

She had a shocked expression as Sin struggle not to laugh.

“Yeah, and he wasn’t even conscious!”

“How horrible!”

“But he did live, so at least that’s something.”


“He was the one who helps me?”

“Yep, he was supposed to be the one who helped you, but it was good ol' me instead.”


“Wow… A hamburger… I never tried one before!”

Looking at her awed expression, he put patted her head as he chuckled.

“I’ll get you one after this, that’s a promise.”

“Really? Thank you, Mr. Sin!”


“… I died…”

Her face was filled with shock as she placed her hand in her chest, tears starting to pool.

“Your Twilight Healing is linked to your soul, so the moment it was removed… But you’re still here, Asia.”

Sin reassures her as he places his hand on her shoulders, giving it a firm squeeze.


She had a face of concern before kneeling and starting to pray to God.

“I-I’m so sorry, O’ Lord, please forgive me!”

He just let her pray, wiping her tears away as he refrained from saying that God was dead. That would break her right now.


Finishing the story up to the point where  Hyoudou Issei wins against a certain fake Phoenix, he looked over at Asia who had a face of concern.

“… But I’m not a devil. Wasn’t I a member in her Peerage?”

Ah, she caught on quite quick.

“That’s… What is making me concerned. As I said earlier, Hyoudou manifests his true Sacred Gear, the Boosted Gear in grief upon your death, but…”

He gestured at her to which she just nodded in thought. She was still alive, meaning that the boy that helped her would not awaken his Boosted Gear.

“Then what do we do?”

She asked with determination as he smiled at her behavior. Even when they didn’t know each other, she was still all in on helping Issei.

She was the type to always help with getting nothing back in return. That was what the character of Asia Argento was.

Leaning forward, he starts to brainstorm his previous idea.

Well, I do have an idea… But I would have to be the villain of this story. Here’s the plan for now.”

He honestly said as he heard Asia gasp.

B-But Mr. Sin, you’re a good person! This is… Bad!

It’s just until he awakens his Boosted Gear. So, do you think this plan will be sufficient?”

He said with raised arms at her pout. She then enters a thinking pose with her index finger poking her chin while she looked up in thought.

… I think it can work, if Hyoudou's desire to make genuine friends is true…

She eventually agreed as Sin grinned.

Then I shall do it with the confidence that you have the OKs this midnight then, Ms. Twilight Princess.

And besides, Badguy is my middle name. It’s basically my nature to be bad.

That caused Asia to blush profoundly at his new nickname for her, before giggling at the quip.

You can never be a “badguy”, Mr. Sin!

Not when Sin had saved her like a prince to his princess in a fairy tale, her heart whispers.




As promised, Sin brought her to a McDonald's, but it had already been 10 at night when they arrived.

Shall we dine-in or take away, Princess?

“D-Dine? Take?

She repeats his words with a confused face as he snapped his fingers, forgetting that one, he spoke in broken Japanese English, and two, she had never heard of those terms before since she was sheltered by the church.

Right, forgot that you never heard of those terms. Dine In means that you eat the food in the restaurant itself, while Take Away means you take the food back home to eat.”

“You can take the food back to your house?”

She asked with a gasp as Sin nodded with a laugh, causing her to burn up, making a soft “Uwaaa…” of embarrassment.

“Yes, you can even eat in the room later.”

She had such a funny shocked look, as if she just caught God stripping, that it made him laugh harder.

“Oh, Sin-san! How may I help you?!”

The receptionist asked in an excited manner.

Yes, he was a regular here, bite him. With Gear Anatomy, high blood pressure was impossible. She had a bright smile before looking at Asia who was staring with a blur at the menu.

“A-And this is?”

She said, trying to hold back her shock and maintain her professionalism as Sin, with a cheeky grin, answered.

“She’s my fiancée from Italy.”


Lightning struck her as she blinked, looking at the thoughtful Asia. Regaining back her consciousness, she pointed at Asia with a shaky finger.


That prompted Sin to chuckle as he finally corrected her.

“I’m just joking, she’s a friend from Italy who’s staying with me for a while.”

That seemed to not have worked as she mutters.



Inside the Employee’s Mind…

As an active member of the Sin-sama’s fan club (Since she meets with Sin-sama quite regularly when he orders out), she can wholeheartedly say that Sin-sama has never had any friends over! Not that they stalked him or whatever...

More importantly, this girl was staying over at Sin-sama’s house! His house! Just the thought of her replacing the girl made her almost bleed from the nose!

This was a scoop! A large and heavy scoop! She must get this information to the council as fast as possible! She heard that Saki-san, a council member of the fan club and the daughter of one of the most prominent CEOs of Japan, was paying a lot for a good scoop for his fan club, and this was HUGE!


So, Princess, what do you wish to get?

No reply. Raising an eyebrow, he looked at Asia who was still staring at the menu after so long.

… Oh crap, he forgot that she couldn’t read and speak Japanese!

He started explaining each menu item slowly, thankful that no one interrupted them from behind as he could sense people behind him waiting in line.

— And that one’s a burger with a slab of thin and fried mozzarella.”



In the minds of the People Waiting in Line…

How could they even interrupt these two, they looked too cute together!


"I-I'll take the number 3 then!"

She said after thinking hard.

"She'll be having the number 3, and I'll have the usual. Take Away, please."

He relayed her order as the cashier types it into the system.

"The total is 2470 Yen, sir."

Fishing out the money from his wallet, he pays for it before they moved to the waiting area for their food, with them ignoring the looks that they were receiving (More like Sin ignoring, the girl was oblivious to it all).

"Do you see those two?"

"So cute..."

"She's so lucky to have such a good-looking man..."

"My god, he's a treat to my eyes!"

While waiting, Sin told her about Kuoh Academy and his wishes for her to attend it.

"And I'd like you to finish your education at least while I take care of you. I can give a good word in."

He told her as she had a bright smile.

"School? I-I'd like that, please."

"It'll take a few days, of course, but thankfully the school year just started, so it should be fine. I'd need your papers and ID, though."

She nodded with excitement at the thought of school, making him smile at her antiques.

Grabbing their food, they started walking back to his house.


"T-There’s actually a way to eat like that!? A-Amazing!"

Her expression was so cute when he showed her how to take the burger out from its wrapper and eat the burger with its wrapper to not stain her hands.

"There's really no way to eat the fries without staining your hands though. Oh, and you can do this too with the fries if it's too bland."

Sin explained as he dips the french fry into his sundae ice cream before taking a bite, causing a gasp from her as she tried it herself.


She moans in delight as she slowly chews on the fry.

"Tasty, isn't it? The ice cream hits your mouth first before the hot and salty french fry invades your taste buds."

She nods frantically as she tried it once more and ate it.

"Mhhhhhh! Wow, it's amazing!"

Laughing at her cute innocence, he started eating his burger while he watches her experiment on her food.


Seeing that Asia was sleeping soundly from the exhaustion of today's events on his bed (He's sleeping on the couch until a new mattress and bed frame comes), he gets to his legs before suiting up, tip-toeing to avoid waking the Twilight Princess up.

Commanding his mantle to float to him, he opens the door before leaving, remembering that Issei and the Peerage would currently be fighting a stray devil tonight from his blurry memories of DxD.

Well, this would be a perfect time for the Bad Guy to come out and play.


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