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Warming up his hands and legs, he glanced up to the screen on top of him.


Jin Gohru

Level: 18

Battle Power: 187


Todoroki Shoto

Level: 14

Battle Power: 149


After thinking for a second, he decided to just deal with this match as fast as possible to save energy for the finals.

That meant going a little serious.

"It's finally time for the semi-finals! The powerhouses of 1-A are now finally fighting!

The Champion, Jin Gohru!


The Hot and Cold Bomb, Todoroki Shoto!

I'm honestly excited about this fight, maybe we'll get another amazing match, what about you, Eraser?"

"... Just prepare to be disappointed. From what I know, I don't think Jin is going to delay this further to save energy for the final round."

... That was spot on. Not bad, Aizawa-sensei.

Cracking his knuckles, he starts to concentrate as he breathes in and out in a rhythmic pattern.

In, out.

In, out.

Personal Skill: Total Breathing Concentration [Degraded].


Jin Gohru

Level: 18 -> 21

Power Level: 187 -> 214


Looking up to meet Todoroki, he gets into a runner's pose.

"Ready... Fight!"


The ground before him shatters into pieces as he zooms towards Todoroki in just under a second in a blur.

Rokushiki: Soru.

Before Todoroki could even blink, a foot contacts his face before he gets launched towards the wall from the impact.

Karate: Flying Kick.


He crashes into the wall with a clear indent in the wall as Gohru spins and skids on the ground from the dash's momentum to stop himself from going out of bounds.

The whole stadium was silent until Midnight snaps out of it and announces the winner.

"W-Winner, Jin Gohru."

Relaxing his body upon his victory, he walks back to the stadium, ignoring the burst of cheers from the crowd.





Everyone just witnessed the power of Gohru and were gaping from it.

About time, Denji thought to himself as he just rests his head on his palm. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he looks at his sister who had a shocked expression.

"D-Do you train with that every day?!"

After taking a second to think about the answer, he shrugged.

"I got worse. That was just about 20%. I have to deal with 50% every day."


Sero yelled in shock as Kirishima just stared at him.

"... What the fuck?"

"No offense, guys, but you all are kinda out of his league. He's fought worse, especially when he fights against Kenichi. That usually leaves a path of destruction every time they fought."

Not to be confused, everyone here knew about Hirose Kenichi. In fact, the whole world, even his college, knew that he was 2nd place in the World Martial Arts Tournament.

The fact that he denied every partnership or sponsor sometimes makes Denji think that Kenichi was a little cray-cray in the head too, even if he still thinks that he was the normal one.

And speaking about Kenichi, he has been quite quiet in the past few months, sure, he has assignments and thesis to write, but he was silent in the group. Too silent. That's sus.

The sounds of explosions cut his thoughts off as he glanced over at Bakugo who had a shit-eating grin on his face. Ah, this bitch thinks that he was gonna fight Gohru?

Nah, man. It was him who's going to the finals. It was time for payback, especially since he had a secret weapon that he didn't even tell Gohru.


... Ah shit, was it legal though? He should ask Miss Midnight when he gets the chance later.




"M-Moving on from... Whatever that was, it's now time for the second semi-final round!

The Boss of Gravity, Uraraka Denji!


The Explosion God, Bakugo Katsuki!"


Uraraka Denji

Level: 16

Power Level: 165


Bakugo Katsuki

Level: 14

Battle Power: 143


"Move the fuck away, Sleepy Hair! I'm winning this!"

Bakugo yelled the moment the fight begun before blasting towards him, with his explosions as thrusters.

He went for a right hook with an open palm with explosions blasting, as Denji just ducked the swing before slinging his arm onto the extended hand.

He was about to knock him off balance with a kick to the leg when suddenly Bakugo used an explosion to blast him into the air with Denji in tow before erupting another blast to slam Denji to the ground.

Before this happened though, Denji used Gravity upwards to counteract the explosion's blast, causing them to be in a stalemate.


Denji moved and let go of his hand before he gets blown up from the captured hand. Bakugo twisted his hand and erupted an explosion.

Flipping, Bakugo lands on his feet while slowly lands to the ground. They could do an air battle with their superior air mobility, but decided not to as they simultaneously got into battle stances.

With a blast, Bakugo charges at him as Denji prepares himself.


He yelled aloud as he engulfs Denji with a huge blast, the same size he used for countering Ochako's meteor shower.


The blast would normally knock out any person, but Denji wasn't any ordinary person. From the smoke, he emerged out in the air as he leaps towards Bakugo.

Knowing that he would come out without any major damage, Bakugo had already steeled himself as Denji swung a punch at him.

Four Gods: Black Turtle.

The punch gets blocked with crossed arms, but it blasted wind pressure that caused Bakugo to skid back a little, wincing at the pain of the power behind it before retaliating with overwhelming consecutive blasts of explosions.

Ultimate Skill: Blasting Rush!


But before Bakugo could even land a single explosion, Denji suddenly shifted before flying backwards, causing the attack to miss completely.

Gravity Manipulation: 3D Maneuver.


Growling in annoyance, he was about to chase him when suddenly he felt something coming at him, causing him to roll away and barely evading a blade of air with his instincts.

Rokushiki: Rankyaku.

Denji who was in a kicking motion clicked his tongue. Bakugo's combat instincts are as good as Gohru, that Rankyaku was fucking invisible!

Bakugo's attacks were all AOEs, (Area of Effect) so the best way to fight was to play safe and spam long range attacks until he could get a good hit in, and repeat.

So that was what he did. He started kicking the air as hard as he could, sending invisible air blades towards Bakugo who attempted to dodge every Rankyaku, spinning at each kick to generate more momentum for the next kick.

He did a good job though, dodging a whopping 7 air blades out of 9, with them slicing his chest and left shoulder and causing blood to leak from the wounds.

Seeing the injuries that he took, Denji immediately acted, kicking the air and feinting a Rankyaku before closing the 20-meter distance.

That feint seemed to not work as Bakugo ignores it and jumps upwards, blasting and propelling himself into the air, with Denji realizing what he was doing.

Bakugo in the air crosses his hands before alternating explosions on each hand, starting to spin like a spiral as the air around him follows, creating a visible black tornado (You can see it because of the smoke from his explosions) as he soared towards Denji.

With a deep breath, Denji raised both hands as wind pressure that he generated from the Rankyaku and the spins started circulating and rising from his legs to his hands.

"Take this! Ultimate Move: Howitzer IMPACT!!!"

"Four Gods: Roar of the Blue Dragon."


Uraraka Denji

Level: 16 -> 20

Power Level: 165 -> 201




The explosion engulfs the whole stage as Cementos before their attacks hit quickly made a cement dome for both him and Midnight, who gives out a slight yelp in fear.

Thankfully the damage from the explosion didn't reach the crowd in the stadium, or else it would have been disastrous, but that didn't stop the crowd from gaping at the destruction.

The smoke eventually dissipates to reveal both Bakugo and Denji still in the stage, but Bakugo had cut marks and burns everywhere. Denji however just stood in silence before Bakugo drops face flat onto the ground. 

Midnight and Cementos emerged from the dome (Courtesy of Cementos opening a hole) as Midnight looked at the stage before snapping her whip.

"Winner, Uraraka Denji! He advances to the finals!"


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