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So, this has been in my drafts since Into the Spiderverse and No Way Home came out.

I'm doing No Way Home first, and then Spiderverse.

Anyways, this should only be a dozen chapters long, so enjoy ;)


He had gotten powers, superpowers! Well, spider powers, no webs though, but details, was he right? Imagine getting bit by a spider in Oscorp during their field trip and suddenly getting a full 6 pack overnight? Shocking!

And he was just teaching Flash and his gang some lessons for bullying him and others. He was doing good, so why was he the one who was getting yelled?

"But Uncle — "

"No, Peter! You can't "but" your way out of this! You fractured 3 boy's arms and Flash's jaw!"

"No, please Uncle — "

"Peter! You humiliated both the boys and the teachers of your school!"

"Uncle, let me talk — "

"You had to just... get even with him? I didn't raise you like this!"



He yelled as the room went silent. Peter's lips were quivering as Ben stared at him.

"... You must feel amazing, don't you? Standing up to your bully and getting a good satisfaction out of it?"

He just stayed in silence, looking at the floor, prompting Ben to think of it as a "Yes".

"I thought so. Well, thanks to that, I had to change to a midnight shift, and pay $5,720 to the families."

Ben just sighed at the hospital bill in his hand before placing it on the table, caressing his temples.

"... You have the power, I know, but you have to do the right thing with it. With great power, comes great responsibility."

Another silence covers the room as Ben just sighs one last time.

"I'll need to take more shifts then. Stay home with your Aunt May and take care of her until I get enough to pay this back."

He said with finality before walking out of the room.




He found a neat flyer on the streets when he was riding his skateboard to school this morning. A cage fight that anyone could attend that promised $1000 for beating the champion.

With his strength and speed that he gained, he immediately called the number on the flyer with his outdated cellphone.

He was going to win that $1000. It was his responsibility since he had the power, that was what Ben would want.


He won. He actually fucking won!

Panting in exhaustion, he watches as a group of people take the "Boulder" away from the cage as the crowd surrounding the cage started cheering for him.

"""Crawler! Crawler! Crawler!"""

He was so thankful that he wore a mask to hide his face, even if it was ugly, since he singled out a few phones that were recording the fight. With a wave, he exits the cage before going to the registration office in the 3rd floor to get his money.

The man who manned the office glanced his way while he was on the call before digging into a drawer and fishing out some bills, tossing them to Peter.

He skillfully grabs all of them before taking a look at his earnings, frowning in confusion.

"Hey, there's only $100."

The man just waved him off before continuing to talk on the phone.

"Hey! This is only a hundred! You promised a thousand!"

Annoyed, the man gave him the finger before pressing a button on his table, causing two swole men to enter the room before dragging him away.




Clicking his tongue at just getting a hundred dollars, he skates home with a sigh. Well, he was $100 richer, though, that was something to add to the bill.

He just sighs at the thought of the bill. Uncle Ben was right, he did a bad thing. The first thing he was going to do tomorrow was to go to Flash and his gang's place to apologize.

But first, Uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Turning across the street, a few cop cars passed through him, causing him to look confused. It seemed that something happened in his street, huh? A robber?

Having a bad feeling about this situation, he starts to skate faster to his direction.


His heart dropped when he saw police cars at his house's door. Quickly dismounting from his skate, he immediately runs to the house.

He was met with police officer who stopped him from entering his house.

"Sir, this is now a crime scene — "

His face went pale. Crime scene?

"My relatives are in there! Please, let me in!"

He said with a pleading voice. His new powers came with Super Hearing, and he has not heard a single word from Uncle Ben or Aunt May in the house at all. And the word, crime scene...

Oh, no...

Eventually, the police let him in, causing him to scramble inside the house before his knees fell to the floor.

Blood was on the walls, as if it were painted poorly.

The bodies of his uncle and aunt lay on the floor, cold and unresponsive. He could not hear a single heartbeat at all from them.

Oh, god... Oh, my god...

He just stared at them, even when their faces were covered by a white sheet. He just looked as events passed by in a matter of seconds to him.

In one moment, he was in the house staring at their corpses, and the next, he was outside looking at tombstones.

His parents were dead, and now his "parents" were dead.

It was a robber trying to rob a house.

Aunt May initially was already giving the man the money that they saved at gunpoint, but Uncle Ben came home and immediately jumped on him.

They wrestled for a second for the gun before he got shot. Then, to remove the witness, he shot May.

It was all his fault. If he had stayed at home and saved May, this would not have happened.

Placing a bouquet of flowers on each grave, he takes another glance before walking away.

There was a sighting of a black haired male, American, in his middle-ages, at 170 to 180 centimeters tall, running from the house when the gunshots blared. Some had seen a star tattoo on his neck too (References, anyone?)

He will get his revenge.


Wearing a black hoodie, he started going around New York with his phone connected to intercept the police's radio signals, trying to hear the reports to single out the killer while he was patrolling the area on foot.

He had been searching for almost two months now, and still haven't found him. It's been 2 months! And he had caught over 30 people who have the same fucking description as him!

He had even used up all the and insurance money from his relatives to fund his revenge.

Making his own web fluid for his web shooters, making a costume that offers him less air friction when swinging or running, and a nice warehouse to store everything for a year, max.

All it costed were money, a few finger pricks from the sewing machine, electrocutions, web explosions, parts blowing up, and maybe a faulty electric generator. So, not much, he'd reckon.

One thing that's for sure though, was that he was going to find the son of a gun, and kill him. An eye for an eye.




Hearing the scared breathing of the man who killed Uncle Ben and Aunt May makes his spine shiver. 

After almost 3 months of patrolling and hunting, he has finally found him. The murderer who killed them.

Cornering him into an abandoned office building, he slowly but loudly crawled towards the man, causing his heart rate to spike higher and higher. 

This was it. This was his motive, his revenge. 

Shooting a blast of web to trap his hands and legs, he jumped down from the ceiling before checking one last time. Grabbing his neck, he tilts it slightly to reveal a star shaped tattoo on the back of his neck.

"P-Please, let me go..."

He pleads, but Peter's emotions roared at him. 

"I-I'll go to jail, please, give me a chance!"

"What about my uncle? My aunt? Did you give them a chance?!"

He reeled his fist back, ready to kill him. He had found out that he had the strength to carry a few tons of weight, and punch through thick steel walls like papier-mâché, so one full power blow could kill this man in front of him.

In the motion of swinging his fist, flashbacks of Uncle Ben and Aunt May suddenly played in his head before Ben's words rang in his head. 

"With great power, comes great responsibility."

His fist swung, and something broke. His fist hit the wall next to the man's head. 

He didn't kill the man. 

They wouldn't have agreed to it. 

Calling the cops, he gave the man one last glance before walking away. 


Sitting on the rooftop of 432 Park Avenue, he let his legs swing as he looked over at the city with his mask off.

Ben's words repeatedly voiced in his head as he just clenched his fists. He was about to leave when he suddenly heard the police radio on his phone make a report about a group of thugs robbing a bank.

He had the power to help others, so his decision was made. Walking back a little, he gets a running head start before jumping off the building. 

With great power, comes great responsibility.

He will never forget those words. 

These powers were his gift, his curse, his responsibility, his sins to bear. 

And he will atone for them. 


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