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'Ohhh... Fuckkkkk...'

That was what Denji thought as he walked up to the podium. He had totally forgotten that he was even supposed to give a speech. He kinda recalled Aizawa-sensei talking about it, but to be fair, he was kinda occupied with training with the Devil.

Now, in front of the mic, he started brainstorming his ass off, thinking of at least a good speech to say. That's when something clicked. Gohru said that he wanted competition right? He had a nice speech... Well, if you wanted to call it a speech. Tapping into the mic to make sure that it was working, he leaned forward. 

"I pledge... That 1-A will dominate today's Event, no one outside 1-A will take the first spot."

He said with a blank face before smirking smugly at the other course's students. 

"Come at us with whatever you got, we'll just bust right through like papier-mâché. Drop down as a stepping stone for 1-A, will you all?"

Silence ensued before the whole student body roared in rage. With his piece said, he walked down the aisle and ignored every glare at him, in fact, he glared back with a shit-eating grin.

"Denij-san!!!" (Kirishima)

"N-Nii-chan!" (Ochako)

"Oh god, we're so dead!" (Kaminari)

"H-He just dragged everyone into this!" (Sero)

"I expected more of you, Denji-san!" (Iida)

Gohru just responded by giving him a shit-eating grin of his own. That was his padawan in action! He's so proud that he even may tear up! He even made 1-A join the collateral damage!




"Now, let's get started right away!" 

Midnight said after calming the crowd of students.

"The first game is what you'd call a qualifier! Every year, more than 80% of students drink their tears here! Now... Here's the fateful first game!"

A hologram suddenly appeared on top of Midnight, floating above her as the screen spins like a slot machine, showing the games that were possible to happen.

With his eyes, he could see every game that was possible, including: Calvary, Obstacle Race, Maze, Dodgeball, Battle Royale, Capture the Flag, Tag, and King of the Hill. There were quite some options.

Eventually, it slowed down and landed on Obstacle Race. 

"This year, it will be Obstacle Race!"

The screen changes into a presentation as she explained the game. 

"All 11 classes will participate in this race, the course will be the outer circumference of this stadium! About 4 kilometers! Our school's selling point is freedom!"

She licks her lips seductively, grinning. 

"As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do!"

... Seriously, how did she even get a job as a teacher like that?

"Now, take your places everyone! The event will start soon!"




Stepping in front of the red gate and just behind the crowd of students, he looked over at the competition before briefly making sure that the item that he requested was on properly.

He had gone to the support department a few days prior and requested it for Denji as well, heck, they both are wearing it right now. 

Digging into his jacket's pocket and bringing out his phone along with wired headphones that he loved to use. Ignoring the looks, he places it on as he shifted through megabytes of songs, searching for a perfect song while waiting for the event to start.

He could honestly finish this even in one go, but he decided to at least give them a chance. 


One of the three green lights turned red as he decided to just open his "Game OST" playlist. 


Scrolling through it, he smiled as he pressed a song of a game series that he loved playing. Plus, this song kinda fits the theme of the Sports Festival, to make a name for yourself. 



Midnight yelled as the final green light turned red, signalling that the event had started. Watching the students cram through the narrow gateway, he nods to the music as he hears the guitar rift start the song. 

It's a war out there everyday,

You can't hide from it, 

You gotta play by the rules, 

Play it cool, 

Gotta laugh in the face of the sad disgrace,

When your friend and foes look alike on the face of it,

They missed their history!  

But their fight over place in it,

... Yeah they fight, 

Over a place in it.

Everyone starts to get cramped in the narrow opening before ice suddenly shot out towards the gateway, freezing everyone's legs in the front. 

Since he was in the back, he didn't get iced on. Taking his time, he starts walking while bopping to "Time to Make History", passing by the students who were frozen in place without a care. 

Hard-hit by the times,

That's just how your life goes by.

I know it's not your fault you say...

But there ain't no other way.

So step on up, To the plate~ 

Meet your fate, Walking straight up into the Li~On's~ Lair~

So step on up, up to the plate~

Cause this ain't no game!

It's time to make, History yeah!

He muttered the lyrics softly as he ignored all the pleads of the frozen students, emerging from the gateway to see 1-A, 1-B and some other course students fighting the robots. 

'... Yeah, today's a good day.'


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