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I'm not going to lie, this chapter was so hard to type.

I had rewritten this chapter for 3–4 times completely ready to post before scraping it because I didn't like it.

Anyways, here's the chapter, hopefully I can write another chapter of whatever story I like by today.


While Aizawa-sensei was being pummeled to the ground by the Nomu, I took my time inspecting "White Reaper" from the fire zone.

As expected, the figure of them was too weird, 86% chance they have some kind of weapon that is longer than their body since edges were poking out everywhere, maybe two too, but with that small frame, Gohru thinks that it's a high chance to be a she instead.

Women in this universe were strong. Miruko was an example. Do you know how many times she had called him out just to have a fight after the world tournament Too many times, he says!

At least Kenichi was there to fight her instead. Or else he would have wasted almost a year fighting her with her frequent requests.

Suddenly, White Reaper turns her? head towards him, who instinctively ducked at contact of her? golden eyes. A second later, he felt a short strand of black hair separated from his head, causing him to inhale deeply.

'Holy shit.'

If Eye of the Mind did not warn him of a potential attack, he would have lost his head with that kind of speed and power. He could feel the airborne attack from almost a mile away, and she? didn't even move a finger.

That missed swing towards his neck was obviously a silent threat to him, knowing that he would dodge the attack.

"Come close, and you shall die."

She? then turns her head back to watch Aizawa's arm get broken as Gohru just gulps.

... This was going to be his first fight that stepped into the lake of death... He'd never felt so exhilarated before. His heart was pumping intensely as a nervous grin appeared on his face subconsciously. His muscles tensed in anticipation, his body was yelling at him, screaming to have a go with this opponent who had a good chance of killing him.

... When did he even become a battle maniac?

He thought ironically, his mind briefly flashing of a bloodthirsty Kenichi as he watches Shigaraki dash at Midoriya and Tsuyu who were sitting in the water like deers in headlights.

... Put those thoughts somewhere else for now. It was time for a fight for his life, literally.

So, with an exhalation, he disappears in a blink, leaving dust to rise at his absence.




Just as Shigaraki touched Tsuyu with his right palm, he chuckles humorlessly as his Quirk seemed to not decayed Tsuyu off the face of the planet.

"... You're so cool, Hero..."

Aizawa a few feet from there was struggling to open his eyes, activating his Quirk to cancel Shigaraki's. When the Nomu was about to grab onto Aizawa's head once more to stop him from canceling Shigaraki's Quirk, suddenly wind pressure shot out from behind them.


They all almost flew away from the pressure, but Tsuyu immediately acted by using her tongue to drag Midoriya a good distance away from the Villains while the Kurogiri used his mist to warp the wind pressure away from them.

When the winds were clear, Midoriya opened his eyes to gasp at the scene in front of him.

Gohru with his right fist raised, was 10 meters away from Shigaraki and Kurogiri, bleeding from his fist as the blood traced the edge of White Reaper's blade.

The blade almost went through his bones, thankfully he used Tekkai when he felt that the metal bracers were giving out to the blade, but it was a little too late as the blade was directly on his bone.

Swallowing the pain, he was about to dash to Aizawa when suddenly —


His chest started to burst in blood as he quickly backed off. The White Reaper had cut through his suit and a thin layer of Tekkai. And it was so fast that he couldn't even see her move.

With that build made him confirm his thoughts. She was a Nomu that maybe had some kind of strengthening Quirk. And from the reference of Nomus, that means she might also have a regeneration Quirk.

With a deep inhale, he activated Jet Mode, feeling the familiar heat flowing in him before activating his newer skill that he learned to enhance his body even further.

Breathing deeply, he inhales the maximum amount of oxygen that he could in a specific breathing pattern (It was very weird to explain it to Kenichi and Denji), his body suddenly as if it was free from any limitations.

Tensing his body, he now effortlessly dodged a katana slash that aimed at his collarbone, able to see a hint of a sword drawing and sheathing in a millisecond frame.

Personal Skill: Total Concentration Breathing.


Gear Second: Jet Mode.

Exhaling his whole breath once 3 seconds were up, he inhales deeply again to the maximum before starting his assault. Ducking a diagonal downwards swing, he quickly dashed into his range before planting an elbow to White Reaper's stomach.

Renewal Taekwondo: Arang.

The moment he slams his elbow into her? stomach area, he quickly turns and sidesteps a reverse grip stab from White Reaper.

Eye of the Mind started to work as quick as it could possibly output, showing Gohru the path to survival as he dodged another airborne slash, and in combination  with Total Concentration Breathing's effect to maximize concentration, he jumped and twists his body midair, dodging two parallel air slashes.

Landing on the ground, he exhales before disappearing from her? sight. She immediately twists her head to behind her? where Gohru was there ready to swing  his left leg.

Renewal Taekwondo: Bo-Bup.

With no time to draw her? blade, Gohru slams his left leg onto the White Reaper's low body.

Renewal Taekwondo: Ground Drawer.

The tiles cracked at the impact, with the kick sounding an awful CRACK, the sound of a bone breaking as Gohru quickly places his leg back onto the ground before shifting his body weight to his left leg.

The White Reaper did not make a sound at her bones of her? as she turned around with her blade drawn, ready to swing it upraised.

Tensing my muscles to the max, he followed through the kick with everything that he had as he realized that he would not come out through this unscathed, but he could mitigate some damage.

Raising his left arm in a guard, he flinched as the White Reaper struck first, slashing onto his left arm with its blade's edge touching bone. But he reinforced his arms muscle to grab the blade's edge, not letting it go.

With this new opening, Gohru focused and breathed as he swung his leg.

Renewal Taekwondo: Jin Hwechook.

The kick lands true as it connects with the head area of White Reaper, wind pressure blasting from his kick that broke the surrounding tiles from the impact.


Midoriya gaped at the power coming out from Gohru before clenching his fists tightly. There must be someway to help him somehow! And if that Nomu joins the battle, Gohru would lose!




Gohru frowned when the kick connected at White Reaper. It hit, but there was something wrong. The hood of White Reaper's cloak gave way of wind pressure and showed her? face when Gohru immediately let go of the blade and drew his leg back, dodging multiple air slashes to the head and neck at absurd precision.

His breath hitches at the face of the White Reaper when he finally had some room to breath.

White Reaper was a girl with waist length white hair. The girl looked about his age, 15, with a long scar that started from her right side of her chin up to near her left eye.

Her eyes were golden, though misty and cloudy, and her expression was blank as if she wasn't conscious at all.

Blankly, the girl sees that her hood had already as her long hair that the cloak held was now free. So, she removed her cloak with a pull of the hem of the cloak, revealing a simple sleeveless white shirt that showed her arms which were muscular and filled with small to long scars with short black pants that revealed her muscular legs. She also wore black stockings and black leather boots.

On her hips were two katanas, one of which was not drawn yet while the other was on her hand, dripping with his blood.

The weirdest part of her clothing was a metal tiara with a red mark that reeked of danger from Eye of the Mind.

'What the fuck — ?'

Before he could finish his sentence, he gets punched at the side by the White Reaper.

She was no longer holding back, Gohru mentally cursed as her speed just ramped up significantly. Recovering from the punch, he took a split second to check for the damage done.

Just a bruise, nothing more thankfully. Leaning back to dodge an attempt to decapitate him, he retaliated by doing a backwards handstand after leaning back before swinging his left leg upwards, slamming his foot onto White Reaper's chin.


That blow would have made anyone stagger slightly, but White Reaper did not even flinch at all as she sheathed her blade into the scabbard.

Eye of the Mind roared to dodge as she disappeared and reappeared behind him instantly.


She aimed for his neck, collarbone, chest and ribs in a quick 7 slashes before sheathing her blade, causing blood to drip from Gohru's body. He couldn't even dodge all of them, only taking those which didn't aim at his vitals.

His chest now had a gnarly slash mark, but he did not stop at all. The moment she was in the motion of sheathing the blade, thinking that it was done, Gohru Soru-ed to her face before slamming his knee to her face.

Renewal Taekwondo: Soksa.

She took a step back from the heavy blow, giving him enough time to continue his attack. Dropping to the ground, he crouched and twisted his body, swinging the heel of his left foot at her's.

Renewal Taekwondo: Lowest Round Kick.

That caused her body to spin upside down as he quickly got right up in an instant before moving his right leg thrice.


In the blink of an eye, her head, ribs, and stomach were all struck by Gohru who had the face of sheer focus, no longer holding back with his kicks.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Consecutive Body Kicks.

It was a technique Kenichi made to hit 3-5 parts of the body in a second with a single leg, the power of each kick amplified with momentum of the previous kick. But he quickly saw the purple bruises diappear from her body. That attack 100% could have shattered metal for gods sake!

She definetely has a regenration and strengthening/resistance Quirk, he mentally cursed before jumping up to dodge an attack, White Reaper barely missed his leg joints with a sword slash as Gohru air Soru-ed to get behind her.

The split second was enough for the White Reaper as she had already got up by twisting her body to get up straight and already was midway fo her swing.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Block and Deflect.

He blocked the swing and redirected the strike away from his body with his right arm since it was easier before tensing his left arm, cocking it back before releasing it with as much power as he could muster with an injured arm.

Four Gods: Black Turtle.

The attack that hit her stomach launched the White Reaper a few feet back, to which she immediately recovered before a pure white hue suddenly appeared on her sword. Slamming her right leg deep into the ground, she switched her sword's grip and angled the sword to her left.

Even without Eye of the Mind telling me, Gohru's eyes widened at the threat before reinforcing his muscles to the maximum. She was about to use her Quirk.

Rokushiki: Tekkai — Gou!

He crossed his arms together and crouched slightly to mitigate as much damage as he could.

Her visible muscles tensed and enlarged slightly as veins appeared on her arms. With the still facial expression, she swung.







Hol up is this girl using Kenshins sword style cuz if so that's badass