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"What's with that horrible stats?!"

The Director yelled as soon as we found a nice place near the Leyline to rest. Sasaki just shrugged as she started yelling further at me at Sasaki's motion for my incompetence to summon a horrible Servant.

Now with a chance to breath, I quickly assessed his stats.


True Name: Sasaki Kojiro

Class: Assassin







NP: -


Sasaki Kojiro, famous for fighting Miyamoto Musashi. He was one of the most terrified swordsman in Japan at his period. That was what I remembered about his legend, but a negative slot for a Noble Phantasm?

"Wait, a negative Noble Phantasm?"

I voiced out in confusion. Noble Phantasms are basically the crystallization of one's legend, but how can he be called a Servant when he doesn't even have one?

At least Mash has one, though it was in question marks.

"Arghhhh! The only time you were going to be useful, and you botched it up! Your Servant doesn't even have a Noble Phantasm! LEVVVV!!!"

"That kinda hurts, Director."

I muttered as Sasaki just bowed his head slightly.

"I assure you, Master, that even without one, I can be of use."

"Senpai, without a catalyst, the FATE system summons a Servant that is most compatible with the summoner."

Mash kindly provided with a whisper at my side as I just nodded. If the system thinks that Sasaki is fated to be my Servant, then I guess I'll try and have a good relationship then.

"Well, even if the Director here thinks that you are useless, I don't! So welcome to the team, Sasaki-san!"

I said with a grin as I extended my hand out for him to shake. With a smile, he shakes my hand as a hologram of the Doctor appeared.

"In any case, Toshino successfully summoned an Assassin Class Servant, and from the control center, thankfully Sasaki-san doesn't use up much magical energy at all. So summoning another Servant is a viable option if we need more firepower. 

For now though, we should investigate the location that I'm about to send you. There are readings of irregular magical signals blaring from it." 

Soon, a map of Fuyuki appeared, and there were four markers, three red and one blue marker.

"Ho? What an interesting magecraft..." (Sasaki)

"The blue marker is you all currently, and the building that you all are inhibiting is what seems to be the Tohsaka Manor from my scans. Just a mile from you is where the irregular signal is pulsing, right at the Matou Manor."

"So, we're supposed to check it out?"

I asked as the Director breathes deeply. 

"We have to check all the locations indicated by the markers to hopefully solve the Singularity."

"... I've been meaning to ask, what is a Singularity anyways?" 

The two Chaldea members looked at me with a shocked face, making me scratch the back of my head on instinct. 

"Senpai, you don't mean that you joined Chaldea without knowing about our purpose?!"

Mash asked hurriedly as I got into a thinking pose.

"Hmm... Well, I found Chaldea from a flyer that was sent to me. And being a Magus paid a lot, almost $5000 a month. Oh, and the advertisement about Servants and Heroic Spirits really attracted me."

I honestly answered as I recalled the flyer. It was very professionally made and was on my door of my apartment when I was about to leave for the Mage's Association.

After taking a look at it, I immediately called the number on the flyer, and here we are a week later.


The Director was surprisingly quiet. I was about to ask her the question again when Dr. Roman beat me to the punch. 

"Toshino! Ahem, so, we should start from the beginning. A Singularity is an unobservable region that does not exist within Chaldea's recorded history, meaning it doesn't exist in history at all. 

It's as if a hole has opened up within the timeline, a hole that is separate from the regular temporal axis.

That's what Chaldea and you, are tasked to do, to stop this problem."

"Ah... I get it."

I nodded in understanding as suddenly Sasaki dashed and stepped in front of me. Drawing his blade out, he deflects a knife that was heading straight to my head. 


Mash yelled as she raised her shield the moment Sasaki moved.

"Four on the left, and a Servant on the right, Missus! Protect Master!" 

"What? A Servant?!"

The Director shrieked at the thought of a hostile Servant as the Doctor confirmed the statement of Sasaki. 

"It's true! Magical energy at this level, it's an honest-to-god Servant! Its Class seems to be Lancer!"

The enemy Servant had exotic dark purple hair that reached to her legs, and wore a form fitting black robe with an opening that showed a LOT of cleavage. 

She had a maniac grin as she twirled around her metal scythe that was as black as the night sky.

"I found it. New prey. The Grail shall be mine!"

She said with a sultry voice before disappearing in a flash. Sasaki moved, and an attack to my neck was intercepted barely with a nodachi an inch from my neck.

Reacting instantly to the threat, I immediately activated my circuits before taking four big steps back to Mash and Director who were taking care of skeletons.

"Master! Take care of the four enemies! I'll handle her!"

Sasaki yelled as he swung his nodachi at the Lancer, but it was deflected by the scythe. 

Drawing the sword that I ransacked from the earlier fight, I quickly started helping the two. 

After 30 seconds of fighting, Mash was about to finish the final skeleton when suddenly I felt it. The feeling of death. It was aiming at my back. 

Throwing myself away from the danger, I fell as a black figure in tattered robes stabbed the ground.


"Servant Assassin! Careful, Toshino!"

I heard the voice of Dr. Roman ring from my wristband as I quickly got up and raised the sword defensively. Mash quickly stood behind me to protect my back as the Director stayed close in case it targeted her.

The Servant suddenly faded and disappeared from my sight, causing me to tense in expectation. 

"It has the skill: Presence Concealment, keep track of everything, 48th! It can appear anywhere at this point!"

Director yelled as she pointed her finger gun with a black and red aura on her fingertips in front of her in anticipation.

Quickly glancing at Sasaki who was still fighting the Lancer Class Servant, he could see that he was slowly losing. 

It seemed as Lancer was faster and had more strength compared to Sasaki. And coupled with his horrible Endurance, he was slowly losing the match. 


Mash's shield blocked a strike aimed at the Director as she started firing Gandrs at the Servant, but it missed with the surprising speed of Assassin, before it disappeared again. 

"This is bad, Master..."

Mash said with grimace as they kept getting hit by Assassin, faltering their guard and endurance while Assassin was still moving as if it had infinite strength and magical energy, never slowing down at all.

A strike lands on Mash's chest, causing blood to spurt from the wound. 


"It's just a shallow wound!"

She yelled back as she deflected another knife attack from Assassin. Thankfully the wound was shallow enough to draw blood.

At this rate — !

"I thought you were just some girl, but it looks like you've got some fight in you! Then I can't leave you like this."

An unfamiliar voice rang from behind me as suddenly a fireball shot out and slammed on an invisible object.


The invisibility faded and revealed Assassin with burns on its black skin. Quickly taking advantage of its confusion, Mash and I ran and crossed the 10-meter distance before she slams the shield upwards at Assassin.

While it was airborne from the strike from Mash, I gripped the handle of the blade tightly, hearing it crack slightly from the strength that I was exerting, but I ignored it as I took a deep breath.

This was for Mash, you fucker!

With a roar, I used my full strength as I slashed at the falling Assassin, causing a huge amount of blood to splat out of the deep wound that I caused.

Feeling a sudden boost of strength, I quickly glanced at the Director who held her right hand, pointed at me. She was boosting my physical prowess.

Not stopping at all, I continued my strikes as I effectively struck at its vitals.

Right Shoulder.


Left Hip.


Right Thigh.


Stabbing it in the heart as it fell to the ground to make sure of its death, I turned to see a plethora of fireballs flying at Lancer.

Looking at the direction of the sender, I see a man with blue hair with a blue fur robe holding on a wooden staff as tall as him. The man had a grin on him as he this time fired a pillar of fire that rose under Lancer's legs.

"Curse you, Caster! Why are you siding with a Wanderer?!"

Lancer shrieked as a fireball shot at her.

"Huh? Because it's better than siding with you guys. And hey, I don't mind brats with some potential. 

Young lady, be ready for a fight. Don't worry, you're good. You can turn this around if you just pay attention!"

"R-Right, I'll do my best!"

Mash replied subconsciously as Sasaki swung at the Lancer who had to reposition to dodge a fireball, slashing her free hand with the opening created by Caster.

"Assassin, keep up at it! I'll keep create openings for you! Use them!"

"Got it!"

Sasaki answered as he blocked a swing from Lancer's scythe that aimed for his right rib.

"Hey boy, are you their Master? Then I'm leaving the orders to you. I'm a Caster-class Servant. They don't really like me right now. Not like the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but for now you can trust me. 

In honor of the brave young lady there, I'll form a temporary contract with you and fight as your Servant!"

This was too sudden, but the more help the better!


Feeling the connection form in my soul, I raised my right arm up as the Command Seal brightens in bloody red.

"I order you as my Servants, show me your might and defeat the Servant Lancer, Caster and Assassin! Shielder, back them up as much as you can and avoid as much damage as you can!"

"""Yes, Master!"""

Once I issued the order, the Director and I just watched mutely at the display of a battle of Servants. Ferocious indeed. 




"Ugh, Curse you... With the Holy Grail, before my eyes... "

Lancer glared at me with madness before fading away into golden motes of magical energy.

"Servant Lancer, down. Good work, everyone."

Caster said with a grin as he rests his staff on his shoulders, with Sasaki sheathing his blade since the battle was already won.

"Uh, excuse me… Thank you very much, for saving us from danger…"

Mash sheepishly thanked Caster as he showed a grin at her.

"Hey, good work. You don't owe me for this, so don't worry about it. You should be more worried about your body. That damn Assassin kept targeting your butt like a pest while Lancer kept aiming at your chest!"



I choked on my saliva at the sentence. Did I just hear that right?

"... Hey, you look fragile but you have a pretty nice body! Icing on the cake! I have no idea what class you are but you're pretty sturdy… Maybe Saber? No, you don't have a sword. In fact, he has one as a Master."

He points at me as I just deadpanned at Caster.

"...Hey Toshino, what did you think of that?"

The Director asked as I just facepalmed.

"... Without a doubt, he's a pervert."

"For now, let's get some information. He seems to be a decent Heroic Spirit."

The hologram of Dr. Roman appeared once more as Caster hummed at the sight.

"Oh, so someone who wants to cut to the chase. What is this? Some means of communication through magecraft?"

"Well met, Caster Servant. I don't know which Heroic Spirit you are, but we have nothing but respect and awe for you."

The Doctor tried to complement Caster in order of him staying my Servant, but Caster just snorted at the attempt.

"Oh, spare me your remarks. I'm sick of hearing them. State you business, weakling. Isn't that what you're good at?"

"Damn, that was harsh." (Toshino)

"He deserved it for trying that, Senpai." (Mash)

"Uh… I-I see. All right then…. Weakling… I got called a weakling from someone I've met for the first time."


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