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After the battle training, afternoon classes went by as usual. And once the school ended, Midoriya arrived back with bandages over his arms.

"Oh, Midoriya is here!"

Kirishima said loudly as the class went to congratulate him for his victory.

"Good work just now! Man, I don't know what you were saying during the match, but you sure were fired up!"

Kirishima remarked as Sero followed it up.

"I can't believe you fought evenly with Bakugo, even though you were dead last in the Quirk Assessment test!"

"You did a good job dodging!"

Ashido said with excitement as Midoriya backed up in nervousness. Seeing as they were about to introduce themselves, the two followed them.

"That was a good judo throw."

Gohru noted as Midoriya just sheepishly grinned.

"Yeah, you guys did that in the first match, so the rest of us had to give it our all too. Except for this guy though, he didn't even do anything!"

Sato told Midoriya as he pointed at Gohru, making him just grin as he slung his arm over Denji's shoulder.

"My padawan needed more training, so might as well let him when such a good opportunity came by."


"You were far from elegant, but — "

"You REALLY did a good job dodging!"

Ashido interrupted Aoyama as Midoriya had a confused face.


"I'm Kirishima Eijiro. We were all going through the training just now."

Kirishima explained as he introduced himself to the main protagonist.

"I'm Sero Hanta."

"I'm Aoyama Yug — "

"Ashido Mina! You really REALLY did a good job dodging!"

"I'm Asui Tsuyu, call me Tsuyu though."

"I'm Sato!"

"Jin Gohru, nice to meet you."

"Uraraka Denji."

"Um... Er..."

The boy starts to panic as the rest that were still in the classroom conversed themselves. Jiro, Tokoyami, and Iida were talking, while Ochako and Kaminari walked into the class with books on their arms.

"Hey, Uraraka. Wanna grab a bite to eat sometimes? What do you like?"

Kaminari asked Ochako who looked at the class before her eyes landed on Midoriya.

"Mochi — Ah, Deku!"

She ran towards the boy as Kaminari just slumps his shoulders in defeat before feeling a shiver in his spine, as if someone was glaring at him.

"Wait, Recovery Girl didn't heal your injuries?"

"Oh, uh, it's because of how much stamina I now have, and..."

He stops mid-sentence as he sees Bakugo's seat empty.

"Um, Uraraka, more importantly..."

3rd POV — Cinematic View

" — the hell is that? "Borrowed power"? You're talking nonsense. What are you trying to do, make me out to be more of a fool that you already have?! Huh?!"

He said in anger as he glared at Midoriya.

"Today, I lost to you... That's all it was... That's all..."

His tone started to get heavier as he recalled the battle training that the other teams had done.

"As I watched the ice guy and the bastard twin, I thought, "I can't beat him"!!!"

He slaps his hand onto his face as he continues to rant.

"DAMN IT! I ended up agreeing with what that ponytail girl said too!"

Frustrated, he looks down as he swings his arm again and again, urging to use his Quirk, but he was in public so he refrained from doing so.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!!!"

He then glares back at the shock Midoriya with tears falling from his eyes.

"Oi, you too, Deku! I-I'm just... I'm just getting started! You hear? From now on, I will be NUMBER ONE!"

Midoriya, who had his mouth open, clenches it as he curls his fists. Bakugo with a frustrated look turned back before wiping his tears away.

"You won't beat me again, you bastard!"

He was about to walk away when suddenly All Might appeared behind him and grabbed onto his shoulders.


He pants slightly before talking to the boy who still had his arm on his face.

"Just so you know, pride is important too. You definitely have the abilities needed to become a very good pro! You still have a lot of — "

"Let go of me, All Might. I can't fucking walk."

Confused, he looks down at the boy. Turning his head, Bakugo glares at All Might with remains of tears in his eyes.

"I'll become a hero that surpasses YOU even without telling me."


Super confused at the sudden tears that he sees without any context, All Might dumbly lets him go before taking a step back.

"Uh... Right."

Bakugo then walks away from UA as All Might scratches his head.

'Huh, he's gotten over it rather quickly.'

He thought as he mentally sighs.

'Being a teacher sure is hard...'

'That is a big ass crowd...'

Gohru thought to himself as he watches the hundreds of reporters outside UA from a distance with their equipment ready to interrogate anyone. Heck, they've already interrogated some students, though it was not one of his classmates.

Thankfully, he was already disguised. Using the mask that he bought years ago, he could just act like a normal student entering UA since he was ridiculously famous in Japan. Especially in Japan.

His face was 40% everywhere in Japan, from billboards to videos that resurface every few weeks. All Might's was about 50%, so that 40% seems a lot.

Making sure that his mask was on tightly, he walked to the entrance of UA to be immediately bombarded with questions.

"Hey! You!"

"Have you seen All Might?!"

"What are his classes like?"

"What are your views about the Symbol of Peace as your teacher?"

"How is he treating the classes?"

Without saying anything at all, he leaps up onto the gate of UA with his legs, causing the whole reporter group to watch as he just gives a finger gun wave before jumping down back into UA grounds.

Bringing out his phone once he was out of sight of the rowdy group at the entrance, he made sure to message Denji about the reporters since it was now 5.45 a.m. Classes start at 8 as a matter of fact, and that says a lot about the passion of journalism.

'Well, I think that the reason they'd even wake up this early is to get the first scoop before anyone else...'

Taking off his mask, he took a breath of relief (The mask was tight at the cheeks) and places it into its container, watching as liquids came out from the container and started to recharged the mask before putting it back into his backpack.

The twins walked to school and immediately got bombarded with comments and questions.

"What is he like?"

"W-Well... He's quite muscular!"

"Don't answer questions from strangers, sis."

Denji said to her before using his Quirk to lighten the both of them and tossed her into the gate, letting her pass through the crowd without any issues... Except for her pride I guess.


She yelled as he followed along, using a sub-variant of Gravitation Manipulation to push himself forward into and pass the gates after jumping a couple feet high.

Gravitation Manipulation: 3D Maneuver

What he did was simple, he just increased his Gravity to x2 horizontally instead of vertically, making him able to move in a 3-dimensional plane, though it takes more stamina than normal Gravity. It takes even more energy if he uses this sub-variant on things other than his body.

"Good work on yesterday's combat training."

Aizawa-sensei said during Homeroom as everyone listened attentively.

"I watched the videos and results for every team to pinpoint mistakes and weaknesses of every student. That will be stored into the school's data for future reference."

Sighing, he looks at Bakugo who just looked away.

"Bakugo. You're talented, so don't act like a kid and let your instincts loose. You'll risk a lot of lives that you can easily save or fights that you could 100% win if you continue like this."

"... Yes, sir."

He then looks at Midoriya who flinched under his gaze.

"Midoriya. You settled it with breaking another arm again, huh? You can't keep saying that you can't help it because of your Quirk's abysmal control. Find a way to control it fast or else you'll be left out."

"Y-Yes, sir."

Finally, he looks at Gohru who just looked confused as to why he was being targeted.

"And Jin. You did not help your partner at all, even if you wanted him to learn more about combat. That means that the staff has no idea of your prowess and ability. You'll be worked on harder because of that."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, onto Homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice, but today..."

The class collectively flinched at the sudden announcement, causing them to start panicking.

'''A-Another test?'''

"You'll be deciding on a class representative."

'''W-What a normal school activity!'''


"I want to be class rep! Pick me! I'm manly enough for it!"

"Me too!"

"I want to do it, too."

"It's a perfect job made for the Sparkling — "

"Me! Me! I'll be the leader!"

"Fuck off, fuckers! I'm doing it! ME!"

"M-Me too..."

Breathing a silent laugh, Gohru watches as the class go crazy over the role of Class Representative. It was no wonder though, since it would train said individuals to lead a group of Heroes, leadership and responsibility are quite important as a leader of a group.

'I don't want to be one though. After all, I'm not hiring squash after I become a Pro.'

He was going to be one anyways because of the plot of BNHA, so he was going to be like Miruko who was a solo Hero, meaning the only Heroes were her and her alone. 

Helping people in need and getting a pay is just the bonus of the job.

"Silence, please!"

The class went silent as Iida rose from his seat.

"This is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others. It's not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It's a calling that requires the trust of those around you! 

If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then I propose an election to choose the members responsible!"

He finishes his sentence as everyone could now look at him with all the chaos now fiddling.

'''Your hand is raised the highest though!'''

"But we haven't known each other for that long though..."

"If that's the case, then everyone would vote for their selves."

Asui and Kirishima give their take as Iida settles that arguement.

"But don't you think that is precisely why whoever receives multiple votes here can be truly considered as the most suitable person? 

What do you think, Aizawa-sensei?!"

He asks Aizawa-sensei who had already worn his sleeping bag and was already tucked in.

"I don't really care, as long as you decide before Homeroom is over."

He mutters as he falls to the ground before closing his eyes.

"Thank you very much!"


Uraraka Denji — 4

Midoriya Izuku — 3

Yaoyorozu Momo — 2

Jin Gohru — 2



"F-Four?! Eh?"

He asks confused as Bakugo stood up from his seat.

"Deku with 3?! Who voted for him?!"

"Well, it's better than voting for you though..."

"What did you say?!"

Gohru could hear Ochako whistle suspiciously as Iida shook in his seat.

"O-One... Only one vote..."

"You voted for someone else, Iida-san?"

Yaoyorozu asked with a little hint of pity in her voice as Iida looks at her.

"O-Of course. It's not fair if I vote for myself!"

Standing on the podium, Denji with an uncomfortable face stood beside Midoriya who shook at his spot. 

"Er... As the Class Rep's first action, I'd like to resign and give my position to Midoriya."


Midoriya in shock along with the class questioned his move.

"Erm... I'm not one for responsibility, so I rather not screw up and give it to someone more qualified."

He said as he walked back to his seat, causing Midoriya to call both Yaoyorozu and Gohru.

"S-S-So! Er... Then for the deputy..."

"You should do it, Yaoyorozu-san."

Gohru said as he leaned on his seat.

"Don't really want to be one, so go ahead."

"... Then I thank you for the opportunity, Jin-san."

With that, the class rep and deputy class rep were chosen.


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