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Surprisingly the 3rd floor was empty from traps, it was really suspicious, but he continued on to the fourth floor. 

While he was walking on the stairs to the fourth floor, he sees a shining object on a wall. Walking up to it, he just chuckled as he realizes what it was.

"A motion detector, I think. This is just too much, no?"

Well, since they knew that he was close to the fourth floor, he could 100% throw stealth out of the window. Breaking the sensor, he quickly ran up the stairs to reach the entrance to the fourth floor.

Cautiously, he tried to peek through the door, but was immediately bombarded with gunfire.


Ducking back, he cursed at the sheer potential of Yaoyorozu's Quirk.

"Guns? Really?!"

Looking at the ammunition on the ground next to him, he started to grin when he noticed the type of ammo used.

"Rubber bullets... About two per second..."

A lightbulb lit in his head as he mentally prepared himself to do what he was about to do.

The gunfire stopped as Yaoyorozu yelled out behind their barricade that she made.

"Put your hands up, Uraraka-san! You cannot match firearms!"

"... Isn't this a little too much?"

Ashido asked sheepishly, looking at the rifle that she was holding as Yaoyorozu shook her head.

"I think that it's too little. Uraraka-san was placed first, and Jin-san who we don't see is the World Champion."

"Well, that is fair..."

Suddenly, they hear footsteps, making them point at the source at the entrance. After a second, Denji revealed himself with his hands in his coat's pockets.

With a smirk, he takes his arms out before getting into the Basic Stance.


Yaoyorozu yelled as they both started blasting their guns, rubber bullets soaring through the sky at more than 1200 meters per second. 

Moving his right foot forward, he breathes as he used his arm to deflect a rubber bullet away that was aiming at his chest. Then another at his left rib. 

Soon, he starts to deflect the bullets with both his arms using the bracers, causing both of them to widen their eyes in shock.

"H-He deflected them?!"

"Ashido-san! Quickly!"

She calls her out before pulling on a wire on that she grabbed on the floor near to them. They both then quickly ran to the floor's stairs to the fifth floor.


Denji yelled as he tried to run towards them, but after a few meters he suddenly slips and falls flat onto the ground.



He tried to get up with his arms, but they slip once more. Focusing on the ground, he whistled at the ingenious plan of Yaoyorozu and Ashido.


Yaoyorozu must have asked Ashido to use a low acidity dose on the ground to slow down his speed, meaning less time for him to touch the bomb, very smart.

Looking at the pillars of the floor, he used his scarf to sort of grapple himself without touching the ground. On the pillar, he was about to jump to another one when suddenly another surprise happened.

The world went white.


He got flash banged. And once the initial flash bang exploded, more started to chain explode, causing him to disorientate as he covered his ears and shut his eyes.

Once the flashes finished, he opened his eyes hesitantly with his ears not working right and his vision seeing doubles. Looking at the time remaining on the holographic screen next to the wall with difficulty (Each floor has one), his breath hitched.

'S-Seven minutes!'

In gamer slang, he just got CC-ed for fucking seven minutes. He only had 5 minutes to get to floor 7, and touch the bomb, maybe needing to beat them too. And coupled with his current double-vision and ear-ringing, he was kinda fucked unless he could pull of some miracle.

"T-That's just cruel."

Kirishima muttered as the class watched Denji get flash banged for seven minutes straight with about four dozen flash grenades.

"And cold, Yaoyorozu-san is terrifying..."

Asui provided as the class felt shivers on their backs. 

"I-Is he OK, All Might-sensei? He just took so many flash grenades..."

Ochako asked All Might who tapped his ear piece to get the answer.

"Hmm... Uraraka-shonen, are you alright?"

The screen then showed Denji raising a thumbs up before starting to jog to the fifth floor..

"Phew... Thank goodness."

"Still, Uraraka just deflected bullets. Bullets!"

Kaminari said with awe as Iida nodded.

"As expected from UA to find such talent!"

"Yeah no kidding, even if it's just rubber bullets, it would be kinda impossible to even see one."

Sato said his piece as Tokoyami muttered to himself.

"A terrific foe indeed..."

Shaking his head to attempt to clear the double vision, he climbed the stairs to the sixth floor. There was nothing in the fifth floor at all, it was just a normal hallway floor.

Reaching the entrance, he sees that the floor as the same as earlier was slippery with Ashido's acid Quirk, and this was a hallway floor instead of a pillar floor, meaning he had little mobility. 

Patting his ear to stop it from ringing, he walked slowly and cautiously to the seventh floor's stairs when he was stopped by a metal barricade that blocked the hallway.

'Wait, this doesn't make sense... If this is here, then how did they passed through — That seven minutes...'

They took the seven minutes to quickly build the barricades, damn. With a grunt, he clenched his fists before smashing the barricade down and immediately leaned back instinctively as he dodged a metal pipe with a rubber cover at the ends from hitting his head.

... They even booby trapped the barricade with a crossbow?!

Looking at the clock, he had only 4 minutes left. He had to speed run this NOW.

With a huff, he jumped onto the walls of the hallway, using it as a springboard as he starts to jump on opposite walls to avoid touching the lotion level acid. 

Every time he knocks down a barricade, something bloody shoots out from god knows where. From the ground to the sky, he dodged every one of them with quick reflexes.

After about 6 barricades, he finally reached the final floor. Entering into the floor, he sees a pillar room and the bomb at the end of the floor with a butt load of barricades and the two girls waiting for him.

"This is pretty excessive, Yaoyorozu-san. The ringing hasn't stopped yet."

He said to which Yaoyorozu just sheepishly smiled.

"Sorry, Uraraka-san. It was needed."

"Yeah! Sorry bout it!"

They said as they pointed their guns at him. With a deep breath, he closes his eyes briefly before focusing. 

His ears were still ringing, meaning he couldn't rely on them. There are guns pointed at him, he was predicting more than one since this was the final room. There was the issue of the acid on the floor too. 

Coupled with the unexpected factors and traps, he was kinda fucked.

With an exhalation, he took one step forward before dashing at the two.

The two started firing their guns, this time machine guns instead of rifles for more ammo capacity, as he quickly gets into the Basic Stance of the Four Gods.

Four Gods: Dance of the White Tiger.

Deflecting every bullet, he watched as they continued to fire their guns, changing them without reloading since it was faster, continuing to deflect the bullets as they went into a stalemate.

A battle of attrition. Whichever side stops wins.

After a gruesome minute of deflecting, he starts getting tired, resorting to only deflecting bullets that hit his vitals. But with every few deflections, he takes a step forward closer to them, closing the gap.

Eventually, they stopped firing, making Denji suck in as much air as possible before flinching in pain. There were multiple bruises on his body since even with bulletproof clothing, they still hurt like a bitch.


With a call, she creates a metal pole for herself and gets into a stance as Ashido raised both hands up and starts to bounce.

'Staff Combat and Boxing...'

Regeneration has kicked in, but it will take a few minutes to heal the bruising, making him really regret buying such a low level regeneration, but he wasn't going to reject any kind of regeneration. So getting into a stance himself, he breathes out as he signals them to come at him.

"Ashido. Yaoyorozu. Let's dance!"

Raising his arm to block an overhead swing from Yaoyorozu, he pushes it aside as he moves forward and tried to go for a right-handed long range hook, but was stopped when Ashido came from the side and jabbed at his head.


Twisting the ball of his foot, he then tries to retaliate by doing a low kick to Ashido's thigh.


But the staff from earlier slams his low kick before it hit Ashido.

Taking a step back, he targeted Ashido who was running up to him, but he suddenly slipped slightly, which caused him to lose his balance for a second, enough for Ashido as she swung her arm and splashed acid that slightly stung at his face.


With his face covered, he felt a sharp pain on his ribs. Yaoyorozu took advantage of his blinded state and thrusted her pole at his stomach which hit.

Wiping his eyes quickly, he dodged a straight from Ashido and a horizontal swing by back stepping.

This went on for a while, with Ashido doing fast and quick damage with her boxing to Yaoyorozu blocking and countering him with her long range.

It was honestly not fair, they had some chemistry for fighting since they were surprisingly coordinated. He then tried to use both Black Turtle and Red Phoenix, but was denied once more since attacks keep coming from around his body, curtecy by Ashido who was weaving through the fight, hitting him at unexpected places.


Tired of this double-teaming, he ducked Ashido's body blow before dropping to the ground, using his leg to sweep the two for space.

Backing up a little, he looks at the timer before concentrating again.

'2 more minutes.'

Panting, he wipes his cheek with his forearm before raising his guard again, this time with a plan. He dashed at Ashido this time, throwing his scarf at her. 

As expected, she blocked it and tossed it away, but it was enough since that was his plan. With a pull, the scarf suddenly wrapped Ashido's hand before she gets pulled to Denji.

"Eh? Ehhhh?!"

Grabbing her torso, her face was now unsuspected an inch away from him with his arm on her waist. Her face started to burn up as she looked at the unbroken focus of Denji before suddenly pushing her away.


Yaoyorozu who ran towards the two trying to counter Denji's moves suddenly stopped when Denji moved and pushed Ashido towards her, causing them both to bump into each other. 


With that opening, he quickly ran towards the bomb, using Black Turtle to burst the barricades that protected the bomb.

Since the bomb was here, that meant that Yaoyorozu who was thinking the bomb as a real one, wouldn't have placed anything dangerous near it, so he was clear. 

And with a final leap, he touched the bomb with his palm before the two could run up to him.


All Might yells into the mic as Denji slumps to the floor and lays down, panting heavily as the two girls were panting from exhaustion too.

"Denji! My arm hurts from hitting you, what do you even eat?"

"Haha — Huff — very funny. Huff — Staff Combat and Boxing?"

"Yes, I was training at a young age."

"Yep! After watching Jin in the World Martial Arts Tournament, I signed up for boxing! It makes dancing much easier too!"

Nodding, he groaned at the pain on his body. It was everywhere, but Body of the Sage should heal it up nicely in about an hour minimum.

"... Guns though? Really?"

"Seems you had fun."

Denji turned his head to the entrance to see Gohru who had his arms crossed at his chest.

"Huff — Fuck you."

"No thanks."

He walked to him before lifting him up. Slinging Denji's arm to his shoulder, he carried him away as the girls followed along to talk to Denji.


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