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"Well... Shit."

Gohru muttered as he sat in the living room deep in thought, just a week before his trip with Toga to Hokkaido. The reason being? His facade as Dan Go-Ru.

He had usually used Lisa's Quirk to change his appearance every day, from his hair to his facial features, so coupled with the fact that he would be with his group for the whole period, he was kinda fucked.

Well, it was only him and Jiro in a group. Toga tried to join his too but her new "friends" placed her name into theirs and locked her into their group. 

He was not jealous at all. Not at all. He was mature.

... Maybe he was a little bit, but he digressed. He had all the time in the world after this to spend time with her anyways.

Anyways, it was only him and Jiro in the group since 1; he was a Quirkless nobody whom Himiko-san always looked at (Granted that he didn't even realize that it was the reason why no one liked his ass), 2; Jiro was too an outcast due to her teasing personality that hurt for many, 3; their class had 20 students with only 4 a group.

Ruffling his hair, he thought of bringing Lisa there too but declined it because it would raise a lot of suspicion among the other students during their 3 days in Hokkaido.

The schedule for Hokkaido was simple. 3 days and 3 nights there in an inn that the school had already booked. It was Class 2 - A who had the first week, then Class 2 - B, then Class 2 - C, then so forth. He was in 2 - A so their class was the first to go out of the 5 Junior High Two classes.

The first two days are already predetermined by the school, with the trip being a class activity for the first day until the second and third days when the groups were allowed to go around at their own pace with a curfew set for them.

What would both teachers and classmates think when the Quirkless nobody started disappearing at intervals? Problems, that's what will happen.

Groaning in annoyance, he wondered if concealing his identity was even the right move. But after hearing Toga's cheerful voice while packing her luggage, he decided that this was the right path to tread.

People, like All for One, would have known about him the instant he transferred to the school, leading to multiple problems and dangerous activities since he was "powerful" in terms of raw strength alone.

The school Kenichi was going was a professional one compared to his, like, the high-class type of college, so even if people knew him, no one would dare to harm him in any way if something happens, since they would be harming other political and powerful families as well.

That was his thought process anyways.

Closing his eyes, he just relaxes on the couch before sighing.

'Meh, I'll think about it later.'

Sitting on the school bus seat, he groaned as he palmed his face. 

The gang, including Lisa and Toga, had made him wear realistic wigs and a high-tech face mask that slips off with a touch command, something that was surprisingly easy to find with legal contacts and money.

It felt so natural too, he could touch his skin from the mask itself! Technology sure was scary!

"What's got you so riled up?"

A teasing voice made him groan louder as he looked up to see Jiro with a tracksuit when they were supposed to wear something casual and light.

"Nothing, and a tracksuit? Really?"

"What? You wanna see what's inside?"

That image unfortunately got shot down instantly without hesitation.

"No thanks, I have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, 'girlfriend'. Pssh, I'll believe your imaginary girlfriend once I see her."

She rolls her eyes as he could suddenly feel bloodlust behind him, making him glance at the seething Toga who was glaring at the back of Jiro's head, making her shiver slightly before looking around for the source of the shiver.

"Anyways, I got enough money from my Pa for new instrument sets! Hopefully, Hokkaido does have nice sets, to begin with..."

Right, she had a passion for music, she told him about this a few weeks ago...

"Music huh? Not really a fan of the current genres, too..."

He couldn't find the word that was on the tip of his tongue.


Yep, heroic is the word.

Unfortunately, the songs in this universe were primarily songs that you'd see for Character Themes like EMIYA or Il Vento Doro. Not bad, but lacking lyrics if you know what he meant.

"Yeah, really want to get into it though... Love guitars for a long time."

That was true, as he owned one in his past life and played for a while before stopping due to the increase in workload for his college. Besides, even if he could learn the guitar once more, the songs in his head had already fizzled out due to him not listening to his world's songs for a long time already.

"Really? Then why don't I teach you then!"

She said with a flame in her eyes, making him shudder this time as the last time he saw this flame was when she went on a rant about a book series that they'd read for 4 hours straight. 

This was going to be a long trip...

After placing their bags at the inn where they were staying once they arrived via bullet train, the teachers started to designate multiple groups into one full group for one teacher. Go-Ru and Jiro were paired up with Toga's group, one of the boy groups that have a distant hatred towards him for some reason.

After making sure that everyone was accounted for, they set off for their field trip, the first being Sapporo.

First off, the place was amazing. The architecture, how the buildings looked so cramped yet so open, the atmosphere of people walking around, and the smell of food there was amazing with a nose like his.

They first went to a park, called Odori Park, Sapporo's central park. It was huge, with twelve blocks of tree-lined walkways and open space, the place had this peaceful feeling whenever they walked past the trees around the park, admiring the beauty of the park.

Toga tried to walk near Go-Ru, but her girl friends pulled her away and whispered some things to her ear, which he could see made her super upset before pulling their arms off hers and stomping to Go-Ru, making him sigh as he had essentially ruined their friendship.

Rumours were a powerful weapon in school, especially when a famous girl in their year (Jiro actually had told him that she was famous in the school due to her unique hair and eyes which he could get) ignored their friends' advice to stray away from the Quirkless and the Emo Girl.

The moment she stood next to Go-Ru, she immediately hooked her arm on his before smiling at Jiro. 

"Afternoon, Jiro-san!"


She stuttered before looking at Go-Ru who raised his persona up. 

"Afternoon, Go-Ru-san!"

First name straight? Darn, Toga really did not want to pull any punches anymore. 

Wel... He was in disguise...

"Afternoon, Toga. Why are you here instead of your girl friends?"

Jiro's shell-shocked face was pleasant as Toga just grumbled about them being bitches that only Go-Ru could hear with his superhearing.

"Well, it seemed that we have another group member, Jiro."


She said with a blur as she recalled their previous conversation earlier.

"No thanks, I have a girlfriend."

"Oh, shit."

She connected the dots immediately before looking at Toga who had a smirk on her face, causing Go-Ru to sigh when Jiro started apologising to her about her remarks from earlier.

"Still, I can't believe you two are together together!"

She said in shock when they slowed down their pace, still following the group but at a good distance from them.

"Told you, you just didn't want to believe it."

"H-Hey! In my defence... I got nothing."

Her shoulders slumped as she took a sip from her ice latte, to which Toga just giggles before slinging her arms around Jiro's shoulders.

Women sure were weird. One instant they were not on talking terms, but once the subject of him entered the battlefield, they started talking about him and his tendencies and soon became friends.

... He had no tendencies! How dare they!

Sure, he sometimes references something that this universe doesn't have, like Top Gear or Jojo, but it's on instinct, he swears!

"Well, living together has its perks!"

"Oh... Wait, living together?!"

"Yeah! Do you want to see some funny pictures at home? (Oh Dan Go-Ru of course)"

"Hell yeah! Make sure they're funny ones!"

'Someone kill me...'

As he was contemplating digging the ground before him, he heard something that made him stop on the spot. Snapping his head towards 8 o'clock, he sees a group of girl teenagers the same age as them walking and laughing together, except for a boy with brown hair and chocolate eyes wearing a pair of earbuds who was following them behind.

One of the girls turned their back to look at the boy, revealing the same brown hair and chocolate eyes with a blush on her face, the same as the boy as she fake pouted at the boy. 

"Denji! Come on! You're slowing down!"


He said with a slightly deeper voice than an average person's before increasing his pace, humming the song that he was hearing. Maybe if he had concentrated properly, he would have actually realised that he just saw one of the main character's love interests from BNHA, but his attention was the song's melody that the brown-haired boy was hearing.

Walking towards them, he ignored Toga and Jiro's calls, weaving through the thick crowd before finally grabbing onto the boy's shoulder.

The boy stopped in his tracks at a stranger's hand on his shoulders before glancing at him while removing his earbuds, allowing him to finally be in range to be able to actually listen to the lyrics of the song.

— ohan Wa Sugoi Yo Nai To Komaru Yo~

Mushiro Gohan Ga Okazu Da Yo~

Kansaijin Nara Yappari Okonomiyaki And Gohan~

Demo Watashi Kansaijin Ja Nai Desu ~

That childish voice, the instruments, the fast yet recognisable melody... That song was from an OVA of his childhood animes, one of the most memorable songs that he remembered as a child to as an adult that had stuck out because of the foolish yet amazing lyrics.

It was from K-On... And this universe had no K-On. 

That meant —!


He said as he looked at Go-Ru's face while frowning before his eyes widened.

Sensing that the two girls had lost him in the crowd, he deactivated the high-tech mask and took it off, the boy's eyes widening further as he shockingly muttered.

"I had a suspicion... Jin Gohru — No, Jin Mo-Ri..."

Now that Gohru was close to the boy, he could see some resemblance to someone from a webtoon manga that he so happened to love. 10/10 appearance, droopy eyes, spiky hair that should be black instead, and the same body build as the damned character.

"Han Daewi..."

This guy in front of him. He was the same as him.

A fucking reincarnator. 










> Y











Huh, pretty interesting. Tho I wonder how u gonna make him unique since Jin is already using Daewi martial art. Maybe giving Daewi the four fundamental forces quirk? Jade emperor body and wisdom are pretty op on its own. Atp have the glasses girl join too lol.


Really want to add Mira too but I think I'm not going to because imagine the two being as strong as All Might. They're literally too OP you know. But who knows, maybe I will :)


Also, find it hard to believe that Jiro teasing nature isolated her, unless u mean something else


I mean, coupled with the fact that 1; she's kinda emo, 2; she doesn't go out of her way to make friends, that makes her kinda isolated if you know what I mean