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Just want to make this clear, this book will not clash with Martial Arts God's schedule. This is just a fun little side book that I'll be writing during my free time only so the updates of this book will be slow like a turtle.

Whistling at the futuristic flying vehicle that Roman walked to, Shiki who was a few rooftops from the main action quickly Structural Analysis-ed the vehicle before frowning.

'There's something interfering with the analysis? What the...'

Scanning the whole flying ship once more, he pinpointed the source of the interference.

"A woman?"

The scans weren't able to tell him who, but he could more or less see the curvy figure of the pilot.

'The woman was not interfering with the scan, but her clothing? And what's wrong with her —'

Suddenly, Roman tossed a red dust crystal at Ruby who just stared at it. Shiki immediately was about to run to her, he had enough time, but stopped when a woman with blond hair and emerald eyes went in between the dust crystal before it exploded and Ruby before a magic circle suddenly appeared to block the explosion.


He swore that the image of Saber Artoria overlapped with the lady, but after a thorough examination, he deemed her not Artoria due to her... Ahem, 'assets'.

Anyways, they came out unscathed as the woman started using her magecraft — No, it was Semblance, to pepper at the VTOL, purple orbs appeared for a second before they fire at the VTOL.

The VTOL shook at the tremors before the pilot started moving to the hangar doors, making Shiki prepare his magic circuits in case they couldn't win.

The woman appeared at the hangar doors, wearing a red and orange tight dress that hugged her curves. With a raise of a hand, the ground before Ruby and the woman started to glow red.

Watching them dodge the pillar of fire that erupted from the ground, he decided to now involve himself in the fight.

"Trace On."

Judging the concept of creation

The nameless bow was made to withstand the launching of Broken and Noble Phantasms since no other bow was resistant enough to fire Noble Phantasms.

Hypothesizing the basic structure.

It was a sleek western-style straight black bow which was almost as long as his whole body, with durability that almost rivals a Noble Phantasm's.

Duplicating the composition material.

It was made purely out of metal, with 73% of an unknown metal in the future being the bone of the bow, 21% of an unknown alloy in the future as the outside of the bow, and 6% of an unknown metal in the future as the string of the bow.

Imitating the skill of its making.

It was made by a famous blacksmith that thanked him for saving him, taking 10 days and 10 nights to forge the bow. The method of construction was unknown as the methods used were from the future and were unlearnable.

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth.

It stayed with him, loyal for centuries even after so many attempts at relationships. It was his one and only "original" weapon that he owned.

Reproducing the accumulated years.

The bow has been with him for a total of 2,371 years, with a body count in kills of 8,192,021 kills.

Excelling every manufacturing process.

Tracing all processes to their utmost limit for the perfect replica of the bow.

Gripping the imaginary handle of the bow, he lets his Od flow into the construct as blue sparks emitted from his palm created the weapon, eventually filling his fist with the weight of the metal bow.

Raising his free hand, he traced a random sword that did not cost more than a single unit of Od as he notched it onto the bow. With a grunt, the steel bow creaks as he pulls the string of the bow, altering the shape of the sword to be more aerodynamic.


It seemed that the blond woman had done a good job at keeping their attention from him, as the two women started to fight with fire and constructs.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill the red-dressed woman, he patiently breathes in and out while straining his muscle until finally, the red-dressed woman swung both of her arms to disperse the metal construct that the blond woman shot out.

With a quick intake of air, he aims before letting go, the now altered arrow flying through the air and was about to hit the woman's head... Before it gets deflected by a stray bullet.

Looking at Ruby Rose who was aiming at the VTOL, he cursed his E-rank Luck once again before deciding to just shoot the VTOL, tracing multiple 'arrows' beforehand and firing them at mach speed.


The VTOL now looked like a mini porcupine as the red-dressed woman aggressively thrust her arms out.

His Eye of the Mind (False) skill immediately roared at him as a pulse of fire that rivalled Fuyuki's fire raged outwards, making him duck to dodge the wave of fire.

Once the flames dispersed, he cursed as the VTOL had already exited his 3-kilometre range, which annoyed and impressed him due to the speed of the flying vehicle. Sighing, he let the bow fade into blue motes and was about to jump away when suddenly his nose slammed into an invisible wall.

Clutching his nose in pain, he tried going the other way but was stopped by the same darn invisible wall.

Realizing what was happening, he just sighed deeply as the invisible wall materialised to the naked eye to reveal that he was trapped in a bubble, with the blonde woman floating to him with a stern look.


Sighing at his luck, he rests his head on the steel table in the interrogation room.

"Just my luck..."

People may be asking, "Shiki! You could trace Rule Breaker to cancel the bubble!". The problem was that the bubble wasn't made of magecraft or magic at all, it was something else that he couldn't sense at all.

Sighing once more, he wondered when the interrogator would enter when the door opened, revealing the blond woman.

'Now that I think about it, I really didn't scan her weapon yet.'

So, looking at the hilt of whatever it was, Shiki flared one of his magic circuits and activated Structural Analysis on the weapon.

Weapon: The Disciplinarian

Type: Riding Crop

Owner: Glynda Goodwitch

Metals: 70% unknown metal, 20% unknown leather, 3% unknown alloy, 7% unknown metal.

Fighting Style: Mid to Long-Range Dust Projectile Combat.

Time Used: 15 Years.

Holy, a fucking riding crop as a weapon? Yeesh, he does not want to get hit by that.

Glynda opened the door wider to let a man with white hair and a cane in, Eye of the Mind subconsciously activates the moment he stepped into the room, causing Shiki to raise his guard.

He tried to scan the cane but was met with another interference causing him to twitch his eye in annoyance as the man took a seat opposite to him.

"Good evening, Mr Emiya."

Shit, he shouldn't have used his real name in the ID.

"Well, no need to be so stiff, young man. You're not in any trouble."

The man said as Shiki continued to keep his guard up, his words not doing anything to calm him down.

"Then why am I still here if I'm not in any trouble, Mr..."

"Ozpin. You may call me Ozpin."

"Mr Ozpin, then. Why am I still being detained here? Unless you have questions for me to answer."

The man gave a brief smile.

"Very perspective, something that many Hunters should learn in the field. Your guess is correct, from the immigrant ID that you procured a few weeks ago, I see that you're 17 this year, yes?"

Nodding at the question, the man's smile widened slightly.

"Wonderful, now I doubt that the owner of the store that you're in will be in business for a while... So what are your plans now?"

Huh, he hadn't really thought about it. Calculating the time estimated for the old man to be back in business, he cringed at the time needed.

'About 2 months tops if the old man still continued with the store, but with Torchwick robbing Dust stores like Christmas...'

As if Ozpin could hear his thoughts, his arm went into his coat before bringing out a name card. Handing it to him, Shiki looked at it.

'Ozpin Wiz, Headmaster of Beacon Academy.'

With a set of numbers and address numbers that were foreign to him. Looking up with a confused face, Ozpin leaned closer to the table as he had a smile.

"Would you be interested in a place in my school?"

Shiki's brain froze as he repeated the words in his brain.

"Excuse me?"

"Well, as you can see from the name card, I am the headmaster of Beacon Academy. Its purpose is to train the new generation of Hunters and Huntresses to combat the Grimm."

Grimm, he had read about them while on the subject of research. Dark fowl beasts that prey on negative instincts, something that he's seen in his adventures before but not until this degree of seriousness.

"Well, as it stands, I have a few vacant spots for this year's first-year students. And after watching your performance..."

Aas, he said that Glynda brought out a holographic tablet that showed them his archery, but not when he traced the bow and swords.

'Oh, thank god I didn't let it fade away...'

Watching the clip where he started firing at the VTOL, the recording halted as a wave of fire burned the camera away, leaving only the SIM card to be restored.

"Now, even if I do not support the first shot that you've made, I feel that you would contribute greatly to humankind if you joined as a Hunter."

Ruffling his hair, Shiki examined his options. This was definitely what the Old Man was trying to get him into, and since the Old Man wanted him to join them, then he should do it or else the Old Man would just toss him into another dimension, maybe worse that this one.

"... Alright, I'll join you and your hunting brigade."

Ozpin's smile grew wider as he clapped his hands together.

"Wonderful. Now, the initiation is two weeks from now, so be ready. Details of Beacon will be sent to your current residence in a few days. Oh, and also."

Handing him a black card that resembled a debit card, Shiki grabbed it and scanned it as a precaution.

"It is a gift, for helping to deal with Roman Torchwick. A total of 100,000 Lien along with a scholarship budget of 5,000 Lien a month. I believe it would be enough for your rent and equipment before Beacon."

"... Thank you, sir."

"No problem. If that is all, then our business is over now. I will see you in two weeks' time, Mr Emiya."

And with that, they left, leaving him with the black debit card and the responsibility to attend school. Again.

'Ugh, just my luck...'



A good side hustle to write when u are feeling burnout from the main book


Yeah, sometimes the main book burns me out a little, so this is kind of like my escape for more ideas and plot lines for the main book