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Something that I've been cooking for the last week. 

I love Fate, and RWBY's 9th Volume's about to come out too, so why the hell not, am I right?

"... So... Why am I even here, Mr Second User?"

"Now now, Shiki! I thought I'd told you to call me Grandpa!"

The two people who were talking were in a rather clean alleyway, and from what his magecraft told him, they were in the UK, at least somewhere in London.

"Not now, Old Man! Where the hell are we? And why the fuck did you de-age me?!"

The young boy with grey hair and golden eyes roared at the old man who just rolled his eyes before hitting the boy with the base of his cane.


"O-Ow! What the fuck!"

"Language! Anyways, I brought you here so that you'd learn new ways to improve your magecraft without the influence of Gaia being a stalker as she is."


He was so confused. His magecraft wasn't that bad! ... It's not that bad. The basics were the way to go!

"No, it isn't. Ahem! Moving on, there's a school that teaches citizens in this world how to fight, but it's only limited to pupils in the age group of 17 so that's why I reduced your age to the perfect group to start!"

"... Kids? My classmates will be fucking kids?!"

Well, granted that he too had only reached 20 just a month ago, but he digressed.

"Well, it is quite funny when you say it like that, yes, I'm sending you to high school for 4 years straight! Oh, is this what it feels like to be a parent? I could get used to this."

He laughed at Shiki's shell-shocked expression before pointing to a weird store with his cane. Shiki took a glance at the sign above and said its name out loud.

"Dust Till Dawn? What kind of name is that?"

"Yes, you'll find some important people that teach in that school in September, so get a job to keep the ball rolling! Toddle-loo!"

Before he could run away, Shiki grabbed him by his coat.

"W-Wait! You can't do this to me! The alters! The tsunderes! The yanderes! They'll kill me!"

ALtoria, Ishtar, Astarte, Serenity, Kama, Shuten, they'll kill him if he even leaves them for even a second! Why him? Couldn't he be like Ritsuka and get someone cute like Mash or Saber Lily?! Curse your luck, EMIYA!

Zelretch's body tensed up at that, shivering slightly at the thought before looking at Shiki with a blank expression.

"... Well, they won't be that bad... Maybe a few hip fractures here and there — "

"Noooo! Don't do this, Old Man! They'll fuck me to death!"

As if it was magic (Of course it was), his hands slip out of grip as a portal with every colour of the rainbow, representing the kaleidoscope appeared before the old man.

"It'll only be 4 days for them, so the punishment from your Servants won't be that bad! I'll see you if I can remember! Bye Shiki~!"

And with that, he jumped into the portal, with it closing the moment his body entered into the portal.

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Damn you, Zelretch!!!"

After cursing the Second Magic-User for 10 minutes straight, he calmed down before looking at the Dust Till Dawn that was just a street from his position. He should go there immediately as the Old Man said, but just in case...

Entering deeper into the alleyway, he sits down at a clean spot and closes his eyes. A gun's hammer falls, and a gun fires in his brain as he muttered the aria that makes activating his magic circuits easier.

"Trace On."


Using only one of the 27 circuits that only Emiya Shiki is allowed to have, the usual feeling of heat that rushed upon using magecraft appears as he uses one of the three basic spells that everyone knows but does not use to its fullest potential, breathing the hot air generated in his lungs out as information flooded into his head.

Structural Analysis.

In an instant, a blueprint of the building formed in his mind's eye. The architecture, the material used, the amount of time and people needed to construct the building, the history of why it was built in the first place, and the time that had passed upon its construction. Everything is shoved into his brain in an instant.

Deactivating his magic circuit, he frowned at the amount of Od that was used, the energy inside one's body that can be generated upon depletion with magic circuits.

It took less Od than usual, at least two times less. So that's what the Old Man meant by this world not having the same rules as his world's Gaia. Not only that the Mana in this world was more interesting than that.

'Where the fuck is the Mana in the world?'

It was as barren as a desert, with only specks of Mana left floating around from what his nose told him. This was bad, that meant that this world's Gaia was dying, that's why it didn't take that much Od!

"What the hell have you put me into, Old Man..."

Now that he has checked his circuits, od, and mana situation, he walked to the Dust Till Dawn with a resigned face.

'... Fuck you, EMIYA.'

He thought as a futuristic pistol was pointed at his head, while the boss of Dust Till Dawn was crouching behind him.

Really, what kind of bullshit luck did he have? He had to wait for a week for his immigrant ID to be made, and he just started working here just 2 weeks ago and shit like this happens to him? Literally, what were the chances?!

"Hey! Are you deaf or something? Give us the fucking access!"

The goon in front of him yelled as his gun pressed on his temple, threatening to shoot, but Shiki just looked at him deadpanned before sighing.

"Really, you don't want the lien? Dust costs a lot to buy these days..."

"Shut up and open the fucking valves you Schnee knockoff!"

Ugh, fuck it. Hopefully, the old man won't sue him.

"I don't even know what a Schnee is!"

He roared before grabbing the goon's wrist in a flash and disarming the goon's gun. Pulling him close while turning the goon around so that he was facing the other way, Shiki looked at the orange-haired man with a lot of mascara on.

"Listen, pretty guy. I just started working here, and the hourly rates here are high, so I'm asking you to just rob this store another time."

The other goons that were with Goon 1 pointed their hand pistols at him while Pretty Guy chuckled as he started lighting a cigar.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Grey. Though I would like to, I have some... business with this particular dust store — "

Before he could finish though, suddenly a random goon was sent flying to the store walls next to Pretty Guy, knocking over some stuff that was at the front of the store as they all looked in the direction of where the goon was before.

'Hold up, there was someone else here?'

He blinked as suddenly another goon was sent flying, this time to the window as it shattered, sending him and a red blur to the streets.

Using this distraction, the hammer of a gun falls as a gunshot sounded in Shiki's brain, reinforcing his body to superhuman levels before pushing the goon that he was holding to the rest of the gang.


They crashed with each other, though Pretty Guy dodged it before pointing his cane at him, with Shiki instinctively activating Structural Analysis at the weapon.

Weapon: Melodic Cudgel.

Type: Cane-Revolver-Hook hybrid.

Owner: Roman Torchwick.

Metals: 60% unknown metal, 30% unknown metal, 10% unknown alloy.

Fighting Style: Mid-Range to Short-Range Cane Combat; Long-Range to Mid-Range Dust Projectile Combat.

Time Used: 19 Years.

Ducking immediately, Shiki dodged the fire Dust blast from Melodic Cudgel as he hopped onto the counter of the store before jumping out of the store using the now open window.

Landing safely, he looked at the carnage that was done, goon bodies lay unconscious on the ground and a young girl with red locks stood near them with a giant scythe in her hands, clearly indicating that she was the one who defeated them.

His eyes registered the red colour scheme as the blur from before as he scanned the girl's weapon for more information.

Weapon: Crescent Rose.

Type: Sycthe-Sniper Hybrid.

Owner: Ruby Rose.

Metals: 80% unknown metal, 10% unknown alloy, 7% unknown alloy, 3% unknown metal.

Fighting Style: Mid-Range Scythe Combat, Long-Range and Mid-Range Dust Projectile Combat.

Time Used: 4 Years.

'What's with these people and their hybrid weapons!'

He thought to himself as the two locked eyes, with him mesmerised by her moonlit silver eyes that reflected rays of moonlight, reminding him of a scene in his memories.

The sound of gunshots snapped him out of the memories as he watched the girl in red masterfully swing her scythe around like a veteran, cleaving her way through the horde of enemies.

What was interesting was the fact that no one had a cut mark from that sharp scythe at all. Aura, the manifestation of one's soul. Basically Od, but instead of magic circuits that channel inside of their bodies, they channel it outside their bodies with no needed medium, making it a useful forcefield that blocks and heals injuries rather quickly.

Humming, he thought of helping the girl but decided not to since she was almost done.

She was quite skillful with her weapon, using the sniper's recoil to either reposition herself or to use its momentum to deal more damage. Not bad... But in close range, she becomes useless. So many openings to exploit too.

"Why don't you help Red out, Grey?"

"And why don't you knock me out now, Pretty Guy?"

Glancing behind him, he sees the orange-haired man watching the fight with both arms on his cane, who silently crept up behind him for a scare. Too bad he gets jumpscares from the Assassin kid Servants on a daily basis, so this kind of stealth was elementary for Shiki.

Shrugging, the thief smirks.

"Well, you aren't fighting me, are you?"

"... If I have to, then I will."

"Oh, scary. Relax, I don't go around killing others so easily. I have professional ethics, after all."

He chuckles as he tilts his hat slightly as a greeting.

"Roman Torchwick, at your service, though you should already know me from my... reputation."

"... Archer."

"Mhmm, very nice name. Anyways they should be done right... now."

And sure enough, the fight was over, the victor being Ruby Rose. Standing up straight, Roman walked past Shiki before clapping his hands at the girl in red.

"Well fought fight... You were truly worth every cent, truly you were."

He sarcastically snarked at the conscious goons who groaned in response before facing Ruby Rose who had a readied stance with her scythe, puffing his cigar as he walked closer to the girl.

"Well, Red. We can all say that tonight was quite an eventual evening..."

Tossing the cigar to the floor, he uses his cane to kill the fire in it before pointing the cane towards the girl.

"And as much as I'd love to stay, I'm afraid this..."

A critical appeared at the tip of the cane as Ruby Rose's eyes widened in realisation —

"Is where we, unfortunately, part ways."

— Before pulling the trigger.


Immediately, the girl pointed her scythe downwards and shot it, using its recoil to push herself upwards the dodge the dust shot.


The street behind her blew up, thankfully no one was on the street, and the smoke from the explosion caused her to lose sight of Roman Torchwick.

Looking around, she doesn't see him anywhere, confused when her eyes locked onto the fleeing Roman who was climbing up a ladder to the rooftops of an apartment.

Frowning, she immediately sets off to fight him, but before she did, she took a glance at the old man shopkeeper who was walking out to check the commotion outside.

"You OK if I go after him?"

He just blankly nodded as she uses her scythe to shoot herself to the rooftops, leaving Shiki with a decision.

'This must be what Old Man was trying to get me into. So... Should I or should I not?'

After a second of deciding the pros and cons, he decided to follow the girl.

"Eh, fuck it. TraceOn."

He mutters before reinforcing his legs to the maximum, using his newfound strength in his legs to launch himself onto the rooftops.

'Hopefully, this carnage doesn't put me to jail...'



Emiya harem luck is the strongest even at E rank