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Thanks, for the usual support.

Now please sit back and enjoy this masterpiece of a chapter that I've just written, one of my best fight scenes ever in my opinion.



The moment the bell rang, the two dashed at each other before each of them threw a roundhouse kick.


The kick landed on the other's kick, clashing with each other as they stopped their clash and took a step back before raising both of their left legs and jabbing it at their opponent's head, clashing once more.


They were equal in power. Withdrawing their leg once more, the two got into fist range before starting to trade kick after kick, punch after punch, dodging to avoid the attacks as they both had the face of concentration.


"Amazing, both participants are equal in strength and speed!"

Tilting his head to dodge a straight, Gohru jumped close to the two so that they were a few centimeters apart, making Kenichi instinctively back off.


Renewal Taekwondo: Baekdu.

He reared his left leg and tried to go for a knee attack on his face after jumping, but Kenichi blocked and redirects the knee to the side.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Block and Deflect.

With him still being mid-air, he immediately shifted his weight to the side and twisted as a palm strike barely missed his chest, feeling the shockwave from the strike that missed.

Landing on his feet, he raised his arm to block a side kick from Kenichi, skidding a few feet back. 

They both grinned at each other before getting into their respective Basic Stances.

"Not bad!"

"You too! How bout we kick it up a notch?"

"Alright, no power-ups!"

"Deal! Come at me with everything you've got!"

Gohru yelled before they walked to the center of the arena and put his left arm out. Grinning at the realization of what he wanted to do, Kenichi reached out and placed his forearm next to Gohru's. They then placed their left legs next to each other.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Combat Pulse.


Kenichi's face blanked from emotions as he started the countdown, more focused than ever as Gohru did the same.


And they swung their leg at each other with full power.


Upper right.


Low left.


Left chest pec.


Right jaw.


The two started trading blow after blow, blocking or avoiding attacks as if they could see the future while simultaneously increasing the intensity of rushes second by second, eventually starting a rush that lasted for a minute total with 10 blows per second.

"I-INCREDIBLE! The two fighters are giving their all, exchanging blows so fast that we cannot see with the naked eye!"

Seeing an opening, Kenichi went for a high knee kick to the face.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Facial Strike.

But Gohru blocks it and grabs the knee with one hand. Swinging his right free leg low, he swipes at Kenichi's only supporting leg but he pushes Gohru back and moves back a little, letting him miss the swipe and went for a counter by swiping Gohru's supporting leg behind the knee.


With his leg now out of balance, the two were falling as Kenichi successfully performed the technique that he was hoping to do.

Ssamsu Taekyyeon: Leg Lock.

Knowing what was coming, Gohru immediately lets go of Kenichi's knee and twists his body mid-air so that both of them were parallel to each other to avoid the follow-up technique for Leg Lock, the knee attack Nivarna.

They fell to the ground before getting up in one motion, but Gohru was faster on the recovery so he went on the offense.

With a powerful leap, he covered 10 meters with just a jump as he threw a punch at the recovering friend's jaw. As expected, he ducked to the side to dodge it, not realizing that the punch was a feint as Gohru instantly pulled his arm back the moment the feint worked before quickly spinning in place and throwing a reverse hook kick.

Renewal Taekwondo: Reverse Sweeping Kick.


The sole of his shoe connects to his face, making Gohru take first blood.

But that victory was short-lived when he felt a burst of pain in his left rib.


Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Combat Pulse.

Letting out a cough at his inwards being crushed by the technique's internal "ki" attack, he recomposed himself as he took a few steps back, clutching his rib.

'So that's how he won against Captain Celebrity's invulnerable body, internal damage!'

Gohru had a stronger body, so most attacks wouldn't harm him, but if it was internal attacks, his insides were as soft as a normal person causing him to spit out a small amount of blood from the ki attack.

He finished his analysis as he dodged a side kick by tilting his body to the right before countering with a one-two combo followed by a low sweeping kick.

Renewal Taekwondo: One-Two.

Renewal Taekwondo: Ground Drawer.

The One-Two missed, but the low kick slammed onto his knee, making Kenichi grunt in pain at the damage.


But Kenichi was not idle when Gohru used his Ground Drawer. Sacrificing his knee after thinking about the pros and cons, he let the attack connect as he raised his right leg high upwards to the sky, 90° upwards with his arms holding his leg steady for the perfect timing.

Gohru knew that he was planning this attack, and frowned his eyes for a split second.

'What the...?"

He could dodge the slow attack, it was simple to dodge so why did he do it?

He knew the reason why when he tried to dodge it.


"Ugh!" He grunted as his right leg suddenly spiked in pain, causing Kenichi to throw the technique now as he swings his leg down with all his strength.

Practical Taekkyeon: Monster Serpent Strike!

He had no choice but to raise both arms crossed to block the blow as the leg slammed onto his guard.


The ground caves in as the dust and pieces from the ground rose, covering the participants from the audience's view. But the smokescreen soon faded as a surge of wind cleared it, shocking the crowd.

There was now a crater in the middle of the arena as if a comet had landed in that space. The participants were about 15 meters separate from each other, both panting as they had bruise marks on them.

Gohru had worse injuries as he clutched his left hand which was black and blue on the forearm while both his legs were slightly shaking if one sees clearly.

'This guy... He used the same principle of Combat Pulse to damage the internal muscles of my left forearm! The ki attack harmed my right hand too!'

He thought to himself as he looked at Kenichi who was panting hard. Even if he trained in this martial art for almost 2 years now, his body must not have gotten used to Ssamsu Taekkyeon since it was the same as Renewal Taekwondo; it puts a huge strain on your body since it derived from Renewal, even if it was less than Renewal's, about 40% less straining.

He reckoned that he could only fight for another few more minutes before his body gives up on his body since signs of Renewal putting too much on his body were showing from that initial shot of pain in his leg.

He had to finish this fast.

With a deep breath, he gets into Renewal's Basic Stance, with his left arm limping. Kenichi did the same, as he went into Ssasmu Taekkyeon's Basic Stance.

Seeing that Gohru wasn't going first, he started his offense, running at him at full speed before throwing a front kick as a jab. Gohru moves to the left to dodge it before responding with a side kick to the face.

Kenichi blocks it, but immediately after, Gohru pulled his leg back before slamming it into his stomach.


Renewal Taekwondo: Goryo!

Quickly reacting to the attack, he grabs onto his left extended leg and jumps, crossing his leg around Gohru's head in a lock.

Ssamsu Taekyyeon: Fishing Hook!

Dropping to the ground, Gohru who was still in the lock swung his right leg downwards at Kenichi's head.


Letting go of the hold, he rolls away to dodge the attack as the leg attack digs into the arena ground, leaving a hole. Shifting to get up, a pain sent a shiver to his back as he grimaced.

Kenichi had slammed his elbow onto his ankle earlier when he went for the grab, injuring the joint of his foot. 

While Gohru was the stronger one of the two, Kenichi sure was the more experienced one, thinking of such sneaky ways to counter his leg attacks.

But he was someone who trained for 8 years straight, if this was going to stop him now, then he should just quit fighting in general!

Running towards Kenichi while ignoring the pain, he swings his leg thrice, one low, one middle, and one high at Kenichi who clashed the kicks with three of his own.


"First weakness of Renewal..."

Gohru hears Kenichi mutter as he twists to do a reverse side kick.

Renewal Taekwondo: Rising Back Ki —

"It is limited in close-range fights since your weapons are mostly legs."


Before getting his head slammed by a jab at the jaw and a roundhouse kick to the cheek. Recovering from the attack, he faces Kenichi and immediately went for a knee attack.

Renewal Taekwondo: Soks —

"Second weakness of Renewal..."

Ssamsu Taekyyeon: Block and Deflect.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Rear-Horse Kick.


"It has limited attack points, making it predictable to block and counter."


Skidding backward from the attack, he gritted his teeth in pain before gathering all his energy into his right leg, rearing it back as he prepared to use Jin Hwechook.

"Third weakness of Renewal..."


But his leg wouldn't move from the numbness, causing Kenichi to get a free hit in with a swift axe kick.

"The strain of using it is too huge for prolonged fights."

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Heaven and Earth + Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Ki Concept.



His shoulder bursts in pain as he went to his knees, panting in pain over his whole body as Kenichi too was tired from his heavy breathing while speaking.

"Sorry, just pointing them out."

He pants with a tired smirk, to which Gohru just snorted before getting up, wobbling a little as they tuned out the crowd and announcer, with only them in the universe around them.

"Mental attacks?"

"Eh, I wanna win."

He shrugs and with a hum, Gohru and Kenichi both got into their basic stances for the final time.

"As for the first weakness of Renewal..."

He said as he went for a high roundhouse to which Kenichi raises his arm to block it.

"I'll read an acupuncture book about pressure points once this is over to solve the problem."

Before swinging his leg downwards, slamming his leg into Kenichi's left rib.


"B-Brazillian kick — !"

"And for the second weakness of Renewal..."

He twist his body and threw a side kick that Kenichi dodges to the side and was about to counter, but felt himself lose balance. Looking down, Kenichi sees Gohru's leg hooked his front leg, and swiped it to the side.

Getting up and close, Gohru gets into position in a split second before slamming his elbow into Kenichi's solar plexus, causing him to cough in pain.

Renewal Taekwondo: Arang.

"I'll make up more close-range Renewal techniques as options later."


Suddenly Kenichi's front leg hits Gohru's knee, causing him to grunt in pain as Kenichi asked like a teacher.

"And what about the third weakness? If it weren't for the strain, you've dodged that."



Ssasmu Taekkyeon: Combat Pulse.

The technique sent Kenichi flying backward as Gohru just grinned.

"I'll train even harder to take on the strain then."

Coughing in pain, he clutches his stomach as he dodged a reverse hook kick from Gohru.

"O-Oh fuck yourself."

They both started laughing as they exchanged techniques.

Renewal Taekwondo: Soksa.

Ssamsu Taekyyeon: Facial Strike.



Renewal Taekwondo: Halla.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Inward Upward Kick.



Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Heaven and Earth.

Renewal Taekwondo: Goryo.



Renewal Taekwondo: One-Two + Secret Arts of the Four Gods: Black Turtle.

Ssamsu Taekkyeon: Torrential Strike.



Renewal Taekwondo: Triple Stance Hwechook.

Ssamsu Taekyyeon: Nakyong.



Everything that Kenichi threw, Gohru would counter and try to attack but the loop continued until both of them stood a meter from each other, panting heavily as they were wobbly and unstable.

With one look, they knew. They were going too tired to go on, so this last attack would decide who would win the tournament. So with a deep intake of fresh air without any worries about the other party attacking, they pulled their main legs back as they roared to draw the last inch of energy left in them.



They both spin in place in a full 360° motion, Gohru clockwise while Kenichi turned anti-clockwise as they focused all their power on their foot.


He roared as a kiai as he swings his leg in reverse, the sole of the foot rushing to Gohru's face as a whirlwind appears from his leg and shot out towards Gohru.

Wind surrounds Gohru's right leg as it forms from the clockwise twist into a white and black dragon that roared upon creation. With the final energy of his body focused on the tip of his foot, he swung his leg forward as the dragon rushed out from his leg towards Kenichi.



The dragon engulfs the whirlwind as it slams into Kenichi, exploding upon contact.


The dust settles as the crowd looked at the arena in silence. The announcer, with shaky hands of excitement, put the mic on his mouth before yelling.


The camera pans to the winner of the tournament. Shakily raising his right arm to the sky, he clenches his fist in victory as Gohru looked weakly grinned directly at the camera, behind him showing Kenichi who had multiple cut marks all over his body fallen unconscious a few meters in a huge crater.





Great fight, nice rendition of Mori fight in the tournament. And I see the future mention of acupuncture techniques that will multiply Jin power. Can't wait for when Jin achieve Ultimate basic and Recoiless. Jin ever gonna learn the sword girl move or Northern ITF? And petition to change gear second name to heavenly demon or divine devil heh