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This is the last movie in the Dark Knight trilogy! What an epic way to end our journey with Batman. It felt like such a wonderful wrap up to a really  wonderful story. Thanks for suggesting that we watch this! What was your  favorite movie out of the trilogy?


The Dark Knight Rises (Early Access)



Bane: I love Tom Hardly as Bane but I would love to see a more comic accurate version in terms of his appearance, Latin origin, along with Venom pumping through his body. Bane in the comics was raised in Santa Prisca, South America within a prison called Peña Duro where he was imprisoned as a child to serve time for the crimes of his father. Here he embraced the Latin American culture, developed his mind and body. Bane visually is alot bigger in the comics, like Future Boy said he has chemicals "Venom" pumping through his body that basically turns him into a massive super solider, Bane without Venom is the size of Steve Rogers pre Super Solider Serum. Bane also wears a luchador inspired mask showcasing his Lain roots. But for this film they changed his origin to have him be connected to the League of Shadows revealing that he was born in The Pit and later went on to join the League of Shadows and command them. Bane is also very intelligent in this film something brought over from the comics so that's a key factor the film got right. They just remove the Latin aspect of his character, connected him to Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows. Bane from Animated Series for Comparison - https://youtu.be/8zaJdLb07NU The Pit: The pit is an original creation for this trilogy, kind of acts as a re-imagined grounded version of the Lazarus Pits. In the comics the Lazarus Pit is a pit with restorative chemical pools that can heal those placed inside while also de-aging the old by a few decades and can even bring people back from the end, though this can have side effects relating to mental problems. The pit was discovered by Ra's al Ghul who uses the pit to keep himself alive for centuries, long use can chance massive mental damage. For the film it's more of a symbolism of re-birth than physical re-birth from a restorative chemical. It's also the origins of this Bane explaining his lack of Latin origin in this film as he didn't grow up in South America. Robin: Little unsure about how I feel about John Blake's name being "Robin" as it felt very random, Robin is not even used as a name but a mantle passed down like Batman, Felts though as Robin is a common name as well, unlike Batman lol If they wanted to use Robin they could've just featured Dick Grayson aka first Robin in the comics. Instead of having him be a young child adopted by Bruce who later becomes Robin at a young age maybe have him be an young adult police officer or detective who later becomes a crime fighter alongside Batman. John Blake is a cool original character for this film but I just don't see him being Robin, Dick Grayson funny enough when he grew up and moved beyond being Robin (During his 20s) actually became a police officer in Gotham's sister city, Bludhaven so maybe this is what inspired John Blake. Robin hasn't been in a Batman film in 26 years, since Batman & Robin (1997) so it's just a little sad that some directors don't want to feature an iconic character like the many Robins. But I'm really glad you enjoyed John Blake's character, I personally just had a small facepalm when I heard "Robin" as a fan of Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake etc. But if he was set up to be Robin throughout these three films then I would've been more open to the idea, an original Robin unique to Bales Batman would be a cool idea. Overall Thoughts: Still love this film but I feel like Nolan tries too much to "ground" his films to the point where he has to strip alot of the Batman comic book elements away. Realism is important but I feel like Nolan could've embraced a mix like Batman Begins my personal favourite film in this trilogy. Nolan's DC is one where Superman wouldn't exist so I understand that he wanted showcase the "What if Batman existed in our world" idea. But to me DC is not our world but a reflection of our reality with it's own rich history of fictional characters, cities, and hero's who pre date many of these characters like Batman. So as a fan of the more surreal these later two films embracing a more grounded look and feel aren't my personal favourites but I respect them.


Side note, I highly recommend Batman: Gotham Knight (2008) an animated tie in to Nolan's Batman films set in between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight coming in at 1 hour and 15 minutes long. It features six stories each with their own animation style but all set in the Nolanverse, very underrated animated project so hopefully more people discover it when watching the Nolan films as its very much a hidden masterpiece. Batman: Gotham Knight Link: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1117563/