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I love seeing Sam and Bucky work together! I'm using my mind powers in hopes that their reluctant friendship turns them into BFFL (best friends for life). That's a good use of my mind powers, right? I liked this episode a lot more than the pilot. So far, phase 4 of the MCU has been awesome! 

Let me know your thoughts on Walker...

Watched on: Disney+ / Runtime: 51:01



The Falcon and The Winter Soldier S1 E2 (Full Reaction)



You make a great point that the original heroes in the MCU, like Steve, proved themselves. You can't just shove someone new in their shoes and carry on. Well get ready because there is a whole lot more of that in store in phase 4.


Great episode and interesting subject matter. Walker is a good dude with a hard job/task. Imagine being hated immediately as soon as you walk outside.

Dezz Connor

I absolutely hate that neither Sam nor Dr. Raynor even ACKNOWLEDGED how Bucky opened up there: "...maybe he was wrong about you, and if he was wrong about you then he was wrong about ME." That was a huge breakthrough for Bucky, and a moment of astonishing honesty...I can see Sam not being willing to acknowledge it in the moment, but I feel that Dr. Raynor as Bucky's therapist truly failed in her job not taking note of that.