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This was such a lighthearted movie in comparison to the previous MCU Avenger: Infinity War film. We got to meet Ghost, who threw me for a loop. I was so ready to hate her as a villain, but felt so badly for her by the end of this film. I wouldn't wish her life or the pain she's experienced on anyone. 

The ending of this movie was great! It was a really uplifting film... until the first post credit scene changed EVERYTHING! I didn't see that coming a mile away. There are two post credit scenes in this movie, so make sure you don't miss them. They are epic!

I'm curious to know what your thoughts are about this film? When Marvel announced that this was the next film after Infinity War, what was your reaction? 


Ant-Man and the Wasp (Full Length Watch A Long)


Triene (Katie)

Jax, you’ve quickly become one of my all-time favorite reactors, and I’m so happy you’re on Patreon now for full length reactions! I really appreciate the way you take in information and process it. It reminds me of myself quite a bit. I also really appreciate Lambie. You should see all of my cuddle buddies! ^_^ Oh, and I noticed your home pillow ^_^ sorry if this is weird and not sure where you live, but I go to Disneyland quite often, so let me know if you want me to pick anything up for you. I’d be happy to. Anyway, thanks for the reactions and I’m happy to be following along with you.

Lamar Smith

Dearest Jax, so, when you get through Capt Marvel…… just absolutely give your honest reaction. You live in LA, we have no doubt you’re aware of the, shall we say…… behind the scenes…….. uh….. shall we call them ‘politics’?……. Of the MCU by this time in its existence. If you really like Capt Marvel…..fantastic. There are folks out there who, sort of, divide……. Maybe?……of this one. What I’m saying is, don’t feel you HAVE to like everything the MCU offers just because it’s the MCU. I hope you enjoy it.


Hey Jax! If you see this message, go back to around the 1:35:00 mark, there's something MAJOR in the background that you missed, won't say more because I don't wanna spoil for you! ;)