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It's time to gather your suggestions for a new show that we can watch together! I'm so excited to see what you will suggest. Make sure to like other comments with suggestions you agree with! I'll take these suggestions and put them in a poll. Suggest away! ❤️🐑


Michael Kemmet

These are not in any particular order. I'm not including the MCU Disney+ series as those are pretty obvious. Title of the series - genre - number of episodes - name of the fanbase(if applicable) Firefly - space western/drama/comedy - pilot(90min), 13 episodes(45min), 1 movie - Browncoats A solid choice to grab a good group of new fans. Browncoats will take any chance for a rewatch of their favorite series. A bunch of reaction channels have done it, and I think it did well for them. Not a terrible lift, so it's a good choice for one of your earlier series. The airing network(Fox) screwed up the order of episodes, so ask a fan what order you should use if you plan to react to it. Sherlock - modern British mystery/drama/comedy - 13 episodes(90min) over 4 seasons - Sherlockians/Holmesians Great series that is hardly ever reacted to. Not available on any of the regular subscription streaming services, but not very expensive to buy through Amazon Prime Video. Natalie Gold is finishing it up right now on her channel and she was very surprised at how well it did for her. The Expanse - sci-fi/drama/action - 62 episodes(45min) over 6 seasons Very good series with passionate fans. Its length makes it a bit of a heavy lift, as does its tone. It can get emotionally draining if you try to marathon it. Many reaction channels have chosen to break up the series and interweave it with other series. Biggest problem with that plan is that it's based on a book series and they didn't always line up the seasons with the books; that means the season finales often don't have satisfying resolutions. The Last of Us - post-apoc/zombie/action/drama - currently 9 episodes(45-90min; typically around 50min) over 1 season Easily one of the best TV series of 2023. Based on one of the best video games of the last decade. A bunch of reaction channels have had good success with it, though the window peaked several months ago. Great cast, fantastic writing, great story. Keep Lamby close and the tissue box closer. Ted Lasso - sports/drama/comedy - currently 34 episodes(30min) over 3 seasons Incredibly touching/uplifting comedy/drama that will have you often reaching for the tissue box for good reasons. Short episode length and relatively short seasons make it an easy lift, especially if you break up the seasons. Lots of characters you come to actually like(feels like a rarity these days). Most reaction channels have done it and the videos seem to have done well. AppleTV. True Detective - crime/drama - currently 24 episodes(60min) over 3 seasons It's a great series, but it's the opposite in tone as Ted Lasso. Very emotionally draining with really no characters you can like as people. But phenomenal acting and writing(esp. 1st season). It's an anthology series, so each season has its own cast and setting. If you feel up to trying the first season, it might be good to do it soon as the 4th season is set to premier in mid-Jan. If you like the first season and it performs well, you might be able to catch a wave of new viewers if you react to the 4th season as it comes out. The Sopranos/Breaking Bad/The Wire/Mad Men/Dexter They aren't my cup of tea, but they're some of the best drama series of the 2000's. Biggest problem with all of them is their lengths. Usually 45+minute episodes with 12+ episode seasons and 5+ seasons per series. The time sink might be too much for a relatively young channel. Battlestar Galactica/Stargate franchise/Buffy franchise/Arrowverse Same problem as the above group: just huge time-sinks. There's some great content and/or dedicated fanbases, but each series is many dozens or even hundreds of hours. Arcane - animated/adult/steampunk/adventure/drama - currently 9 episodes(45min) in 1 season broken in 3 mini-arcs Probably one of the best animated series of the last decade. A little late to react to(it was very hot when it first came out), but keep it in your back pocket for when the 2nd season approaches in late 2024. Legend of Vox Machina - animated/adult/fantasy/comedy/drama - currently 24 episodes(30min) over 2 seasons - Critters A personal favorite of mine as I've been a critter for over 6 years, so I'm going to talk too much about it. The critter fanbase is pretty dedicated and always hungry for new converts, so reactions are pretty safe. They don't bring in the higher numbers the more mainstream shows bring, but I think the new viewers tend to be "stickier"; more likely on average to keep coming back and subscribe/join your patreon. The first two episodes can be a bit rough on new viewers as they are a self-contained mini-story to establish the group and the setting for new viewers. They also go a little over-the-top on the adult humor and violence-style in those first episodes to get the shocks out of the way. The main story and tone really begin with the third episode. The animated show is based on a group of professional voice actors based in LA that play D&D together on a livestream and have created a couple thousand hours of content so far. They've turned this into a mini-media empire with their own studio and production company, a literary publishing arm, a game publishing arm, a merchandising arm, plus their animated arm. They ran a kickstarter a few years back that raised $11.4M to fund an animated show based on their first D&D campaign(the original goal was $750k which the fans blew through in 45min). Amazon partnered with them to immediately fund a 2nd season. They've currently got a contract for a 3rd and 4th season of the first campaign and a 1st season of their second campaign. As a livestream, they just drew almost 12,500 fans last week to Wembley Arena in London for a liveshow. The 3rd season of LoVM should premier in Jan or Feb of 2024, so that might be a good time to try the earlier seasons to see how they perform.

Aaron R

Arcane - There are only 9 episodes so far because they take so long to create. It you watch it you will understand why. It's a masterpiece of animation, and the storytelling and scoring are top quality as well.

Anthony Donato

HBO's The Last Of Us, Chernobyl, and Band Of Brothers. Also Hacksaw Ridge, My Cousin Vinny.

Patrick Egan

I would definitely echo a few of the recommendations that have been made so far: 1) Ted Lasso is definitely one I think you'd enjoy. Lots of laughs, lots of heart. 2) Sherlock is quite clever with a fantastic cast. 3) Firefly. It may be something of a cliché for reactors to watch it, but that doesn't make it any less worthy of watching. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel ALL the feelings. Just remember, the first episode and the feature film are both named Serenity. WATCH THE MOVIE LAST. :)

Mike Slosson

Band of Brothers is a very high quality WW2 show. It is heavy, however, so keep the tissues handy. Sherlock will be a must--you'll have so much fun with that one, especially given how you like predicting what's going to happen. I'll also second Firefly and Serenity. No one who's watched them dislikes them.

Vibhor Tayal

I think you should go for Brooklyn nine nine or maybe even Space Force both are good comedy shows audience would love to laugh alongside you