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Since Logan is my favorite character in the X-Men world, I am thrilled he's getting an origin story. His past is such a mystery. Since he has healing abilities, we don't even know how old he is. Where did he come from, why does he have metal covering his skeleton, and why doesn't he have any memories from his past? I need to know!!

Sorry for getting this one up a little later than normal. Hope you're having a great Thursday.



X-Men: Origins Wolverine (Early Access)


Catherine McCubbin

1) Gambit is my favorite. We need more live action Gambit. 2) Gambit is in NOLA and you see a lot of weird stuff there so probably he fits right in

Michael Morris

Just keep in mind: The "Deadpool" in this movie is wrong in pretty much every way possible, except for the actor they got to play him. Even Ryan Reynolds was upset about this movie's version of Deadpool.


Gambit can charge objects with kinetic energy so when somebody or something is hit with said object it affects them like a concussive blast or really hard punch. He just likes using playing cards.

Chris Chuvanvanijkul

Wolverine is absolutely one of my favorite Marvel characters, so much that I named my son Logan but had I seen this movie before he was born, I might have changed my mind. 😂

Lamar Smith

Now that you’ve seen ‘First Class,’ I’m not sure if you caught ‘Havok’s’ name but it’s ’Alex Summers.’ Ring a bell? He and ‘Scott/Cyclops’ were brothers in the comics. They both have huge offensive powers they struggle to control based on beam/laser/energy use.


Aside from the whole "Deadpool" situation, the mediocre CGI, and timeline inconsistencies in this movie. It's not too bad. It could have been great but alas. The opening scenes are top notch though. I also really love Liev Schreiber as Victor/Sabertooth

Julien Grenier

Just for you to know, Victor, Logan's brother, is Sabertooth, the same character who where with with Magneto in the fist X-Men movie and in the comics he is Wolverine nemesis.

Julien Grenier

Yeah, don't search clues where they're not, it's just a coincidence (and maybe because Lagos is one of the biggest city in Africa)


28:46 Gambit (Remy Etienne LeBeau) is one of my favourite X-Men characters thanks to the X-Men Animated Series. He has the ability to create, control, and manipulate pure kinetic energy. I can't say that the film did him justice but it was nice to see him in live action. X-Men Origins is the only time we see Gambit in live action :( Channing Tatum was actually meant to play the character in a Gambit film revealed at the 2015 comic con where Tatum attended in a Gambit shirt but the project was cancelled. Gambit himself was only introduced in The Uncanny X-Men #266 (Aug. 1990) and would later be popularized by the X-Men: Animated Series in 1994. This would be the first time a voice was given to the character so hearing his Cajun accent made him an iconic character with a really cool personality. X-Men 97 does feature Gambit so that's the most recent appearance of the character mon ami :)

Happy Hanukkah

2:06 "OK, if that's Wolverine, then how come his dad doesn't have healing powers as well?" Might I suggest looking up the term "mutant?" :-) 2:25 "Bury the bodies, no one has to know." Now this is the practical advice that keeps me coming back! (Oh, and Thomas Wolfe begs to differ regarding going back home.) 2:37 How did they know? Because *somebody* loudly exclaimed: "Oh my God! There are murders galore happening!" 2:59 Dunno, but: "Canadians were largely opposed to slavery, and Canada had recently become the terminus of the Underground Railroad. Close economic and cultural links across the long border, also encouraged Canadian sympathy towards the Union. Between 33,000 and 55,000 men from British North America enlisted in the war, almost all of them fighting for Union forces." 3:40 And you can test your knowledge of math by checking how many generations separate Logan and Rogue... (Sorry, I meant Marie.) 4:13 NO! "U" would make him Strucker; this is "Y," Stryker! We already covered that! :-P 4:39 "How would you like to really serve your country?" The in-character answer would be a slightly more familiar version of: "We're Canadians, richardhead!" 9:09 "Hugh looks way more jacked in this movie." Following this, they started calling him "Hugh Jacked-man." Ba-dum-tss. 9:44 Or proof that Lamby, who has been hitherto suspiciously absent, is a good prompter.

Happy Hanukkah

And yet his accent as heard in the animated series was less outrageous than it was "written" in the comics! :-)


Please don't think too much about the continuity of these X-Men movies. They didn't have a decades-long plan like the MCU. I'm not saying they're not good, love my OG Spider-Man and X-Men movies. It's just that MCU changed the game. And X-Men did a decent job matching their energy, but it was done after the Iron Man 2.

Chris Chuvanvanijkul

Watching this reaction, I just realized that Stryker injected Kayla with a prescription I take for hypertension 😂 😂 😂


What a shame we won't see more of him in the live action films. I would have like to have seen a Gambit movie.


Haha, I see now where I went wrong. If I had not shouted that there were murders taking place then none of the townspeople would have known about them! Also, Hugh-Jacked-man is great!