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It's Oscar day! Since Lamby is from Ireland, we are both rooting for the Irish actor Cillian Murphy to take home an award to night! Christopher Nolan's directing was phenomenal as well! Here's hoping he wins for Best Director! I give this movie a 10/10. 

Let me know your thoughts on this film! 

Watched on: Peacock / Runtime: 3:00:24 



Oppenheimer (Full Reaction)


Happy Hanukkah

Leaving aside Oppenheimer and considering Strauss: The movie presents Strauss as a villain. In real life, as usual, the issue is more contentious. I do not have any firm opinion, but here's the basis for the counter-argument (cherry-picking and lightly editing Wikipedia): "Strauss's feelings towards Oppenheimer extended beyond disliking and disagreeing. He had become aware of Oppenheimer's former Communist affiliations before World War II and had begun to think that Oppenheimer might even be a Soviet spy. ... Strauss was suspicious of Oppenheimer's tendency to downplay Soviet capabilities. In 1953, Oppenheimer stated in Foreign Affairs that he believed the Soviets were 'about four years behind' in nuclear weapons development. The United States had exploded the first thermonuclear device the previous year; however, only a month after Oppenheimer made his proclamation, the Soviet Union declared that it had tested its own fusion-based bomb. ... Strauss's suspicions increased further with the discovery that in 1948 and 1949 Oppenheimer had tried to stop the long-range airborne detection system that Strauss had championed and that had worked in discovering the Soviet Union's first atomic weapon test."

Happy Hanukkah

2:50:53 Well, big surprise! Of course Irish Lamby and Irish JFK are going to side with Irish Cillian Murphy! :-)

Lamar Smith

Supporting Strauss’ and anyone else following nuclear development’s opinion are some incontrovertible facts. 1. Though somewhat sped up, the Soviet efforts, essentially, mirrored the American development. Some of this is just the requirements on science, before you get the big boom there are several intermediate steps to go through and both regimes checked a similar-enough looking list to make a side-by-side comparison inevitable and the conclusion is inescapable - the Soviets achieved the same feats in less time, though the exact day to day process was hidden. 2. The Soviets DID receive intelligence, instructions and advice from within Los Alamos. There WAS spying involved though never definitively linked to Oppie. The Rosenbergs and others spring to mind. 3. Mitigating factors also explain the shortened Soviet path. The Soviet system is designed to be able to throw massive amounts of men and material at problems to satisfy the leader. The Americans were forced, in many instances, to stab into the dark for all the myriad solutions required. The Soviets had the advantage of working on a problem they KNEW was solvable. “We KNOW the Americans accomplished this…… we just have to figure out the HOW.” In that ‘Red Scare’ era, Strauss might have gone too far targeting Oppie so personally but his thinking, seems to me, isn’t too out of bounds. It seems every logical step he took was more or less reasonable until the conclusion, “……and it was ALL Oppies’ fault!”


My favorite movie of the year. I think I have seen it 9 times now.

Lamar Smith

There’s another way to analyze the results of this movie to assess what it says about Oppenheimer’s brilliance and ruthlessness, Dearest Jax. Consider: from the evidence in the movie can we say we know some things about what Oppie wanted and what ‘the Govt’ wanted? I think we can say that Oppie said he wanted to leave Los Alamos, stop making atomic bombs, get back to academia. We can say some members of the government wanted the exact opposite for him. Strauss hatched an elaborate plot to find a forum to attack Oppie absent an attorney, absent rules of evidence, just all the cards stacked against him. He has to protect the women in his life, trying to keep their identities secret and as much out of the mud as he can. All Oppie has to work with is his brain. If we accept those from, I guess, a simple game theory perspective, what, then, is the most satisfying result from Oppie’s point of view? Well, we’d sure like to turn Strauss’ plot against him. It’d be cool if we could do it any way either where he never knows I knew or only he knew, so if he gets dragged out of his office screaming, “It was all Oppenheimer!” he’ll sound like a loon: check I don’t want to make bombs anymore…… oh, I lost my clearance and can’t anymore? Well, shoot! Check. I need to protect the women in my life….. it was painful but I had to force my current wife to relive my infidelity……..which sucked for both of us but doing that, ultimately protected both of them. Check He even finagled a way to spend his later years with his one true love. Hard to argue that Strauss, an ambitious, intelligent, ‘schemer’ (to borrow from the Joker), a dangerous and ruthless adversary was playing checkers and Oppie was playing chess.

Gabriel Urias

This was a beautiful gift and I totally enjoyed your beautifully simple yet ingenious questions of past history🤔🙂🫡😍🌹